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A Pair of Dreads


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Hail brothers!


So, I wish to include a couple of dreadnoughts to drop assault both in my first turn (DC contained in a 3rd pod) amd I was wondering what load outs and dreadnoughts would be the best choices to take. I have the prerequisite DC for a DC dread, so maybe one DC and one Furioso (or two Furioso's?) and I would like to kit them out for anti-tank and anti-infantry... I think. Either one as anti-tank and one as anti-infantry, or both 'multi-purpose' but this seems like a very middle of the road approach...


Here's some set ups that I am considering:


Furioso; Frag Cannon; Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod - 170 points, anti-infantry (with a Fist)




DC Dreadnought; Magna Grapple; Drop Pod - 175 points, anti-tank (with fists or...?)


Bit of a role reversal there as I always imagined a DC Dread as anti-infantry with Blood Claws... But that'll be my AT Dread. The 'Fragioso' has three templates worth of potential kills.



Furioso; Magna Grapple; Frag Cannon; Drop Pod - 175 points, multi-purpose (has a Fist & Meltagun for anti-tank, plus the FC for anti-infantry)




DC Dread; Heavy Flamer; Blood Talons; Drop Pod; 170, multi-purpose (retains the Meltagun and the Talons could shred lighter vehicles, talons & HF for anti-infantry)


No matter the set up(s) I take the 2 dreads will be working together, combining their efforts they can both go anti-tank or anti-infantry, or split thier efforts if needed...



Furioso; Magna Grapple; DP - 175, anti-vehicle




DC Dread; Blood Talons; Heavy Flamer; DP - 170, anti-infantry



If DPAssaulting your Dreads in pairs how would you equip them for maximum effect?

Should I try and maximise their effect Vs certain types of enemies or go the muliti-purpose approach?

Any other set ups/ideas I have missed?



Thanks in advance for your help,





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Id keep it simple.


1 furioso with 2 blood fists, to hunt tanks, or even make him a libnought... For that extra support for your other forces.


1 death company dread with 2 blood talons, heavy flamer to maim enemy troops, the melta for the occasional tank that stepps in.


With your CC dreads, you should be careful not to think to much about the shooting face, as if you shoot to many troops/tanks, then youll have nothing to charge, and will stand out in the open and face an entire round of enemy shooting

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When I play similar lists I try to retain the melta and then load out for anti infantry. I assume the turn I drop I can get a shot to blow a transport or vehicle with the melta and then assault a different unit the next turn. If no targets I try to hide behind the pod or drop smoke to try to weather the shooting that will be coming.
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Thanks for the replies, brothers :)


Would you not even give the Furioso a Manga Grapple to help with the tank bustin', Apocalyptic? Is swapping one Fist for the Frag Cannon (and retaining the MG) a good idea?


The DCD does have Fleet so killing stuff before assaulting is less of an issue than with the Furioso.


The DCD with Talons and a Flamer seems like the standard set up for most folk, probably with good reason...


Keeping things simple is never as easy as it seems, probably because I think too much.


Judging from both your comments, I would assume that option 2 or 3 would be the better choices to take in an all-comers list. Would you guys agree with that?


Lastly, if taking 3 pods so the 2 dreads can DPA first turn, what would you put in a third pod? Currently have my DC sat in that pod but I'm told that's not the best place for them...



Thank you both very much for your input so far ;)

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DCD (with talons) are not as good as they used to be. AV12 in combination with I4 means striking simultaneously or after (if you charge through terrain) MEQ. They will still munch entire squads but you will also see them glanced to death a lot and they work best to finish off units already locked in combat.


Furiosos want to take the frag cannon over a second fists for just about every scenario.


I think all dreads benefit from the grapple and you should always try to find points for them. 15 pts is a small price to pay for the extra benefits you're giving an already expensive model.

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I agree with the magna-grapple, but I find Furioso's quite cheap really. A bare bones is 125, and I shove my Talon dude in a raven for late game squad munching when he puts the fear of the Emperor in those objective sitters! The AV13 in close combat is awesome and its not game breaking if he dies early (or loses a 'talon from a crashing 'raven like last night!)


The best Dread in a pod is the Frag Furioso imho as he can drop and cause mayhem instantly. Have you thought about using 2 of these? Although the DC is a great distraction I find they ALWAYS die early on if dropped turn 1.

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If I have the points for a magna grapple, I take it, but its not all that important to me. I find the talons worthwhile it anyday over the fragcannon, but then again, i want my dreads up in CC, so that they dont get picked on by heavy weapons. And they already have a little firepower that does it work for me.


As for the 3 pods strat, go with a 6-7 man sternguard unit, give them a few combiplasmas to drop in and do a gibbering on the most elite enemy unit you can find. This unit will keep the enemy on the toes about his movement, as it is capable of taking down almost anything in 1 turn of shooting.


Knife&fork - How do MEQs glance a DCD? Its still AV12 vs S4, which doesnt do dang in my book? Sure, theyll scrap a little paint of him, but thats it.

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Im also a fan of the Melta Gun, Magna Grapple and Frag Cannon. Really versatile.

Since First Blood is so important, I rate go for that.


If I had the option, id be dropping 2 dreads in. Make the opponent sweat his choices, either try kill the snippy claw dread, or the frag. Both of which are very dangerous. Id go Furioso over DC dread. AV13 is amaze.

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Hope you all had a great New Year ;)


Thank you to everyone who posted feedback.


I want two Dreads to drop in first turn, so even should I gear them up for maximum combat carnage they'll still have to weather a turn of shooting before I can assault with them, for this reason I feel it would be better to maximise their impact on the turn they arrive.


I think. so far, this set up looks good:


MG, FC, MG for the Furioso

Fists, HF for the DC Dread


Both are versatile and can hunt either vehicles or infantry, which means neither would go to waste and they can combine their efforts against any specfic enemies that maight give me a headache. I originally kitted out the DCD as anti-tank because it's average armour rating becomes less on an issue.


Either that, or I go back to Option 1 and swap the Grapple and Flamer around (but then I lose a MG and gain a rather lacklustre stormbolter... SB being extremely 'meh' on a dreadnought IMO).

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Have you guys really found av12 to be that fragile in combat? I havent honestly just using a nilla dread with dccw but I know K&F rolls with a ton of dreads in 6th so obviously more experience here.


Yes, every blip of AV matters and being completely immune to S6 on the front is a big difference. AV13 will also reduce the damage you take before the fight subphase which is just as important for a CC dread.

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I agree that AV13 is much better than AV12 for a dropped dread - immune to S6, can only take glances from plasma, and still has a good chance against S8.


As soon as the DC dread hits the table, it's going to be target priority 1 for your opponent, because he needs to ensure it doesn't get the charge on him. The Fragiosos are also a threat, but they have such a powerful alpha-strike they can pay for themselves on the drop, where as the DC dread needs to get into combat to be effective - which is somewhat unlikely unless you can put him somewhere safe after the drop.


I like to run my DC out of a stormraven when I can (though sadly he has been a little neglected of late). Ensuring the 6 S7 attacks on the charge is very important, and if the stormraven survives, you can use it to redeploy the dread quickly across the board after it's done the dirty work.

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