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I plan on collecting a CSM of each god and an undivided CSM squad.

the question I'm asking in an Iron Warrior army what would be the best god to start with.

what upgrades to give them.

what is the best squad sizes.

what to give the champ.


thanks Warmammmer

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Sorry to be so unhelpful but the first things people will ask are:


1) What is your favoured playstyle? (close combat/ shooting/ a mix of both)

2) Do you want to play competetively or for fun?

3) What will the rest of your army look like? (Any/ many vehicles, lots of deepstriking/ outflanking units, lots of foot slogging units etc)


I would say that the most 'fluffy' Marksfor the Iron Warriors is the Mark of Nurgle, their extra toughness representing how bionically enhanced they are.


To be fair though aas long as you come up with a good enough reason, any of the Marks can have a mechanical reason for giving the bonuses they do: Mark of Tzeentch/ Nurge representing shots bouncing from cybernetic parts, Mark of Khorne and Slaanesh for machinery which controls moods (i.e. combat drug applicators) or something else, like mechanical limbs which are faster/ more aggressive than normal weapons- like circular saws and drills.


Most CSM squads are best left with no upgrades, just two special weapons of your choice: Plasma guns and Melta Guns are preferred by the community but what you take yourself will depend on what your local area is like; even double Flamers are good if you play against a lot of Eldar/ Imperial Guard/ Orks/ Tyranids. The points you don't spend on upgrades can be spent on more men for the unit.


The best size will depend on the use you have in mind for the squad: Bigger units will hold objectives more consistently, but will have trouble if you fight anyone with Ordnance weapons (like Imperial Guard players). Smaller Squads can fit in Rhinos and are easier to hide behind terrain. It literally comes down to personal preference.


A Power Fist and Lightning Claw seem to be a common set-up for champions at the moment, but it is very expensive. Other people like adding a combi-weapon (usually Plasma) to a unit that already has the maximum amount of special weapons, just to add a bit more 'punch' to them, though this tends to be just for units in Rhinos. At the end of the day you should probably equip champions with the points you have left after you've paid for the rest of your army as equipping them with anything will quickly mean you don't have enough left for your mainstay units.


Hope that helps :)

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1) What is your favoured playstyle? (close combat/ shooting/ a mix of both)

2) Do you want to play competetively or for fun?

3) What will the rest of your army look like? (Any/ many vehicles, lots of deepstriking/ outflanking units, lots of foot slogging units etc)


1. my play style is normally shooting with the occasional mix

2. most games a for fun with occasional competetively game

3. i plan on running 1 hq, 3-4 troops, 0-1 elites and full Heavy Support(most likely tanks)


i normally play against guard, knights, nids, marines, chaos and necrons

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3. i plan on running 1 hq, 3-4 troops, 0-1 elites and full Heavy Support(most likely tanks)

You should try to fit in some fast attack amongst those, it's one of our best slots now... :)

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I'm doing something similar (except 2 squads of each), here is how I'm equipping them:


Chaos Marines: bolter, pistol, ccw, 2x Plasma Guns, champion with power sword

Noise marines: 8x sonic blasters, blast master, icon, champion with lightning claw doom siren and bolter (since he doesn't have, nor can he take a CCW)

Plague marines: 2x plasma guns, champion with lightning claw and combi-plasma

Berserkers: champion with lightning claw

Thousand sons: derp

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In an IW army you should not use any marks. A lot of people would suggest you using count-as, but I think it is a horrible idea because you are converting for the sake of the rules, and not your own pleasure. Just run allies if you need to, and build proper Plague Marines, Thousand Sons, etc.


Try to limit yourself to 1 fast attack slot. It will give you something to play with, but the key is always tanks for IW.


You have to figure out the best way to play and to arm your champs. What works for me might not work for you.

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if you feel the need to run with god marks, khorne and nurgle are your best bets as they are the easiest to explain ie khorne is their vicious side when they engage the enemy in close quarters as explained in their original white dwarf IA article, and nurgle represents their bionic enhancements. however, tzeentch can be explained as esoteric bionics being used and slaanesh with ultra fast reacting bionics and systems etc. the choice is yours really, but in a true IW army the gods are irrelevant, only the word of Perturabo is law :cuss but feel free brother as it is your army and do what you will, you are the one who paid for them after all
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Well, personally I don't feel why should someone use count-as for marks. They are CHAOS marines after all. To gain mark you don't have to worship a god, heck Ahriman hates Tzeentch and still is marked by him.
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i run fluffy night lords and was looking for a way to make them a bit more competitive, and was told that i should consider marks as a way to represent skills or abilities rather than dedication to a god. very much in line with what some others here are saying for your bionics being represented by nurgle or tzeentch, i run mostly slaanesh and khorne in my army to represent elite forces being very proficient in melee combat and just plain ol brutal butchers. (and that has helped, a lot!)


also just took in a lonely looking forgefiend i found on the side of the immaterium, i've been feeding it and i don't think it wants to leave now. i consider it something like a long forgotten piece of wargear that has been around for so long it's begun to mutate, and considering that's exactly what the heldrake is... i don't see why a legion such as the VIII, as scattered, battered, and undermanned as it is, would throw away perfectly functional wargear just because it's starting to look a little funny.


as long as you can make it fit the story/feel/idea of your army and you're happy playing it, don't let people turn you off from it. as so many before me have said, the point of this game is to have fun.

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i run fluffy night lords and was looking for a way to make them a bit more competitive, and was told that i should consider marks as a way to represent skills or abilities rather than dedication to a god. very much in line with what some others here are saying for your bionics being represented by nurgle or tzeentch, i run mostly slaanesh and khorne in my army to represent elite forces being very proficient in melee combat and just plain ol brutal butchers. (and that has helped, a lot!)


But this is also one of the sad things about the current codex. We have to count-as in order to stay competitive.

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i run fluffy night lords and was looking for a way to make them a bit more competitive, and was told that i should consider marks as a way to represent skills or abilities rather than dedication to a god. very much in line with what some others here are saying for your bionics being represented by nurgle or tzeentch, i run mostly slaanesh and khorne in my army to represent elite forces being very proficient in melee combat and just plain ol brutal butchers. (and that has helped, a lot!)


But this is also one of the sad things about the current codex. We have to count-as in order to stay competitive.


I couldn't disagree more.


If a Chaos Warlord decided that he could use some help from a contingent of Thousand Sons, he would have no problems hiring them, similarly with any cult troop for that matter. They don't need to be part of their Legion, and most of the Legions don't even fight together anyhow, they've been splintered into many smaller groups. So if you want Thousand Sons for your Night Lords, go ahead and take them. If you want Noise Marines for your Iron Warriors, there is no reason not to. Besides, if they die in battle, your legion got the benefit of not having to sacrifice any of their own numbers, and you don't need to pay the dead!

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I couldn't disagree more.


If a Chaos Warlord decided that he could use some help from a contingent of Thousand Sons, he would have no problems hiring them, similarly with any cult troop for that matter. They don't need to be part of their Legion, and most of the Legions don't even fight together anyhow, they've been splintered into many smaller groups. So if you want Thousand Sons for your Night Lords, go ahead and take them. If you want Noise Marines for your Iron Warriors, there is no reason not to. Besides, if they die in battle, your legion got the benefit of not having to sacrifice any of their own numbers, and you don't need to pay the dead!


You missed the point completely. He was talking about using the Marks to represent veterans or elites or bionics. Taking allies as you suggested was never part of what we were discussing.

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You missed the point completely. He was talking about using the Marks to represent veterans or elites or bionics. Taking allies as you suggested was never part of what we were discussing.


Actually, i'm pretty sure he said:


But this is also one of the sad things about the current codex. We have to count-as in order to stay competitive.


I'm saying that you don't have to do counts-as.


So who missed the point?

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You missed the point completely. He was talking about using the Marks to represent veterans or elites or bionics. Taking allies as you suggested was never part of what we were discussing.


Actually, i'm pretty sure he said:


But this is also one of the sad things about the current codex. We have to count-as in order to stay competitive.


I'm saying that you don't have to do counts-as.


So who missed the point?


You are all over the place. You quoted me and said he? Once again, you have missed the point.

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You are all over the place. You quoted me and said he? Once again, you have missed the point.


Haha, touché, I blame the post-holiday hang over. Either way though, you don't need to do counts-as to be fluffy or competitive, which was all the point I was trying to make.

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You are all over the place. You quoted me and said he? Once again, you have missed the point.


Haha, touché, I blame the post-holiday hang over. Either way though, you don't need to do counts-as to be fluffy or competitive, which was all the point I was trying to make.


And I agreed with that point in my post above. Allies are all fine.

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