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Twas The Night Before Christmas

Drunken Angel

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Belis 4 a farming settlement in the Belis Corona sector had been at peace for many years a few wrecks left in the field were all that was left to remind the settlers of the past incursions from the Eye of Terror.




In orbit was a Blood Angel strike cruiser, onboard Sanguinary priest Anderl speaks to Librarian Fenix "In Sanguinius's name why are we sitting in a pointless orbit here at this pointless planet and not in our chapter hall getting stuck into that Pinot Noir that Corbulo promised us?"

Librarian Fenix replies "Commander Dante himself authorised this ship to depart at full speed we have fried the brains of several astropaths just getting here, we better find something to fight or I am big trouble with those Death Company Omega's they are restless, increase their meds"



In an abandoned field of Belis 4 an artifact of immense power left unnoticed is now active with a shriek the first of the demons appears from the warp as the Eye of Terror flares and pulses with verdant uncontrolled energy releases.




The Demons are loose !

( I hope Anderl does not drug the DC up too much and the Assault Squads dont get to drunk tonight, things for Belis 4 are going downhill shortly, bat rep to follow on xmas day)

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With the high quality of Batreps put up here I hope I dont fall too short anyway merry xmas guys here goes


The mission roll was Purge the Alien with Hammer and Anvil as setup. I won the roll for table end and first turn. I rolled princeps of deceit for strategic traits which was helpful and got Missfortune and Prescience for my Librarians abilities.( These two go hand in hand a Epistolary would have been even better 24 inches on misfortune is good with a Vindi.

My opponent took some Nurgle powers, one of his guys turned into a Demon Prince plus he got infiltrate on his possessed squad with the DP.

I selected the table end with the AV14 bunker on it, mainly to deny his havocs a shooting tower.

I combat squadded one 10 man unit and held back one suicide melta squad for reserves then deployed everything else. The 5 man RAS from the Razorback moved into the bunker to have a cup of tea for the rest of the game while their light tank moved into the assault line. I set up the bikes on my right flank hopefully to push everything out to my left where I had the Death Company and my armour. The Librarian and Priest held in the centre to keep FNP on everything where possible.


My opponent set up his defiler in cover at the back with an 20 odd cultist meat shield. The Hellbrute was placed in the forest along with a 20 odd cultists and a Chaos lord in their midst. The two rhinos of Nurgle marines and the havocs set up on the right behind them.


The Possessed and the DP infiltrated behind me which was lucky I had no intention of staying back there anyway. No night fighting first turn. I did not scout the Baal’s I did not want to outrun the troops protecting them.



Set up and movement after first turn I used princeps of deciet to shuffle my tanks and RAS to move away from the infiltrating threat of the possessed and DP at the back of the board behind my lines. They are next to the CC bottle. The bikes are behind the large grey building along with a 5 man RAS. The full strength RAS is in the building with priest and libby. The 2 Nurgle squads and havocs are by the large green template




My list


  • HQ
    Librarian: JP force axe 125
    1x Sanguinary Priest: jump pack, power weapon 90
    10x RAS: 2x meltaguns, P Fist SS 255
    10x RAS: 2x meltaguns, P Axe 225
    5x RAS: Jump packs removed TLLC Razor 155
    7x Death Company: 2x PA, 1 PS, 1x IP 1 PF 330
    Heavy Support
    Vindicator: Demolisher Cannon dozer blade 150
    Fast Attack
    3 Attack Bikes: MM 150
    Baal Predator: TLAC HB sponsons dozer blade 150
    Baal Predator: TLAC, dozer blade 120
    Total 1750


My opponents list

Chaos Lord

10 Nurgle marines and Rhino

10 Nurgle marines and Rhino

5 havocs with missile launchers

5 possessed, one turned into a Demon Prince

1 Hellbrute

1 Defiler with all the guns

Many Cultists (20 approx?)

Many Cultists (20 approx?)

Some more Cultists ? I lost track there were so many of them




First turn: The Blood Angels move up the TLLC Razor hits the defiler and takes a hull point off, when it fails a 4+ cover save. The libby cast’s prescience on the Vindi and the Vindi hits the defiler which makes another 4+ save but 3 cultists don’t and are vapourised. The bikes move 12 inches and shoot a few more of the unworthy cultists. The RAS with Libby and priest move then run into the building the Libby flicks a blessing on the big gun as he moves past, I want the squad able to spread FNP and get into cover from the defilers return fire. I shoot a total of 9 cultists and take one hull point off the defiler, not a great round.


Chaos turn 1: The cultists and lord move up running, the lord separate’s from the cultists but stays in their midst the defiler shoots at the Vindi but scatters onto another Baal next to it which then has the blast bounce off its hull. The Hellbrute fires melta into the front armour of the same Baal and this also fails to penetrate the Baal. The Havocs fire at the bikes but T5 and armour plus FNP save them from the three hits. The cultists around the Hellbrute move up out of the razorwing nest in the forest with no losses luckily for Chaos.





Blood Angels Turn 2: This turn I get my reserve roll and on come the suicide melta squad, they drop with no scatter next to the Hellbrute. Night fighting is activated for the rest of the game.

I am bothered, that defiler is on a 2+ cover save now. The armour shuffles a little bit to get firing angles on the Hellbrute and defiler. The deepstrike melta RAS shoot and fail to harm the Hellbrute which makes its single save. The bikes move across towards my left to screen the RAS and unload their melta into the Hellbrute, hooray! The bikes shooting rips the Brutes Multimelta off. The Libby has cast prescience on the Vindi and the Vindi gets a direct hit on the Defiler the blast pens and the Defiler fails its 2+ save and explodes taking 7 cultists with it. First Blood goes to the Blood Angels

The five man RAS with Sgt move up to face off the cultists. They kill 3 with shooting kill another 3 with Hammer of Wrath. In combat the RAS kill another 6 the cultists strike back about 20 times and do nothing then the Sgt kills another 3 with his axe. The 5 RAS are unharmed 3+ and FNP saves them all. The cultists lose combat and fall back 9 inches.


Chaos Turn 2: The cultist regroup and move up with their lord in command. The Possessed and DP start walking across the board trying to catch up to the fast moving Angels column. The Havocs shoot at the full RAS and kill one marine. The cultists shoot at the 5 man RAS but do no damage then assault. I forget to fire over-watch the RAS kill another 4 cultists in combat for no loss. The Sgt is challenged by the lord who kills him immediately but does not amp up, apparently the Sgt was an unworthy offering.

The Hellbrute breaks out of the treeline assaults and destroys the closest Baal which he barely reaches.






Blood Angels Turn 3: The remaining Baal and Razor move to take back armour shots on the Hellbrute. The Baal with its heavy bolters destroys it with glancing hits even before the assault cannon fires. The bikes move across and explode the closest Nurgle rhino. The Death Company who moved across near the Hellbrute close enough to use their infernus pistol on its back armour now assist the suicide melta squad who are in desperate combat with 20 cultists hanging around the Hellbrute. The full strength RAS move to support the last 2 marines facing off the lord and the cultists. The Vindi repositions to ensure it is as close as possible but out of assault range from the DP and possessed (pre measuring is awesome here). The Libby blesses the gun again which hits and vapourises 3 possessed and takes a wound off the DP

Blood Angels Assault turn 3.

The turning point. The Death Company assault and wipe the 20 cultists off the board they and the 3 remaining melta squad RAS consolidate towards the Nurgle marines in their crater. The bikes assault the same squad no losses to either, drawn combat there. The full strength RAS slam into the lord and his cultists the RAS kill all the cultists.


The kill points are going my way, I am down a Baal but still have all squads intact or at least the understrength ones are not under threat. Its just a matter of pound their lines and slay the warlord now.



At this point with all my army basically intact and the shooting and assault elements of my opponents gone he decided to concede but we ran the Lord and Sgts combat.

The Lord and Sgt Bulletcatcher square off and go three rounds of combat before the Sgts power fist kills him the last 2 rounds were with help from get him boss I got 2 re-rolls for the Sgt every round without needing the libby casting prescience even.

So the game went to the Blood Angels, I don’t know why my opponent infiltrated the best CC units he had away from where I was going. It turned the game my way straight off. I guess he did not want to deal with the Vindi, infiltrators can’t assault the turn they do so.

Divination/Prescience with a Libby and its 12 and 24 inch blessing/malediction is almost made to support a Vindicator. Getting pie plates where you want them is awesome for the big gun. I took a Chaplain out to take another tank on James advice and I don’t see why you would not take a Libby with Divination/Prescience every time. Being able to switch buffs between combat and shooting in a hybrid list is so damn good it is not funny.

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Nice report, and hope you enjoyed the Pinot!


Couple of things:

Daemon prince: As per black sky, you cannot become a DP before the game starts.

Hellbrute 4+ cover: How did it get this? You only get 5+ cover from area terrain/own troops now. 4+ cover is for ruins.

Night fighting: How did nightfighting for the rest of the game on T2 happen? House rule? IIRC, the rule says that you rol lat the start, on a 1-3, T1 only is night fight. On a 4-6, roll again in T5-7, on a 1, its night fight for the rest of the game.

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Nice report, and hope you enjoyed the Pinot!


Couple of things:

Daemon prince: As per black sky, you cannot become a DP before the game starts.

Hellbrute 4+ cover: How did it get this? You only get 5+ cover from area terrain/own troops now. 4+ cover is for ruins.

Night fighting: How did nightfighting for the rest of the game on T2 happen? House rule? IIRC, the rule says that you rol lat the start, on a 1-3, T1 only is night fight. On a 4-6, roll again in T5-7, on a 1, its night fight for the rest of the game.


Vehicles can get a 4 plus if the front is totally obscured

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Nice report, and hope you enjoyed the Pinot!


Couple of things:

Daemon prince: As per black sky, you cannot become a DP before the game starts.


Thanks guys I will check this one out, I hope there was some amusement in the batrep. I go up against a a Nurgle/Demon bomb today no screamers or flamers though.


Hellbrute 4+ cover: How did it get this? You only get 5+ cover from area terrain/own troops now. 4+ cover is for ruins.[/b]


The hellbrute and the defiler had 5+ cover with the range/cover and the night fighting error it got to 4+. The defiler in cover with the shrouded and stealth night fighting rule was given a 2+ that turn.


Night fighting: How did nightfighting for the rest of the game on T2 happen? House rule? IIRC, the rule says that you rol lat the start, on a 1-3, T1 only is night fight. On a 4-6, roll again in T5-7, on a 1, its night fight for the rest of the game.


Yep mistake in the rules I blame the pinot near the start.

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Pinot induced errors are forgivable.


Nice report, the text in the pictures was a nice touch.

He probably didn't think his infiltration through, and just decided to get them as close to you as possible, as fast as possible. Without factoring in you much faster units. A case of the 'ohh, shiny rule. Must use!' -syndrome.

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