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Mephiston book from Black Libary?


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Nah, that's Mephiston. Almost word for word from the codex, he was trapped for seven days while afflicted with the black rage. Broke free at midnight on the seventh day and ripped a bunch of orks apart. You can hear the masonry shifting as he frees himself. Very cool.
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That is indeed the (logical) european way of putting dates: Day, Month, Year

Yes, I understand that europeans like to use superfluous words in their dates; saying "the 11th of January" instead of saying "January 11th." However GW had just asked me to select which country I was from before redirecting me to that page. :HQ:



But this got me to thinking about the future for Mephiston and his relationship with the Blood Angels. They have already sewn the seeds of a possible dark influence on him. Would we be ok with letting an author (or GW) take this to its logical conclusion (a fall to chaos or some other evil)? Would we be comfortable if GW stripped Mephiston from the next BA codex if it really made for a great story? Or is the preservation of his usefulness as tool on the table more important than telling a good story?


I find myself pretty conflicted. It is pretty lame to drop demonic hints and not take them anywhere (a flawed character is much more interesting than an overpowered one), but on the other hand I'd be devastated if we lost him.

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But this got me to thinking about the future for Mephiston and his relationship with the Blood Angels. They have already sewn the seeds of a possible dark influence on him. Would we be ok with letting an author (or GW) take this to its logical conclusion (a fall to chaos or some other evil)? Would we be comfortable if GW stripped Mephiston from the next BA codex if it really made for a great story? Or is the preservation of his usefulness as tool on the table more important than telling a good story?


I'd hate them for that <_<

But I also don't see why they would do it.

If we can have two different Tycho's, why can't there be two different Mephisto's?

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I'm interested to know why the 'logical' conclusion to his story is that he'll become a daemon prince? I'd not have said that based on anything in any version of the codex, and I'd say its even less likely considering 'eclipse of hope' which is by far my favourite blood angel story.

I'll take that as a no, you would not be ok with stripping Mephiston from the next codex, even if it made for a really terrific story. :nuke:

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On the contrary, I'm a roleplayer and favour story over everything else, not to mention I've never once used mephy in a game (it's always been Dante or Tycho for me). I just disagree that there is any basis for a fall to chaos being the 'logical' conclusion :nuke:

There is that bomb ward dropped in the codex that goes something along the lines of some believe that something more sinister replaced the black rage. I think he also had a demon tell him he was on the path to demon-hood (I don't have my codex in front of me so these references might be slightly off). It is lazy and sloppy writing/character development to drop 2 bombshells about a character and then not have them go anywhere significant; so I see it as the logical conclusion from a literary standpoint.

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Where I'd suggest that a daemon would obviously suggest such a thing in an effort to make him fall. And I didn't see the 'something darker' as being chaos necessarily...


Here's a couple of insightful quotes from eclipse of hope, which is told from a first person perspective after all


Brother. I am rarely addressed by that word. With good reason. Calistarius was a brother among others, to the degree any psyker can truly be accepted in the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes. But Calistarius is dead, and when Albinus says brother, he is addressing a shade, one with far less substance than the hellship in which we fight. Calistarius will not return. Mephiston walks in his stead. I am a Blood Angel. I would destroy any who would question my loyalty. But brother? That bespeaks a fellowship that is barred to me.


David Annandale. Eclipse of Hope (Kindle Locations 472-476). Black Library.




It is a memory that refuses to be forgotten. So, too, are the books. Those are my personal ghosts. I fought the temptation. I destroyed the unholy. But what might I have learned? What if I could have absorbed those teachings and stayed whole, unlike Stolas? What if the absolute self-knowledge from which I turned was the door, through darkness, to salvation? What have I thrown away?


David Annandale. Eclipse of Hope (Kindle Locations 624-627). Black Library.


Clearly Mephiston IS aware he's changed, but I got the distinct impression they're aiming to depict him as loyal, whatever change has been wrought on him during his time trapped, is less likely chaos related IMO, I am in the camp of people that view him as having 'unlocked' something in his Geneseed.



As an aside, I'm REALLY hoping that this book/eBook that's coming out will be by David Annandale.

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