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Forgefiend or maulerfiend?


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I hope santa has been good to you all this year, he has to me. I'm now the proud owner of a forgefiend/ maulerfind kit. however i love both the rules and have no idea which to make. i was wondering what other peoples thoughts of the topic was? what do you guys run and why? my army is mainly infantry. i have 30 or so plague marines 5 termies and typhus, 2 5 man units of chosen and a predator (sponson heavy bolters and an autocannon), however i dont often use the predator or terminators due to usually playing small games. now that i'm looking to play larger games i would like options and the new kit gives me the chance to experiments. so what are your thoguhts on each?
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Both are awesome for different reasons, but the forgefiend would be the first one I would build, since the sheer shootiness of it has to be seen to be believed. I have been using one in my games now for quite some time, and I never build a list without it now. I don't run ectoplasma, since that's garbage, in my opinion, but 8 S8 shots is awesome. When supplemented by an AC havoc team with MoN, it makes for very, very good infantry supporting fire. I also run an infantry-heavy army, with no vehicles whatsoever, other than my heldrake and forgefiend, and I have only lost one game so far, with no draws, out of 11 games since the codex came out.
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Both have their uses... Though I'd go with a forge fiend if you have alot of melée elements(great for downing those mean tanks/transports) and it's shorter range sorta forces it to get in abit close together with the melée elements(not really a fan of the ectofiend, but I guess they are ok...hadesfiend is the way to go imo(it being quite good at dowing flying stuff))


or a mauler if you are using alot of shooty elements since it has the speed to cover a lot of ground and not just sit back as a dreadnought would with a shooty army, also it's an excellent choice for keeping as a counter charge: locking up infantry or dealing with bigger guys such as carnifexes or bikers... also people tend to underestimate it... it's freakishly fast(Beast+ fleet+ move through cover) and smashy.


Both choices are really fun units to play with aswell, the forge fiend because you get to roll a bucket of dices each time you point it at anything, the mauler since it's one of the fastest "monsters" in game the game. I love using em.


Personally I run both (2 hades fiend and 1 mauler with meltacutters) they have really god synergy and really good for their reasonably high price.

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It's just a shame the models themselves are a bit meh......

I did see on Guitarasmus's DG thread that he was converting one of the kits to good effect but it just seems that GW got a little lazy in the design concept of the original models.

I know this thread has more to do with how the units act in game but I for one don't feel the kits justify the cost..

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I prefer the forgefiend, though it does depend on your list.


If you went big guy heavy, with dreads, maulerfiends and a defiler (or soul grinder) they could work, due to armour saturation. The main thing that keeps my forgefiend alive is the range of his hades autocannons, and I dont think I'd have the patience to use a maulerfiend correctly.


The other problem is that heavy support provides us with nice ranged fire power, strange considering its the heavy support section. I use a hadesfiend and autocannon havocs as my anti vehicle/flyer units (along with the landraider), and they suit me just fine.


I've also seen a few rather nice and simple forgefiend conversions, and am itching to purchase a second one so now that I'm inspired.

This is one of my favourite takes on it, pictues stolen from here



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  • 3 weeks later...

Both are awesome for different reasons, but the forgefiend would be the first one I would build, since the sheer shootiness of it has to be seen to be believed. I have been using one in my games now for quite some time, and I never build a list without it now. I don't run ectoplasma, since that's garbage, in my opinion, but 8 S8 shots is awesome. When supplemented by an AC havoc team with MoN, it makes for very, very good infantry supporting fire. I also run an infantry-heavy army, with no vehicles whatsoever, other than my heldrake and forgefiend, and I have only lost one game so far, with no draws, out of 11 games since the codex came out.


After having created a large ammount of lists (not that I have actually played with all of them as of yet) I have found the Forgefiend to be too expensive for what it does to properly fit into a list. Truth is, it compares badly to a Tri-Las Predator with Havoc launcher included (havoc for more multi purpose in the event that you no longer have Russ-like targets). Maulerfiend is probably better, but then only in "preassure" lists where you spearhead forward with multiple 12" moving threats (maulerfiends complement spawns fairly well for instance).

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I think the Maulerfiend can be used decently in non-competitive settings in conjunction with other things like Juggerlord + spawn. Only problem I'm seeing with this right now is what to do with troops. Have them mechanized and just zip up the board with them? That would provide a little more armor saturation, but should they be geared for CC, ubergrit or just shooty?
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I think the Maulerfiend can be used decently in non-competitive settings in conjunction with other things like Juggerlord + spawn. Only problem I'm seeing with this right now is what to do with troops. Have them mechanized and just zip up the board with them? That would provide a little more armor saturation, but should they be geared for CC, ubergrit or just shooty?


I ran a mauler alongside a unit of spawns and a landraider with berzerkers and kharne in 1500 and that actually worked out pretty decent (meaning I won relativly convincingly against guard). Its been a while though, and back then my opponent had not read through the chaos dex very well, and as such, was some what blindsided. Still, I liked the speed of it all.


But yeah, I think Huron/Ahriman-infiltrate to push forth your infantry and/ or landraider would work ok. Its that or rhinos clearly.

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My first bit of advice would be to magnetize.


Secondly, get another kit and build one of each ;)


I've been finding that I prefer the Maulerfiend, but I run a pretty fast bike list. The Mauler lives up to his namesake against vehicles. Keep him away from Dreads if possible, he will be swinging after SM ones which can be detrimental to his health. The speed with which he moves is absolutely amazing.

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