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Dark Angels Rumors and Chaos Faildex...


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No they don't have the whole codex they've got leaked pages with USRs, statlines etc which is pretty damn close.

No it is not, because it all depends on point costs. Give up, please :lol:

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Our Bezerkers are not even worth playing anymore. T-Sons are all but worthless.


That's strange because it's exactly these two units that havebeen making me seriously consider starting a Chaos army......


WS5 Berserkers with Rage and Furious Charge? Yes please.


Thousand Sons with a 4+ invulnerable and AP3 Bolters as standard, what's not to like?


As for being jealous of the Dark Angel rumours; it's a great time to be a Dark Angel.

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Thousand Sons with a 4+ invulnerable and AP3 Bolters as standard, what's not to like?

The squad leader is a point sink, their unable to fire in overwatch, and they die like regular marines to torrent fire.


Knowing that Ward is not the author of the new DA dex has eased my mind, a little. Perhaps they won't be as uberboken as they might have been . . .

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Why are we even arguing this here? I thought the problems some of us had with our book were internal? Nothing the DA book does or doesn't do will change how raptors look next to bikes, or how berzerkers look next to chaos marines, or make thousand sons, warp talons, or possessed good. Nothing wrong in our book is fixed by a weak or restrictive dark angels book, and nothing right in our book is ruined by a strong or diverse dark angels book, so why do we care, except as far as it might function as another 'counts as' book for chaos players who want to jump ship?


the problems will very fast start to be external . Well unless the next 2-3 dex are sob, nids and hmm lets say eldar , but done by JJ.



Perhaps they won't be as uberboken as they might have been . . .

go the the GW site and pick your country . go to WFB FAQs , check a few armies at random and how many pages do they FAQ take . Then look at skaven [you dont have to know wfb at all] , just look at the number of pages. check who wrote the skaven dex :lol:.


I realize they had one AV 14 speeder but now they have the possibility to take multiples which combined with jink and fast will make them pretty hard to kill.

I doubt 3 things . that you will fit 2-3 of them at 1500 pts . I doubt you will run 2-3 plasma or 2-3 shroud at more then 1500. that is why am saying you are not going to have more then 1 av14 shrouding giving or plasma giving LS per army . Unless it is one of those times when you get to play2k+ games and even then it is possibly better to take other stuff then a 3ed or 4th speeder . even at under 2k points am not sure runing 2 is a wise thing to do . they are no vendettas or SR[points cost].

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via faeit212:

new dark angels/january product details: http://natfka.blogspot.de/2013/01/january-...ef-details.html


"Generals of other 40K armies, especially Chaos Space Marines, will have to alter their tactics and collect new miniatures to be able to stand toe-to-toe with these new units"


"Deathwing Knights are armed with a Mace of Absolution and the Knight Master is armed with a Flail of the Unforgiven, all designed specifically to destroy Chaos Space Marines (and the Fallen)"



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via faeit212:



"Deathwing Knights are armed with a Mace of Absolution and the Knight Master is armed with a Flail of the Unforgiven, all designed specifically to destroy Chaos Space Marines (and the Fallen)"


Well I hope its minor things like Veteran of Long War in our codex.


I hope..

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via faeit212:

new dark angels/january product details: http://natfka.blogspot.de/2013/01/january-...ef-details.html


"Generals of other 40K armies, especially Chaos Space Marines, will have to alter their tactics and collect new miniatures to be able to stand toe-to-toe with these new units"


"Deathwing Knights are armed with a Mace of Absolution and the Knight Master is armed with a Flail of the Unforgiven, all designed specifically to destroy Chaos Space Marines (and the Fallen)"



lulz, Hatred CSM?


Helps me decide whether I bulk out my CSM or my DA with new purchases.

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Is it just me or does the Nephilim look a lot more flexible than the Heldrake?


They each hold a storm shield that the squad can lock together to make them even tougher


3++ if they don't move maybe?


The new kits scream deathstar. Specifically Chaos killing deathstars.

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via faeit212:



"Deathwing Knights are armed with a Mace of Absolution and the Knight Master is armed with a Flail of the Unforgiven, all designed specifically to destroy Chaos Space Marines (and the Fallen)"


Well I hope its minor things like Veteran of Long War in our codex.


I hope..


maybe all deathwing have some type of preferred enemy rule where they have to go after the hq

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At least, their models are insanely ugly.

oddly enough I like all the DA models , including the ultra speeders everyone seems to hate.



Whelp, guess I was wrong, looks like DA are being specifically designed to ruin whatever works in our army.

I hope the rules are crazy good . It would make me happy :( .

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At least, their models are insanely ugly.

oddly enough I like all the DA models , including the ultra speeders everyone seems to hate.



Including the rabbit ears on the terminator squad guy?


I dunno, a lot of the models look kind of forced and awkward. The ears on the termi, the flyer looks kind of strange and stubby, and the front turret on the land speeder looks bolted on. Nothing horrible, but nothing that screams 'buy me'. Better than the mutilators though.

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Whelp, guess I was wrong, looks like DA are being specifically designed to ruin whatever works in our army.

Well, maybe that will help reverse-engineer some kind of idea as to what GW thinks works in our army. It would be funny if DA were designed to rain on that parade, but no one is playing that way.

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At least, their models are insanely ugly.

oddly enough I like all the DA models , including the ultra speeders everyone seems to hate.



Including the rabbit ears on the terminator squad guy?


I dunno, a lot of the models look kind of forced and awkward. The ears on the termi, the flyer looks kind of strange and stubby, and the front turret on the land speeder looks bolted on. Nothing horrible, but nothing that screams 'buy me'. Better than the mutilators though.


Remember though that models quite often look worse in the pictures than on the table. I haven't had a good look at the flyer but i like the look of the terminators

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Including the rabbit ears on the terminator squad guy?


I dunno, a lot of the models look kind of forced and awkward. The ears on the termi, the flyer looks kind of strange and stubby, and the front turret on the land speeder looks bolted on. Nothing horrible, but nothing that screams 'buy me'. Better than the mutilators though.

I dont know they look very good for me . The speeder looks like a hind , the termis with hoods and the winged knights are something normal in slavic history . and the flyers are awesome.

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I dont know they look very good for me . The speeder looks like a hind , the termis with hoods and the winged knights are something normal in slavic history . and the flyers are awesome.

No, Hinds are much much cooler, AND they have transport capacity! :(

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Whelp, guess I was wrong, looks like DA are being specifically designed to ruin whatever works in our army.

Well, maybe that will help reverse-engineer some kind of idea as to what GW thinks works in our army. It would be funny if DA were designed to rain on that parade, but no one is playing that way.

How amusing would that be? "Any Chaos model within 10" CANNOT issue or accept a Challenge". Yeah, that'll force those Chaos guys to adapt...

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Whelp, guess I was wrong, looks like DA are being specifically designed to ruin whatever works in our army.

Well, maybe that will help reverse-engineer some kind of idea as to what GW thinks works in our army. It would be funny if DA were designed to rain on that parade, but no one is playing that way.


How about if obliterators and mutilators must use the same weapons they used the previous turn? Or if units disembarking rhinos were forced to assault.

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