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Chaos Specific Video Logs/Battle Reports


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Hey all. I'm just wondering if any of you guys are aware of any Chaos specific youtube channels or something similar? I've found myself painting to 40k battle reports in the background, and I figured if there's a Chaos marine specific resource out there I might as well use it as I paint. Thanks in advance.
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go to youtube and hit up DreamlikeGaming

the guys there split a DV box set and one is filming his adventures with the chaos guys, the other is going nuts painting DA. good guys. i found them accidentaly while poking around looking for DV batreps just to see what the missions were like. turns out i found a fun bunch of videos that let me see what other chaos players are doing.

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I want to like the videos that DreamlikeGaming are making, but I'm not sure I can at the moment due to them getting basic rules wrong (Combi-Bolters are not Storm Bolters...) and other things of that nature; each video has an incredibly long title which makes finding the next part (because they're broken up into too many separate videos, I mean, one per turn ;)) very difficult.


Also, not to take this off topic, but I watched the one Batrep they played against Tyranids at 1500pts and the CSM player's list seems a little weak (maybe it's just the Land Raider not pulling it's weight...) whilst the Tyranid player's list looks incredibly beefy (oh so many monstrous creatures!) that I have to wonder about the quality of our Dex again...

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well they're learning as they go, and they quite often say "if i'm wrong, let us know in the comments" and they even put one video up basically saying "how do you guys play your chaos marines? i can't seem to win at all with my current build." i've actually seen stu's list change around quite a bit since the first batrep. i guess i just find it as interesting to see other armies fight, i don't have a lot of nids and tau in my meta. also, watching his army change as he encounters new things or discovers a new strategy is interesting.
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Change is good (All hail Tzeentch!) and it's nice to know they're open to comments, I guess it's just a pet peeve of mine. It does make for interesting viewing, geting the ins and outs of other players mind sets, though I would really prefer it if the videos were a little quicker... But any new videos are good and I'll keep and eye out for more they make.
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