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Hi Guys,


Anyone know of, or got a good sugeestion for how to paint convincing bone colour armour (such as deathwing or on skeletons?)


Ideally I'm looking for how 'eavy metal would do it - thats the kind of difficulty, not basic and not Golden Demon winning.




I'm not an expert on painting DeathWing armour, but I use the following to get an effect that I'm satisfied with:


Base coat Ceramite white

Drybrush Screaming skull (the new name, I forget it's old equivalent)

Wash with Seraphim Sepia

Drybrush with Screaming skull

Drybrush with Ceramite White


Otherwise, this list from Google will point you in the right direction -_-

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what I use for my Deathwing is this;


PRIMER: i prefer something medium like grey or ARMY PAINTERS bone primer.

BASE: Rakarth Flesh

SHADE(wash): I don't use one, but you could use a thinned down Agrax Earthshade I suppose. just in the recesses.

LAYER: Pallid Witch Flesh, cover all flat areas and what ever is raised surface. leave enough Rakarth Flesh showing to create your shadows.

HIGHLIGHT: white paint(any) to edge highlight the model,then


BOOM! your done.


this creates a nicely stark, colder white that IMO looks more like real bone. The GW way of doing the Deathwing, looks a little too much like freezer burnt vanilla icecream to me.

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my method is pretty similar to the above, I spray them white as the under coat, then wash with the sepia, then I dry brush heavily with bleached bone (not sure what it is called in the new colours) then dry brush again with Dheneb stone then lightly dry brush with white. I am no good at this line highlighting thing so I use dry brushing where I can!
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