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*Pouty look* Would you believe it? Santa - in his red and white outfit, practically a Word Bearer himself- didn't bring me a single GW product, much less Chaos bitz.


It's ok though. I've been taking care of that myself. Picked up an Obliterator sometime last week as well as some Macragge Blue that I have renamed "Dead Marines Blue," on account of the dead Ultramarines that it will be used to paint for my W.B. force.

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I got a Heldrake and all the paints GW suggests for their Night Lords paint scheme. Yeah it might be Citadel paints but beggars can't be choosers! Especially when someone else buys!

Paint choice, I find, comes down to the individual. I use a mixture of Citadel, PP & Vallejo with the odd random maker thrown in for a particular colour.

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Well right now, I've been using blues from the old GW paint range. Necron Abyss is a little hard to see on black primer, but I like the result. But I have been using one of the new metallics for the trim. Except for the fact that it only wants to go on thin, I kind of like it. So I am actually anticipating the day I get to finally use these but that's going to mean using the old ones first, which is taking a while.
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The Betrayer and Angel Exterminatus from Black Library, some Sanguinary Guard to make some truly hellish Slaaneshi Warp Talons with, the Tome of Blood from Fantasy Flight games for their Black Crusade role-playing game (hell of a time getting hold of that!) and some Empire Flagellants to make Chaos cultists with. Very pleased.
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I got a Decimator for a pal, and several of the Chaos Side in our campaign got Maulerfiends and Forgefiends after seeing one of them slice 'n dice its way through a bunch of tanks at the last gaming weekend.


Santa has boycotted me model-wise, until I get my Vulture Gunship and 10-man Guard Veteran Squad (with Aegis Defence Line) assembled, let alone painted. (They're Allies, natch.)

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and some Empire Flagellants to make Chaos cultists with.

i'm going to do the same thing!

the cultists look awesome, but they don't look like what i want for my army. i want the "slave/prisoner, crazed by torture, reluctantly thrown onto the front line against their will" kind of look. which those seem to fit. INTO THE MEAT GRINDER, YOU FOOLS.


also i got a rather nice gift card for my FLGS which i used to buy a forgefiend and order a heldrake.

i think i may buy some magnets and try to magnetise the head/arms of the fiend. if i screw that up i can just glue it back together anyway.

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I got two forgeworld books:


Imperial Armour Model Masterclass Volume One

It is completely awesome, and I am excited to start using weathering powders and hairspray on the Aegis line that I have in process.


Imperial Armour Volume One Second Edition - Imperial Guard

This will be handy for my Traitor Guard allies, although it has a scary omission (Hellhammer) and a scary typo (Artillery not in squadrons of 3 tanks). Also, it is thick and heavy enough that I can take cover under it in case of a tornado!

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Because some people celebrate it as a way for friends and family to get closer together and have an excuse to go out of their way and do something for them.

:D sorry I dont understand this , how do you "get out" of someones way when you try to give them something , not to mention the fact that to do this you have to travel durning winter [which is always a bad idea] . Is the getting out like going to cyprus durning christmas or something ?


I also dont understand the do something part. parents are already doing something every day . food, house , bills are done daily and kids unless they find a job , cant realy help their parents. + if the parents need children to go to work , I dont envy them , not that children working is a bad thing per se . If the options are die of hunger or keep children working , I understand , but from a status point of view , it is kind of a bad .So I dont understand why someone would want to be happy about something like that.


But it is probably something am missing in translation .

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