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Avoiding challenges


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Something just hit me about the Black Mace. It forces all non-vehicle enemy models within 3" of the bearer to take a Toughness test. If a Black Mace user wins a challenge, it has the potential to remove one wound from every enemy model in three inches.


He doesn't even have to win, just to cause a wound!

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Well if I read it right, he has to cause an unsaved wound. According to the cursed rule, any model that takes an unsaved wound from the Black mace is removed. So the two sort of go hand-in-hand.

If I don't remember wrong, those are two separate parts of it's rules. I don't have the codex here with me at work so i can't check though...

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They are and they aren't from what I am seeing. Thankfully, it's night and I am at home so I can bring the passage to you. :)


Cursed: If a model suffers an unsaved wound from the Black Mace it must immediately take a toughness test. If the test is failed, remove the model as a casualty with no saves allowed. In addition, at the end of a phase in which the Black Mace caused one or more unsaved Wounds, all non-vehicle enemy models within 3" of the bearer, which haven't suffered an unsaved Wound from the Black Mace this phase, must take a toughness test. Any models that fail the test suffer a wound with no saves of any kind allowed. page 69 of the English Print Codex: Chaos Space Marines. So the potential is there to both remove a challenge and wipe out an entire squad by causing only one unsaved Wound.

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Well, he still needs to passa toughness test. Most things you use the mace on will pass that with relative ease...


But it's extremely anti-horde. IG blobs, nids and other large blobs of T3 will be decimated, and even T4 will feel the hurtin'...no save is lovely! :)

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Well, he still needs to passa toughness test. Most things you use the mace on will pass that with relative ease...


But it's extremely anti-horde. IG blobs, nids and other large blobs of T3 will be decimated, and even T4 will feel the hurtin'...no save is lovely! :)

Cursed is a great rule. Remember, it only works on models within 3 inches.


When going into a challenge, remember to place the challenge combatants so that your opponent is as close to the rest of the army as possible. It's best if you move the models yourself, and there are no real rules for how they need to be placed and opponents can do things to put their guy in more favorable positions. You want to be close enough where there are like 4 - 6 other models in range.

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Well, he still needs to passa toughness test. Most things you use the mace on will pass that with relative ease...


But it's extremely anti-horde. IG blobs, nids and other large blobs of T3 will be decimated, and even T4 will feel the hurtin'...no save is lovely! :D

Cursed is a great rule. Remember, it only works on models within 3 inches.


When going into a challenge, remember to place the challenge combatants so that your opponent is as close to the rest of the army as possible. It's best if you move the models yourself, and there are no real rules for how they need to be placed and opponents can do things to put their guy in more favorable positions. You want to be close enough where there are like 4 - 6 other models in range.

And with wings, you pretty much gets to choose where to assault! B)

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