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Dark Angels Rumors and Chaos Faildex...


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my only problem with the new book is I always seem about 200 points off having a truly flavourful and competitive army, no matter what sized game i've always got to sacrifice or take something that doesn't have as much synergy as another option. For anarchists and rebels we have a lot of rules holding us in place.
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I am not sure if everyone has been watching the info unfold from the new DA codex, but it looks like most of the rumors were true, and then some...


I will wait to read the new codex before deciding if 6th edition chaos will be put back into the closet til 7th.

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it's all true. inner circle rule means fearless and pref enemy csm (so re-roll gets hot!), DW knights have maces at -1AP against CSM, their tacticals have ATSKNF and stubborn at 14 (!) pts/marine without sgt upgrade and may take 2 heavy weapons (or 1 in 5 that is). we. got. hosed.


only their flyers suck. but they got vendettas for that...

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They get -1AP from AP3 to 2 AFAIK. They can't have two heavy weapons or two special weapons in a tac squad, only 1 of each.


I think the thing we got screwed on was the sheer amount of wargear. I'm trying to maintain a po faced resolve about it but it's looking grim to say the least.


The thing that fills me with nerd rage more than anything else is Teleport Homers on RW AND Deathwing Assault; meaning your spammy army of DW and RW always turn up together exactly how you want and exactly on target. Seriously what the hell.

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They can't have two heavy weapons or two special weapons in a tac squad, only 1 of each.

ah, true. but 1 heavy in 5: if under 10, 1 sm may replace bolter for 1 special or heavy, if =10, 1 special and 1 heavy. makes for lots of 5 man squads with plasmacans/flakk missles and razorbacks.


as for deathwing knights, the maces are ap4/3 vs chaos, while the champ has a ap3/2 vs chaos flail, all carry SS, precision shot on 5+have hammer of wrath and T5 while in B2B. and not to forget: once per game their weapons are S10 AP2! all that for 6pts more than a normal terminator. [i just edited this 5 times to include more ridiculous special rules lol]

DW command squad has a champion with +2S/Ap2 halberd. all DW may choose whether to DS turn 1 or 2 without a roll. with belial, they don't scatter.


banner include FnP bubble, make all units in range fire bolters at 2/4 torrent.

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DA making chaos players grim .lol . Wait till you see ze eldar . IMO the DA dex is nice and balanced and has realy nice options for general play [not just anti chaos] play . there is tons of interesting weapons and gear and even those flyers arent as bad as people think[well they are a lot worse then vendettas or scyths , but that can be said about all flyers till IG/necron get a new dex] ,
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DA dex is nice and balanced and has realy nice options for general play [not just anti chaos]


very true. I wish ours was a bit like that.


But at least the myth is now busted that CSM were the notion of "balanced" things to come, isn't it?

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nah . We have to wait for eldar for this :D . God that is going to be so awesome , when they get a new dex . I should have archived the whole balance and streamline talk , just like I did back in teh 5th . It is going to make an awesome read in 2-3 years .


but enough of the off topic . What do you guys think about all those builds that come out of the dex. It is possible to build two DW armies and they wont be identical . Kind of a strange considering DAs are just one space marine chapter.

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Could also be argued that GK are just one SM chapter as well.


I haven't read the codex but I'm not going to hunt through the leaked stuff or download one of the codex previews or whatever. I'm just going to read what others say and pick it up somewhere down the road. That said, what are some things we should look out for or avoid? Helldrakes are still looking very nasty.
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Once I have found an awesome quote on this very forum.


"Do you want a better codex? You should not have betrayed the Emperor!"


And actually it seems true. My brother plays vanilla (count as Alpha Legion) and I find it hard to compete with his builds. And he's not really building some overpowering beasts. However, If I try to make my tactical squads better, I make it Approx 50 points more expensive and still... he is ATSKNF. I must say I liked Gavdex (kind of) but now I am a bit disappointed. I like it fluffwise as I am playing quite much mutated renegades but how can I build lists with this! Have you tried to build TDA lord with lightning claws? One for 5, one for 12 points? "My right hand is much more worthy!"


I have played full zerker list but I am sorry to say that zerks are nothing special anymore. In second round of combat you still have just two attacks with each guy! They were always toe to toe with other armies dedicated close combat specialists. But now!?


I don't like whining but I am quite sad of it all. In this edition I will most likely finish painting of my army and will play with my backup Flesh Tearers...

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DAs will have lots of stealth etc. But what is realy nice is list flexibility . want to use an aegis but dont want to buy a whole tac to man it ?buy 5 dudes. dont want to take vet sgts and make tacs cheaper ? you can . Picking the time when you want to deep strike is also very nice .


the list isnt necron or GKs [as in 5th ed GKs] , but it has lots of options. weapons for HQs are very good. even those banners , are interesting . the dex just gives tons of options and that is what I like .

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I like the look of the new DA dex, full of flavour. And plasma. Delicious, flavourful plasma.


As for the state of our own codex against it, I honestly don't think it will be the end of all we know. Sure, our on-paper power is lower than the current powerhouses, but that just means a challenge to be overcome.

However, it does still sadden me to see how CLOSE it is to being the book we all dreamed about. A few tweaked rules, some more wargear options for our squads (for example, it has always confused me that the only wargear upgrades Raptors get are ranged weaponry. Would it have been so hard to allow them a pair of power weapons instead of the plasma pistols?), and the book would be basically perfect for what I wanted - a codex that is significantly less forgiving than loyalist books, but powerful in the hands of a player who knows how to use them.

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You'd think we'd have some power as consumers, but there is only one thing we can do, not buy the mini's not play Chaos... Unless there is any reason to make a complaint whatsoever, like an open ended one.


Seriously a FAQ would fix our codex for so many things. The Key? URGH! Just does not work. DA and Vanilla get teleport homers, so stupid it's unreal.

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It is funny to read some of this, I don't get to play anymore, but it is the same crap every time. Now there are allies so Chaos can shore up shortcomings with allies, even Forgeworld allies. I think there are lots of different options in the Chaos Codex, more choice is better for people who play for fun. Apparently playing for fun with your own army is frowned on nowadays as everyone uses counts as armies with uber Internet lists at least according to forums and some bloggers...


I also wonder when the B&C will look like the B&C and whether my pic & links...

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It is funny to read some of this, I don't get to play anymore, but it is the same crap every time. Now there are allies so Chaos can shore up shortcomings with allies, even Forgeworld allies. I think there are lots of different options in the Chaos Codex, more choice is better for people who play for fun. Apparently playing for fun with your own army is frowned on nowadays as everyone uses counts as armies with uber Internet lists at least according to forums and some bloggers...


I also wonder when the B&C will look like the B&C and whether my pic & links...


I agree with you.

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it's all true. inner circle rule means fearless and pref enemy csm (so re-roll gets hot!), DW knights have maces at -1AP against CSM, their tacticals have ATSKNF and stubborn at 14 (!) pts/marine without sgt upgrade and may take 2 heavy weapons (or 1 in 5 that is). we. got. hosed.


only their flyers suck. but they got vendettas for that...


...F you Phail Kelly, F you Games Workshop-Aru.

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It is funny to read some of this, I don't get to play anymore, but it is the same crap every time. Now there are allies so Chaos can shore up shortcomings with allies, even Forgeworld allies....

If the Chaos Marine codex was as well thought out and diverse as the DA codex, we would not need allies. Sure we could take them if desired, but at this point Chaos needs allies to sure up those glaring the size of a bus shortcomings. The real problem is that we should not HAVE to use allies.


I don't usually get into these discussions but the GW apologisting is getting on my nerves. This is the second garbage codex the Chaos has had and there is simply no excuse. We need to hold their feet to the fire, GW need to get their game design in order. Especially since they are charging a rediculous premium for codices now.

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