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Dantes Death Mask

Drunken Angel

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Commander Dante of the Blood Angels has a curse which is made at the start of the game on one enemy IC. The model cursed has -1 Weapon skill -1

Wound -1 Initiative and -1 Attack.

The Death mask of Sanguinius otherwise follows the rules for Death Masks given in the Sanguinary Guard entry.

The Death Mask of the Sanguinary guard forces an enemy assaulted by one or more units with the death mask to pass a leadership test or be reduced to weapon skill 1 for the duration of the assault phase.


I have an opponent who refuses to accept that Dante can use his mask as a normal sanguinary guard mask later in the game. Can a third party please verify that Dantes death mask can be used in both roles in a game

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It's kinda hard to ignore "The Death Mask of Sanguinius otherwise follows the rules for Death Masks given in the Sanguinary Guard entry on page 50."


It's insanely clear that it's a regular Death Mask with extra rules.

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There is no contest here, it says it is a death mask so it is a death mask. If your opponent refuses to yield never play him again, he obviously is not the person you want to play against. Sorry for being harsh but so many people post here about opponents like this, and from personal experience they are no fun to play against.
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Thank you both for the replies thats good advice I appreciate the quick response. He is a less skilled player who does not comprehend the rules and will dispute almost anything if they feel it disadvantages him. This happened after he asked to redeploy his terminators from deepstrike after they scattered into a vindicators S10 template range (I did not mean them to go there!) Telling me how my codex worked and telling me that I have been playing Dante wrong was the final straw.
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