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Would people be interested in a Chaos review?


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Hai. I'm having some spare time probably in the next week and I wondered if people here would be interested in me doing a Chaos Review.


Yes, I'm not playing Chaos at the moment, but that hardly matters. I remember a quote of AbusePuppy saying something like "just because I haven't eaten glass doesn't mean I don't know it will hurt, I know that due to the substance of glass". I did play Chaos a lot during 5th (competitively) and also wrote a Chaos Review for 5th on 3++ (I believe my use of language made it unsuited for B&C and I couldn't be bothered to filter it).


If I get enough positive replies I'll do it, otherwise no big deal but then I wont.


Why do I want to write it? I still love Chaos. It's the only army in 40k which is stuck in my heart. I've been 'studying' the codex a lot the last 2 weeks and figured I could share my knowledge/opinion. I'm also strongly thinking about just going to play Chaos again and suck up the problems of the codex, but that aside.

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Hai. I'm having some spare time probably in the next week and I wondered if people here would be interested in me doing a Chaos Review.


Yes, I'm not playing Chaos at the moment, but that hardly matters. I remember a quote of AbusePuppy saying something like "just because I haven't eaten glass doesn't mean I don't know it will hurt, I know that due to the substance of glass". I did play Chaos a lot during 5th (competitively) and also wrote a Chaos Review for 5th on 3++ (I believe my use of language made it unsuited for B&C and I couldn't be bothered to filter it).


If I get enough positive replies I'll do it, otherwise no big deal but then I wont.


Why do I want to write it? I still love Chaos. It's the only army in 40k which is stuck in my heart. I've been 'studying' the codex a lot the last 2 weeks and figured I could share my knowledge/opinion. I'm also strongly thinking about just going to play Chaos again and suck up the problems of the codex, but that aside.


Sure, I'll bite. Why not? :D

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We need all eyes on the target, so of course you should offer your opinions.


But you should also play a few games, and put your ideas into action, if only for perspective and credibility's sake.


I remember your 5th ed review, and would like to see what you come up with for this codex, especially if you uncover something that hasn't been seen yet.

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We need all eyes on the target, so of course you should offer your opinions.


But you should also play a few games, and put your ideas into action, if only for perspective and credibility's sake.


I remember your 5th ed review, and would like to see what you come up with for this codex, especially if you uncover something that hasn't been seen yet.


This stuff what Ammo said.

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Absolutely, but please please please qualify your review first. For example, the Jeske posts all his input based on a 1500 point competitive view. I've not read a lot of your work, but I've heard good things. I just need to know what I'm reading about for it to make sense :)


TLDR: yes

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I literally cannot express how much I would like to see a Chaos review from you Zhukov! You were really instrumental in helping me get my 5th ed army working well, and given that I'm having a nightmare of a time coming up with a 6th ed list with the new codex, this would be perfect! I'd personally like to see some words on what works at 1500 in particular, and perhaps some thoughts on allies to plug the gaps if you're that way inclined. Do it brother!
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I love reading reviews, though I always make up my own mind regarding things based upon my own experience. After all, particularly when theory hammering (which you're admitting you will be doing my friend), people often forget about other unquantifyable aspects of 40K.


But you're a Veteran so I doubt you'll miss much! :tu:

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Didn't expect this many positive replies in less than a day, that's nice.


Absolutely, but please please please qualify your review first. For example, the Jeske posts all his input based on a 1500 point competitive view. I've not read a lot of your work, but I've heard good things. I just need to know what I'm reading about for it to make sense :P

I'll add a disclaimer.


Absolutely. I also agree with Zyl, if you can possibly do it at points other than 1500 that'd be awesome.

It wont be just for 1500, don't worry. It wont be only for competitive play either, as I'm writing it for this forum in particular this time and I know what the audience here is like.


I dont know . after a review here what are we going to do in 6th ? Am against it .


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the Jeske posts all his input based on a 1500 point competitive view.

actualy I cap at 1999 and only mention 2k or more when someone deals with dual FoC builds +no FW. Ah and I dont do under 1500.




glad to be of service .



Are you going to do choice by choice only or with post review of units combinations? Some of chaos stuff doesnt make sense out side of specific builds or even points played.

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glad to be of service .

Oh you were being serious mate? In that case: Don't worry, a review doesn't make discussions suddenly unnecessary, it's just the opinion of 1 guy, me in this case.


Are you going to do choice by choice only or with post review of units combinations? Some of chaos stuff doesnt make sense out side of specific builds or even points played.

Choice by choice, but where needed I'll mention unit combinations, as many times viewing units in vacuüm is bad. I might also expend the review later on, add more things, example lists, little guides on how to use units in combinations, battle reports when I'm actually playing Chaos again etc etc.

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I am made out of serious.


What I find was offten useful to people is a write up of list changes . When you go from a naked lord+bikes , 3 troops , 2/3 havocks/oblits , drakes/no drakes to "why my army runs a Land raider , even if chaos LR suck , and why is it better that way".

helps with the unit in a listless void problem . also helps people design move over to two codex armies . Adding ally offten throws the whole list building balance of mono codex armies out of the widow . A chaos army builds troops different when it uses 2 scyths warriors units for example. That offten changes perspective on some units which normaly are medicore or even meh .


By the way you realy have too much free time .

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Will the review be altered when new information comes into light or is it a static thing?

If the review is well received then I'll update it now and then. (Most likely when new codices get released, as that might influence the chaos codex obviously)

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