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couple questions


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Here are some questions I couldn't find the answers to.


1. At what point in a planetstrike game do you place infiltrators?


2. If a unit is on top of a building with battlements and that building is assaulted I know that unit can throw grenades at the assaulting unit. Can that unit also or instead choose to fire over watch at the unit assaulting the building which they are on top of?


3. If 2 separate units assault a vehicle and 1 of the assaulting units gets to resolve Hammer of Wrath which results in the vehicle being immobilized, are the rest of the attacks that come after initiative step 10 resolved at a vehicle weapon skill of 3 or 1?


4. If a unit is on battlements on top of a building which suffers a7 on the building damage table does that unit on the Battlements take the 2 D 6 hits?


5. For the Chaos Space Marines do the destroyer blades from the vehicle equipment list count as a weapon? If I tank shock a unit with destroyer blades and they take hits and that vehicle also has warpflame gargoyles, will that unit also receive a soul blaze counter?


6. If my chaos obliterators get assaulted by a hive tyrant with 2 tyrant guards, and both of the tyrant guards are dead after initiative step 1, is that unit locked in combat anymore if there is more than 3 inches between the loan hi Tyra and my obliterators?

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"A couple" means two...what you have is a few! :nuke:


1. Planetstrike, p.12. Scout and Infiltrate deployments aren't allowed, but they let you Outflank as normal.


2. BRB FAQ, p.5.

Q. If a fortification you are in is charged, are your units occupying

it allowed to make Overwatch shots against the assaulters from any

Fire Points in the same manner as an occupied Transport? (p80/97)

A: Yes. Note, however, that models defending a fortification’s

battlements may not fire Overwatch in this situation, as they

do not count as embarked inside the fortification.


3. BRB, p.76. If a vehicle is immobilized, it's WS 0.


4. BRB, p.95. Units on top take what those inside take, only at half Strength.


5. C:CSM, p.58. Destroyer Blades are neither listed as a weapon, nor do they have a weapon profile that would make them a weapon.


6. BRB, p.27. Both sides make a Pile In move, so you'd have to be more than 6" away to instead Consolidate.



All of which can be answered by reading the rules! :D

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Indeed, as Seahawk has shown these questions are easily answered by reading the rules and FAQ, as the sticky at the top of the forum has been updated with links there's a no excuse for not having read the latter.
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