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Which Legions Are Still Recruiting in the 41st Millenium


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Quite possibly the Alpha Legion could still harvest from their primarch(s). And in any case, they are certainly still recruiting. They stole a large amount of recruits and geneseed from Ghorstangrad in the fluff, which is basically one of the few pieces of fluff showing Alpha Legion post-heresy recruitment...
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Regarding harvesting from the remaining Primarchs, I' d say not very likely.

They are no longer entirely physical beings and probably too changed for geneseed harvesting.

I would point to the whole "halfbreed" Thing in the IW stories for a reference - why use "other" seed at all if you had a source? But it's a fluff point and thus "fluffy". One could certainly field a Unit of Possesed and Claim the changes ob the DP geneseed instead of regular possession.


As far as I see it the traitor legions and warbands take what ever geneseed they can get their hands on, preferably of course using their own, but in times of chrisis (suffering heavy losses) where reinforcements are critical for the survival of the legion/grand company/warband/whatever they they use "second rate" geneseed and create halfbreed mongrels like Honsu.


And regarding harvesting from the surviving Primarchs I don't see that happening for the very same reasons you mention. And i'd like to see anyone try harvesting anything from Angron without getting an axe to the forehead. :-)


Ohh well.. Back to painting some Cleaved...

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They also "recruit" existing marines that turn to Chaos and join up with a Legion or large warband thereof to survive. The World Eaters also "recruit" by capturing loyalist marines and torturing them until they either die or snap from rage and which point they insert the Butcher's Nails and a new berzerker is born. This is what happened to Zhufor.
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Zhufor is the only named example, but it's probably happened at other times as well, he is a warlord now so he kind of stands out, but since he was just a Storm Lords sergeant when he was captured it implies that this happens every so often at least; when the WE are sane enough to remember not to just behead everyone and assuming circumstances are right for an astartes to even be captured which is not an easy feat.
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To clear up some of the Thousand Sons questions I recommend reading Battle of the Fang. It gives an idea of the Ksons strength.


Ksons can recruit new sorcerors, but creating new Rubric Marines is impossible at this point.




IIRC Magnus has ~600 Rubricae at his disposal and about 100 Sorcerors. I dont think that number includes Ahriman's following. Which is smaller. And this was all before the Battle of the Fang. The number of Ksons takes a hit after this battle.

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I have just started Siege of Castellax, and there is a line to the effect that one of the Sergeants has stolen/hybrid gene seed since the Iron Warriors is too corrupted and/or mutated in the 41st millennium.


It is in the second chapter, I don't have the exact quote since I am at work.

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The "half-breed" in [i}Siege of Castellax[/i] is heavily implied to have similar beginnings as Honsou, who was implanted after the Iron Cage incident. It was either to spite the Imperial Fists or to cover some flaw or lack of Iron Warrior gene-seed. Which reason has never been fully explained to my knowledge.
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Yeah, Siege of Castellax is--yeah. I tried reading it because it's about the Iron Warriors and I love the Iron Warriors but boy oh boy is it poorly written. A lot of the stuff in our fanfic forum is actually considerably better in practically every way from characterization to flow to actually reading like something written by someone familiar with the lore and the "flavor" of each faction. Needless to say I couldn't finish it, and it's probably the last not ADB or Abnett BL book I will ever waste time or money on. In any case, the Iron Warriors captured a lot of IF geneseed at the Iron Cage, most was sacrificed to Chaos in exchange for Perturabo's daemonhood but some was kept to create recruits for the Grand Companies, though the astartes created are hybrids, with I guess some organs using IF and some IW geneseed or perhaps all using some spliced together version, I don't think it's ever explained.
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Well, it is a bolter porn novel. All of the Space Marine battle novels are going to be bolter porn. I don't think that will ever change. I know Legion of the Damned tried to do something different and it fell flat on its face.


I only tried to read Gildar Rift from that series. One of the worst books I ever read. Didn't finish it either.



Did anyone already mention the fact that the Night Lords in the ADB books started recruiting again?

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But yeah, the biggest issue that will always exist with the Battle Novels is that they are essentially battle reports from the character(s)'s "point of view." I have read Hunt for Voldorius, Legion of the Damned(this one was mostly to check up on some fluff that had been presented in a thread) and Siege of Castellax. I can say that if you approach them as bolter porn or as a way to just pass the time with images of war in 40k, they are not too bad. If you are looking for an actual story, I would suggest looking elsewhere. Think of these as the "documentaries" of 40k.


Did anyone already mention the fact that the Night Lords in the ADB books started recruiting again?

Sort of, kind of, maybe, probably indirectly but I'm betting no because most of those Night Lords and their recruits didn't get to see the fruit of their labors and I don't recall implantation having started yet. Meanwhile in The Masters, Bidding, we have an example of a recruit who has gone on to make a name for himself, much like the Prophet has.

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Meanwhile in The Masters, Bidding, we have an example of a recruit who has gone on to make a name for himself, much like the Prophet has.


Argh, that story broke my heart. All those talented young up-and-coming legionnaries wasted, consumed by pointless infighting. :rolleyes:

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It is worth mentioning that there are recently turned renegades who still recruit, most notably the Soul Drinkers. I think it was in Chapter War that they were almost at full chapter strength. Also on the Fabius Bile note, I read somewhere that he attempts to restore each legion's geneseed, or at least stabilize it.

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