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Codex:Space Marine for Iron Warriors?


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Where was the Dark Mechanicum mentioned in Fulgrim? Other than a solitary Tech Adept and the Dies Irae? I just don't remember it. The first time I remember the true Dark Mechanicum showing up is in Mechanicum, then in Fallen Angels, and then not again until like Angel Exterminatus. At least, to my knowledge. And those are appearances that involve scrap-code, blood-rituals done by tech-priests and sightings of strange machines that defy comprehension that I can confirm. I mean, I'm sure it's there, I just don't remember it.
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Where was the Dark Mechanicum mentioned in Fulgrim?

"THE BATTLEFIELD OF Isstvan V was a slaughterhouse of epic proportions. Treacherous warriors twisted by hatred fought their once brothers in a conflict unparalleled in its bitterness. Mighty gods walked the planet's surface and death followed in their wake. The blood of heroes and traitors flowed in rivers, and hooded adepts of the Dark Mechanicum unleashed perversions of ancient technology stolen from the Auretian Technocracy to wreak bloody havoc amongst the loyalists.", ch.23, last paragraph.

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To each his own, though I bet you'd like to have infiltrating chosen and some psy-powers back.

I'm not worried about restrictions, I'm worried about representation. GW gives a damn about the paint-schemes-formerly-known-as-legions as long as space marines sell.


If that's true, we'll see them very suddenly go belly up at some point in the future. Beyond the mini's the main appeal is[/i] the representation as you put it. The universe the story is the big draw when you see the pretty miniatures and what encourages people to continue buying mini's, not the newest hash job of sculpting. Problem is they are in a vacuum with no competitors, the same problem repeats over and over when this is the case; a poorer product (or service in the case of the service industry, just look at UK's rail service). Eventually will find the way of widely communicating an alternative and GW will lose is share of the pie. Admittedly people have been saying that years, but, I personally think those that were saying it were not wrong, just got the breaking point wrong.


Another bad CSM codex is not the breaking point either. Because they will continue to support their best sellers the most. When those suffer a nose dive. You'll notice a change. In terms of Necrons and GK's, I think their codices are broken because cynically they deliberately made them overpowered; not consciously; that would imply too much competence. More that these were the next big push in sales to increase market share; the robots from terminator and Super Space Marines.


This leaves my poor Iron Warriors out in the cold because of stupid decisions. Though I think I can make it work. I personally will continue using the CSM codex, and I intend to ally with the IG (BTW rules question; can allied troops choices claim? I've always assumed so) with lots of artillery.

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