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Spending money on a lost legion?

Emperor's Furor

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I don't think that's a huge problem... considering this is the very reason they were introduced for in the first place.

This isn't really true.


The 1000 Chapters was in the game so that players could make their own Chapters. The Missing Legions came later, and were supposed to be just a cool fluff bit that they could use later on, and then decided not to. Priestley's original idea behind them, as he's claimed at least, was that the II and XI were actually erased as a reward, so that there was no historical record that they had followed Horus, but later switched sides back to the Imperium. It was always supposed to be just a fun mystery for the fluff, because the fluff was just a skeleton frame setting for you to fight battles in.


So yes, there's really nothing to say you can't make a II or XI Legion, but that was never the reason behind them. **Let me preface the next part by saying that this is merely fluff analysis. Do whatever you want with your plastic toy soldiers. It's your money. Except My Little Pony Marines. Seriously, that stuff's awful. :HQ: ** However, at the same time, the current fluff has completely invalidated the Priestley version of the story (heck, it's been dead for fifteen years at least once they began to flesh out the Horus Heresy). Not only are the II and XI long gone, they really didn't exist for that long past the Unification Wars of Terra. A fluff-compatible II or XI is going to have be very, very early into the Great Crusade.


Based on extrapolating the rough idea of the order we know the primarchs were found in, we know that probably more than half of the primarchs never even met the II or XI brothers. They were discovered long after the two legions went "missing". Which means the Missing Legions were gone before the Crusade was even in full swing. In fact, the most reasonable assumption is that the Primarchs didn't even do anything "wrong", they were just corrupted by Chaos or otherwise unsuitable right off the bat (makes you wonder how bad they were if Angryon got a pass, lol). Of course, there's no actual fluff for them, so the authors have used them for just about any plot hook they feel like. Suggesting that the Space Wolves killed them, or the Ultramarines absorbed them, for instance. Even though the fluff doesn't support either of those theories. So a II or XI force is going to be early, early Crusade, and as a result, more or less incongruous even in games involving other "Pre Heresy" armies, since several of the Legions changed names and colors after their Primarchs were found.

There's a reference in first heretic about how Horus, Logor, Magnus and another primarch (can't remember) signed an oath of silence not to talk about the missing primarchs, (I think), so if you were to do said list you could have it set around the time where these 4 primarchs were found but non after them, so you have a few 100 years to play with,m and write your own ideas upon, I personally would do a non primarch led legion, based around the idea that there primarch was corrupt or dead and your guys were in the proccess of being abosrobed into another legion, but were needed for battle engagement, gives you some rome to manover (see what I did there).
Yeah, I'm leaning towards it's to risky, especially with the colour scheme I had in mind. Since most legions were mono-toned I thought maybe a brown legion with dark steel edging may be quite different and unique, but also potentially rubbish.
Started thinking about maybe a legion based on Buddhism where Orange is a very prominent colour but they also have several sects of warrior monks. I made a thread called "Expunged for being Pacifists?", which questions whether it was a possible reason for being expunged.


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