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Well my plan here is simply to take as many dreads as possible! Will it be any good on the table, probably not. Will it be lots of fun, I should think so!




Centurion with bolter and combat shield - 57


Troops -


2 x10man Tact - 300


Elites -


3 contemptor talon - Dual CCWs - 525


3 contemptor talon - Dual Kheres - 645


2 Contemptor talon - Conversion Beamer and CCW - 660


Leaves me with 30ish points, I was thinkin either two more kheres on the beamer contemptors, or adding some extras to either the tacts or centurion.


Basically the contemptors rampage about the place, the tacts grab some objectives/shoot some marines.


Also if going up to 3k points, add another 3 contemptor talon and an extra contemptor into the last talon, 12 contemptors roaming the field!!!!!!!!!!

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You finally wrote down the list we talked about in the HH forums. Well done :ph34r:


What to say? I'm a huge fan of Contemptor so I find this list very interesting. You are a little low on scoring unit but with all those AV13 walkers your troops should be ignored for the most part of the match.

I'm sure those 8 contemptors will receive more attentions.


The lack of dedicated anti air weaponery is not a great issue since the Kheres Contemptors will fire 36 S6 Rending shots per turn! That should be enough to threaten some flyer.


Just one question: what inbuilt weapons are your DCCW equiped with?

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Well it takes me a while to get anything done, you'll be pleased to know I've got three contemptors half built, hoping to get another three soon, so this list might actually see the field!


I'm not concerned with flyers, my gaming buddies don't have any (for the moment) worth noting though the the 30k contemptor doesn't have sky fire like its Mortis equivalent does.


The built in weapons will mainly be bolsters, as I've not got the spare points. I may have two with plasma blasters tho.

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quote name='AngelsAbsolute' date='Dec 26 2012, 12:38 PM' post='3270404']

Well it takes me a while to get anything done, you'll be pleased to know I've got three contemptors half built, hoping to get another three soon, so this list might actually see the field!


I'm not concerned with flyers, my gaming buddies don't have any (for the moment) worth noting though the the 30k contemptor doesn't have sky fire like its Mortis equivalent does.


The built in weapons will mainly be bolsters, as I've not got the spare points. I may have two with plasma blasters tho.


Good news then. <_< I'll order my first two Contemptors, alonside with othe stuff including the MK4 bundle, soon. I can order it today so tomorrow, or the the day after tomorrow, they can ship it when they resume activity. FW said they won't stop shipping during this holiday period, well at least that what I read on newletter and website.


Even though 30K Contempt don't have skyfire all of those Kheres shots should lead to some hit ;)


I'm a little concerned about the plasma blasters. The idea of removing hull points when the weapon gets hot! is not pleasing. However after we rolled the 1 we have to roll the dice again and suffer the galce only on a roll of 1-3, then we should still get our 5+ invul.


What do you suggest for my first two contemptors? I was thinking about ordering the components for building a dual Kheres and a dual DCCW.

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It really depends on what you want them to achieve? My 3 contemptors will be all dual kheres for the above list. My first is glued that way but I will be magnetising the 2nd two I think (actually really to do as there is a circular joining piece between the arm and shoulder joint)


I'd suggest doing the same for yours, the magnet are cheap on ebay and means you can swap after you get a feel.


Having said that I've heard nothing but good things for dual kheres, I'm tempted by dual plasma cannons too.


Back to my list, as multimeltas are a free upgrade I may replace the CCWs on the conversion beamers for some extra punch.

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It really depends on what you want them to achieve? My 3 contemptors will be all dual kheres for the above list. My first is glued that way but I will be magnetising the 2nd two I think (actually really to do as there is a circular joining piece between the arm and shoulder joint)


I'd suggest doing the same for yours, the magnet are cheap on ebay and means you can swap after you get a feel.


Having said that I've heard nothing but good things for dual kheres, I'm tempted by dual plasma cannons too.


Back to my list, as multimeltas are a free upgrade I may replace the CCWs on the conversion beamers for some extra punch.


I already planned to magnetize my contemptors :) . I ordered a Relic Contemptor and a WE one alonside with 2 Kheres and two DCCW. For some reason I though the WE Contemptor needed two DCCW <_<

Anyway I will magnetize the weapons so I can add more option as I'll buy more Contempt weapons in the future.


Back to your list Multimeltas are always very useful when you deal with AV or 2+ armour saves and/or high T models. It can be useful if the fast vehicle is so near your conversion beamer cannot fire at S10.


What do you think about the configuration we usually see in fluff, namely 1 ranged weapon and 1 DCCW?

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AV 13 is great in Close Combat; it means you need a dedicated unit to be worried. Krak will not cut it.


For my first contemptor, I am going magnetic with two KAC, and a DCCW.


I want to use the one shooty weapon and one DCCW configuration some more; first game it died to overwatch melta to the face (nothing but 6s!).


The KAC is hard weapon not to take- it does it all. Plenty of shots against hordes, decent chance of rending against armor. Enough shots with divination to slam a flyer.


Specialist weapons like LC, PC, MM, AC just don't compare except range.

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AV 13 is great in Close Combat; it means you need a dedicated unit to be worried. Krak will not cut it.


For my first contemptor, I am going magnetic with two KAC, and a DCCW.


I want to use the one shooty weapon and one DCCW configuration some more; first game it died to overwatch melta to the face (nothing but 6s!).


The KAC is hard weapon not to take- it does it all. Plenty of shots against hordes, decent chance of rending against armor. Enough shots with divination to slam a flyer.


Specialist weapons like LC, PC, MM, AC just don't compare except range.


I agree AV13 walkers are amazing in close combat. A part from chainfists the other threats come from melta bombs and haywire grenades (dirty dark eldars :P )


The Kheres is an auto include weapon in my opinion. The dual KAC unleash a volley of shots few unit can withstand. Not even AV14 is safe.


I find the one shooty weapon and one DCCW configuaration very fluff-wise. It makes sense for a a warrior so revered to be granted the Contemptor chassis to be equiped for ranged fire fights and melee combat. Not to mention that from a narrative point of view the DCCW can make the fight very "up close and personal" and when heroes clash it is always epic. ;)

However the dual shooty weapons configuration is generally considered more efficient, see the dual KAC configuaration we talked about.

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Fluff wise the dual Kheres is fine as there are already a few examples in the betrayal book.


I think I'll be getting the multimelta to go with the beamers, makes more sense. Fluff wise I don't see why not, maybe the hero in the chassis was a marksman rather than a close combat god? Besides I'll have 3 guys rampaging with nothing but ccws.


Cmdr Shepard, I hope you'll be starting a thread on your contemptors? I'd very much like to see how you go about it?


As for the ranged and melee config, I think it's fine depending on how you legion behaves, are they individual heroes, as you've suggested, or do they fight with a specific role in mind? I think with a planned 8 contemptors taking to the field, the commanding officer would likely assign them roles and a specific load out, rather than pointing them to a place on the battlefield and letting them have at it.

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Fluff wise the dual Kheres is fine as there are already a few examples in the betrayal book.


I think I'll be getting the multimelta to go with the beamers, makes more sense. Fluff wise I don't see why not, maybe the hero in the chassis was a marksman rather than a close combat god? Besides I'll have 3 guys rampaging with nothing but ccws.


I think the dual Kheres makes indeed a lot of sense, strategically speaking. I see more logic in a "weapon platform" on a dread chassis then sending the revered walker in the melee. I was just talking about how the dread heroes are often depicted in books.

Think about Malcharion and Rylanor (the EC contemptor from Betrayal book): they both have one ranged and one DCCW.

Game-wise I think it's better to find a role (ranged or melee) for you contemptor and specialize him.


Cmdr Shepard, I hope you'll be starting a thread on your contemptors? I'd very much like to see how you go about it?


Currently I'm working on a great number of HH projects. I want to complete my Angron army since I think the first Primarch miniature deserve an army to lead, then I was thinking about a SoH army and the March of the Contemptors...

Now I see I used a phrase similar to the name I gave to my GK Dreadknights army... I'd like to see that fight: Contemptors versus Dreadknights... I hope the Contemptors win, I like them a lot more :P

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Have you thought of using your talon in a drop pod? at least the dccws it could work especially if you could use the built in graviton guns to prevent a charge into them


I think for the purposes of the drop pod the whole talon counts as one unit to be dropped together so no need to worry about piecemeal arrival. If worried about dropping points into dps dont worry as they can block LoS and protect rear armor of the dreads (hehehe the thought of dropping 3 pods in front of a edge hugging unit to block them in is hilarious and all they can do is waste a turn trying to destroy the pods)


My fear with conversion beamers is that they lose power as the enemy rushes up the field which is completely logical, and that they would die to alpha strike flyers who they can't hit with blast weapons. miight i suggest to use tl ac with the beamer as it can switch roles between infantry and armor too?


Be warned with the kheresnaught even though they are a blast to play with because most squads can and will field cheap melta bombs and the naught's invuln in cc drops to a 6+ and they don't have bonuses for hurting in cc like ignoring armor saves


But this list looks crazy fun and deadly and I know i played against a blood angel guy with i think 8 dreads against my tau and it was nail bitingly close the first match but then i got squished to the tune of dreadnaughts stomping the yard in the second match ;)

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Contemptors have to take dreadclaws instead of drop pods... and its one model per claw or pod (for normal dreadnought).


Yes and they can only under two circumstances:

1. You play a preator and give him the Orbital Assault Rite of War, with all the limitations or

2. You choose Sons of Horus as your Legion. This will grant you the chance to take dreadclaws (wich are quite expensive) for your Contemptors.

This choice will also increase the LD of your units.


I don't know if it's worth the cost (dreadclaws costs nearly as half contemptor base points)


My fear with conversion beamers is that they lose power as the enemy rushes up the field which is completely logical, and that they would die to alpha strike flyers who they can't hit with blast weapons. miight i suggest to use tl ac with the beamer as it can switch roles between infantry and armor too?


I agree about the heavy conversion beamer especially due to the fact the contemptor must reamain stationary, limiting line of sight. I would use those points (and the heavy beamer is not cheap) for other weapons. Dual Autocannons is quite interesting for its price. Good range and the chance to threaten flyers easier with the twin-linked rule.


Be warned with the kheresnaught even though they are a blast to play with because most squads can and will field cheap melta bombs and the naught's invuln in cc drops to a 6+ and they don't have bonuses for hurting in cc like ignoring armor saves


The 3 DCCW contemptors included in this list could march alongside the dual Kheres ones, protecting them as they unleash their volley of shots. When the DCCW see a melee target they can charge it, leaving the dual Kheres free to provide their supporting fire.


Just a thought :lol:

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