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By "someone going out of their way," it means that someone is doing something that normally they can or aren't able to do. Like help someone pay bills, get some food, or in the case of holidays, give someone something they normally can't get their hands on. For example, me g!" and I'd either wait until I had enough money to get with something else or just never get it. In this case, a family member went into the store, most likely asked the manager what to get for a Chaos Marine army since the family member in question knows nothing of the hobby and I wound up with a Heldrake and some presents. It's not just doing the basics and giving people the necessities of life. When it comes to someone you care about, sometimes it is a good thing to go the extra mile and do something more. That is going out of your way to do something for someone else.
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Like help someone pay bills, get some food, or in the case of holidays, give someone something they normally can't get their hands on.

That is a horrible thing . :D if you did this publicly in front of the whole family , the ones you "gift" would lose face . I cant think of anything worse happening . I mean this is worse then dieing , because the person you would do that to would have to live with it . it could actualy end up with someone doing something drastic . being unable support yourself and your children or elderly parents and then being shown off like someone poor . that is horrible . I dont believe you guys actualy do that , its beyond cruel.

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Like help someone pay bills, get some food, or in the case of holidays, give someone something they normally can't get their hands on.

That is a horrible thing . :) if you did this publicly in front of the whole family , the ones you "gift" would lose face . I cant think of anything worse happening . I mean this is worse then dieing , because the person you would do that to would have to live with it . it could actualy end up with someone doing something drastic . being unable support yourself and your children or elderly parents and then being shown off like someone poor . that is horrible . I dont believe you guys actualy do that , its beyond cruel.


Like has been alluded to already, I think there is a fundamental disconnect between culture and outlooks, here. Some might see it the way you do, jeske, but others see it in a different light, perhaps viewing it as a considerate and generous gesture. Let's not get carried away here. :D

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I got:


Les Miserables

A sketchbook

Graphite Sticks (my favorite!)

New Slippers

Ten American Dollars

A chocolate coated marshmallow Santa

An Awesome New Computer

A very nice, if a little small, new Wacom tablet.

A $20 best buy gift certificate, which I used to buy gifts for others.


No GW stuff, but still probably my best Christmas haul in years.


GW time for me is less the holidays, and more tax return time, I'll be picking up new Chaos toys then.

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Like help someone pay bills, get some food, or in the case of holidays, give someone something they normally can't get their hands on.

That is a horrible thing . :D if you did this publicly in front of the whole family , the ones you "gift" would lose face . I cant think of anything worse happening . I mean this is worse then dieing , because the person you would do that to would have to live with it . it could actualy end up with someone doing something drastic . being unable support yourself and your children or elderly parents and then being shown off like someone poor . that is horrible . I dont believe you guys actualy do that , its beyond cruel.


Please look up the phrase 'Cultural Relativism'. An action which causes a person to 'lose face' in one culture is a mark of caring or generosity in another. The action is not inherently good or bad, it only takes on these value judgements when viewed through the lenses of a persons culture.



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Like help someone pay bills, get some food, or in the case of holidays, give someone something they normally can't get their hands on.

That is a horrible thing . :) if you did this publicly in front of the whole family , the ones you "gift" would lose face . I cant think of anything worse happening . I mean this is worse then dieing , because the person you would do that to would have to live with it . it could actualy end up with someone doing something drastic . being unable support yourself and your children or elderly parents and then being shown off like someone poor . that is horrible . I dont believe you guys actualy do that , its beyond cruel.


Wait, I thought you are from a country that is socialist or communist, which means that you all basically live on government handouts. That's pretty shameful for our culture, since getting help from the government is considered something the poor do (this includes healthcare). Also it makes your argument extremely confusing because the government would be shaming you all on a daily basis.


I got a predator, forgefiend, bikes, and havocs.

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Wait, I thought you are from a country that is socialist or communist, which means that you all basically live on government handouts. That's pretty shameful for our culture, since getting help from the government is considered something the poor do (this includes healthcare). Also it makes your argument extremely confusing because the government would be shaming you all on a daily basis.

As an actual Poor-class citizen, I feel the need to point out that it is only the lazy poor who depend on welfare. The rest of us are more than willing to work for it. The rest of us do work for it.

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I just got another one, a new fender for my motorcycle to replace the one broken by a vodka bottle back in January!


I knew that would somehow backfire.


Ahem. Chaos presents. :)

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Well then, I will be completely on-topic and declare that I got NOTHING even remotely connectable to 40k this christmas. I doubt my relatives would even know what store to go to for it... :)


...but I treated myself to a present, I bought flamers! :rolleyes:

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Like help someone pay bills, get some food, or in the case of holidays, give someone something they normally can't get their hands on.

That is a horrible thing . ;) if you did this publicly in front of the whole family , the ones you "gift" would lose face . I cant think of anything worse happening . I mean this is worse then dieing , because the person you would do that to would have to live with it . it could actualy end up with someone doing something drastic . being unable support yourself and your children or elderly parents and then being shown off like someone poor . that is horrible . I dont believe you guys actualy do that , its beyond cruel.


Wait, I thought you are from a country that is socialist or communist, which means that you all basically live on government handouts. That's pretty shameful for our culture, since getting help from the government is considered something the poor do (this includes healthcare). Also it makes your argument extremely confusing because the government would be shaming you all on a daily basis.


Russian Federation hasn't been socialist or communist in any way, shape or form for over 20 years now. The "welfare" there is so poor today that it makes US welfare system look really over-developed in comparison. Government handouts are non-existent. Many people who are in public sector jobs get so paid so little that they would be basically unable to live and eat unless they took bribes or had a second job. Pensions are so non-existant that children actually have to support their elderly parents. Plus, there is a good chance that Jeske is from one of the southern cultures that didn't take government handouts even 30 years ago when there was something like that available anyway.


But back to the subject: I bought myself the plastic Champion for Christmass. Just because he looks so cool :P

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Polaria! Glad to see you've made it over to BnC!


You practically forced my hand. Happy now? :P



Last chance people,


Keep it on topic or the Melta will be fired at everyone who's been helping to drag this off-topic.


*ducks and covers*



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Last chance people,


Keep it on topic or the Melta will be fired at everyone who's been helping to drag this off-topic.


Fire away. I think it's somewhat personally enriching to learn about other people's lifestyles, and where else would I be able to talk about Christmas ( a cultural event in it's own right) with such a diverse group of people?

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Last chance people,


Keep it on topic or the Melta will be fired at everyone who's been helping to drag this off-topic.


Fire away. I think it's somewhat personally enriching to learn about other people's lifestyles, and where else would I be able to talk about Christmas ( a cultural event in it's own right) with such a diverse group of people?

You may want to re-read some of the posts in this thread because you appear to be missing the intent of the above and possibly the definition of off-topic (hint: the political remarks).
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Last chance people,


Keep it on topic or the Melta will be fired at everyone who's been helping to drag this off-topic.


Fire away. I think it's somewhat personally enriching to learn about other people's lifestyles, and where else would I be able to talk about Christmas ( a cultural event in it's own right) with such a diverse group of people?


In all fairness, discussing Christmas and what you got is fine so long as it is on-topic and (reasonably) board relevant. Yomping off the beaten path to chatter about world culture and politics is not kosher, as stated in the rules:


ABSOLUTELY NO OFF-TOPIC DISCUSSIONS. Particularly in regards to politics, nationalism, religion, sexuality or moral/ethical debates.


It ruffles feathers, without fail. That is why Brother Nihm has politely informed the fraters to stay on-topic. It's best not to be blasé about it, because calling a Mods or an Admins bluff ruins the fun for others.

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