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Blood Angels Essentials?


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I'm relatively new to 40k and I'm looking into starting Blood Angels as my first army. I originally bought a Tyranid army from a friend but I realized that his 'Stealer Shock list was a really big learning curve and I just wasn't enjoying myself. I traded the Nids for some Blood Angels - I have two librarians, 10 assault marines 10 death company with a rhino, 5 honor guard and 5 sanguinary guard - what else do I need for a Blood Angels army? What should I look into buying? With Boxing Day being tomorrow (or today depending on when/where you're reading this), I was wondering what I should do with my Christmas money. I only have $75 to spend, I know it's not a lot, but it will be 25% off all day.. Let me know what I should buy to get my money's worth and give me the best Blood Angels experience!


Thanks, Korath.

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Some things to think about are Attack Bikes with Multi-meltas since they add a little bit of anti tank and they are quick. Some other things are Baal Predators to get some support firepower. You can also get a Devastator team to fill both of these slots. Just some thoughts.
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2 more boxes of assault marines would be a good foundation. I always run 2 squads of 10 in my games. With what you have left you could pick up some devastators. You could also get a stromraven and a box of scouts. The scouts give you some scoring troops and the stormraven is just a beast.
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Welcome to the Red team, Kovash! By far and away the best of the marines (and definitely better than the Blue team <_< ). You've already got the 'staple' down with your 10 ASM and a librarian (probably best all-around HQ choice...some swear by Mephiston but I personally prefer the extra squad/half squad you can get with the points you save), and the DC are your second mandatory troops, but they don't score. Raven is good, but I'd scout your potential playgroup first - if nobody uses fliers, you'll make an enemy of yourself by being the only player with one, if everyone has them then you'll definitely want one to keep yourself in the arms race. Balanced lists tend to work well (or at least, I prefer them - my 1500 point list even took best BA at Throne of Skulls back in October) but going all in on one area can definitely work. I agree with Mort that hybrid is better though, but it depends on your playstyle.


Since you're newish to 40k as well as BA, I'll make recommendations based on that. Second scoring troops choice is a must - a second assault squad would be good, but don't discount the humble tactical squad. I would snag yourself a tactical squad (to keep your objectives whilst everything else yells BAARG! and runs at the enemy) and a Baal. Nets you an HQ (librarian), 2x scoring troops (ASM and Tacs), a tank (Baal pred) and "something shiny" (some combination of DC, Honour Guard and Sanguinary Guard points permitting, depends entirely how your DC are outfitted), and I'd aim for a 1k list. Should be enough to give you a good mix of units to test out (regular infantry, jump infantry, vehicles, specialists to compare to the grunts), has a little of everything so you can get used to all the rules, and will give you enough to figure out what you like and dislike and can make your next purchases accordingly. Get the things that you like the look of and find fun; its more important to get stuff that you'll enjoy using and playing with than it is to take what the faceless denizens of the interweb consider to be the best of the best.

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It depends on what you want to do with your army. There are so many things I would do, personally, and that is why my army looked so... strange... when I first started playing.


You could use some more Assault Troops, I would pick up two more boxes and then some Attack Bikes. Another option is to pick up Dante and some more Sanguinary Guard. Dantewing is actually pretty good. Then aquire (by whatever means) a Sanguinary Priest (just painting a box of Assault Marines to look priestly works). Perhaps you're happy with your troops as is, but want a good heavy support base. I would suggest getting a couple of boxes of Devastators. Or one box of Devs and some Tactical Marines for that forward shooting element. Maybe you're like me and have a hard on for Death Company (dispite most of my recent lists involving them), in which case I'd say 2 more boxes of DC and some magnets.


SOO MANY OPTIONS! But its going to depend on what YOU want to play. Now that you have heard what I would want to buy, here is my suggestion to you. . Write up a quick list, something that you sound like you'd want to play. Post it on the boards here and it'll get critiqued. Take our critiques, and use that to base your shopping list off of. We could tell you what to buy, but it would go against your lists and play styles all together.


Good luck to you, with whatever you decide to buy!

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Welcome brother Korath. There are many ways to field BA's. Chaplain Admetus, kickrock and the rest have much sound advice. Also try browsing the army list forum to get inspiration and knowledge from lists and replies. Buying new is easy and quick. Much of my army is half price or lower from ebay. Just be very careful and read the pictures/descriptions thoroughly. Popping by GW's newest products to see how it looks like is a good idea. Especially vehicles can be "too old". Infantry is more ageless.


Resource thread:



Especially post 2 and its links contain knowledge of our specific units and some of their roles.


Again welcome and enjoy. <_<

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Thank you everyone for the awesome advice. For those who are wondering, I ended up purchasing a Stormraven Gunship. It was exactly 75 bucks and I think it'll be a really cool toy to work on in the new year. Not sure if its the best choice tactically, but my buddy said he has some bits to make assault marines so I won't have to worry about that.


I really like the model though, hopefully it'll be fun to work on.

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It seems quite expensive point wise, but I'm sure ill get the bang for my buck somehow. I feel like I won't be able to field it unless I'm playing over 1000 points.


I'm excited to start working on it. With this and my WoC stuff for fantasy I will have a lot to do in 2013!

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