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Any Forge World in your army?


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After spending a lot more time reading up on FW stuff, im yet to see something I feel is inherently broken. And more broken than some existing combinations, or too broken to counter.


Ive become a strong advocate for FW in local tournaments.


IG armies and saber defense platforms and landing pads/aegis defense lines.

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In the new Aeronautica book from FW I noticed that the Sabre platform no longer has Interceptor or Skyfire.


I advocate the use of Forgeworld but think that at tournaments the TOs need to develop a detailed lists of which units are acceptable... Obviously the 40k Approved stamp is a good starting point.


G :HQ:

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In my opinion, FW doesn't really go with the tournament scene because the two are aimed at opposite ends of the gaming spectrum. Tournaments are all about competitive builds and win at all costs style gaming, whereas Forge World, especially with its campaign supplements is aimed at narrative style gaming where the outcome is less important than the story you tell through the game. Forge World stuff works perfectly well for what it's intended for, i.e. adding a little flair to your games to create more of a story and atmosphere. It's designed in this regard and not for spamming for a winner-takes-all approach. It's nice to see GW cater to both sides of the hobby this way, as well as those inbetween who just want to have a casual game with some mates and some beers after work.


I'm certainly not going to tell anyone how to have fun, but I think it misses the point of FW to include it in tournaments.

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How many FW books would I need to buy to be up to date on every model available to BA forces (not including allies)?


Probably all you need is Imperial Armor Apocalypse 2nd Edition and the new Aeronautica book. Lots of fun stuff in both books... Contemptors, Storm Eagles, Caetus Assault Ram, etc.


G ;)

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In my opinion, FW doesn't really go with the tournament scene because the two are aimed at opposite ends of the gaming spectrum. Tournaments are all about competitive builds and win at all costs style gaming, whereas Forge World, especially with its campaign supplements is aimed at narrative style gaming where the outcome is less important than the story you tell through the game. Forge World stuff works perfectly well for what it's intended for, i.e. adding a little flair to your games to create more of a story and atmosphere. It's designed in this regard and not for spamming for a winner-takes-all approach. It's nice to see GW cater to both sides of the hobby this way, as well as those inbetween who just want to have a casual game with some mates and some beers after work.


I'm certainly not going to tell anyone how to have fun, but I think it misses the point of FW to include it in tournaments.


By this logic, GW codicies are designed for competitive spamming? Im not sure I agree with that. Also, Im of the opinion that FW stuff is able to balance the tournament scene more than unbalances it. Imperial Aeronautica goes a long, long way to offer something to the majority of armies to deal with the 6th edition advent of flyers. Depriving armies of that just seems weighted. So, while FW may excel in backstory, fluff and narrative gaming, their rules are of high enough caliber and general overall balance to fit perfectly into tournaments.

I would posit that excluding a set of rules that helps the majority of older armies deal with flyer threats or even have a broader range of options available to them would be " missing the point of FW".

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Imperial Aeronautica goes a long, long way to offer something to the majority of armies to deal with the 6th edition advent of flyers.

I think that people playing necron and IG or runing their flyers as ally wouldnt agree with you. I mean FW is all fine and good for marines , because it gives them flakk units. IG dont realy need it , but some stuff is ok to ally in [and IG can battle brother a lot of crazy stuff] and have those stupid sabre platforms .

the balancing out argument is all well and fine till a tyranid player asks , how FW makes his [clearly weaker then the main 4 dex] army better. then it kind of falls apart , because it doesnt .

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Imperial Aeronautica goes a long, long way to offer something to the majority of armies to deal with the 6th edition advent of flyers.

I think that people playing necron and IG or runing their flyers as ally wouldnt agree with you. I mean FW is all fine and good for marines , because it gives them flakk units. IG dont realy need it , but some stuff is ok to ally in [and IG can battle brother a lot of crazy stuff] and have those stupid sabre platforms .

the balancing out argument is all well and fine till a tyranid player asks , how FW makes his [clearly weaker then the main 4 dex] army better. then it kind of falls apart , because it doesnt .


Thats the only drawback in the argument, Jeske. Poor nids get no love at all.

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