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Dark Angels Rumors and Chaos Faildex...


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It really makes me miss our Heavy Weapon in a 5-man Squad.


I'm not sure I get the point in a full 10 man DA Tac Squad now - there's no wasted points on Vet Sarges, they can take Special or Heavy in a 5-man team and if they want to Combat Squad a 10 man into two 5's they can share a transport.


I think we'd be hearing a lot more about 'Greenwing' if not for the new toys that the DW & RW got.

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Ok minion, how would you have taken down a DW shooty list?


Knights aren't Str 6 AP 4 for a turn, they're Str 10 AP 2 for a turn. So use that on the really hard stuff, IE other termis or 2+ saves. Then they'll weigh the remainder down with high strength attacks. With MCs, won't most of them be going after anyway? Only a few are faster, IE hive tyrants, DPs and avatars. Regardless they also have stormshields for added survivability.

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It really makes me miss our Heavy Weapon in a 5-man Squad.


I'm not sure I get the point in a full 10 man DA Tac Squad now - there's no wasted points on Vet Sarges, they can take Special or Heavy in a 5-man team and if they want to Combat Squad a 10 man into two 5's they can share a transport.


I think we'd be hearing a lot more about 'Greenwing' if not for the new toys that the DW & RW got.


Yeah, their TAC entry is so much better than the CSM entry it isnt even funny.


I don't think greenwing has a long lifespan though (so it would be dangerous to invest in the army), since codex:SM tacticals are likely to follow the same template except with a better 'chapter tactics' rule than grim resolve, so Ultramarines will likely do this better and DA greenwing will become a suboptimal codex for a tac heavy build.

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Ok minion, how would you have taken down a DW shooty list?


I didn't see the list, but I did see him mentioning using Helbrutes, and by his own admission, he wasn't using a competitive list. I also have some issues with the Dark Angel player, as he didn't scatter, which either means he used Belial's homer on a turn not allowed, or he was using bikes (which the player didn't mention him having). Additionally, if more than 50% of his force was in reserves, he was breaking a rule as well. Since I don't know all the situations regarding that game, it's impossible for me to comment.


That said, if I knew I was facing a DW shooty list, I'd castle up. My usual list has plenty of plasma, so I'm really not terribly concerned with Deathwing at the moment.


Knights aren't Str 6 AP 4 for a turn, they're Str 10 AP 2 for a turn. So use that on the really hard stuff, IE other termis or 2+ saves. Then they'll weigh the remainder down with high strength attacks. With MCs, won't most of them be going after anyway? Only a few are faster, IE hive tyrants, DPs and avatars. Regardless they also have stormshields for added survivability.


First of all, that was clearly a typo... One turn of S10 AP2 sounds scary, but there are a couple things to remember. First of all, their Sergeant doesn't get Smite Mode with his flail, so that's one less to worry about. After they've used up their Smite Mode, they are much easier to deal with. If you only have one target in your army where they'd want to use Smite Mode, well, then I guess you're screwed, but you might also have a lousy list. If you have both a Maulerfiend and a cheap axe-wielding terminator squad, they can't use their maces on both. Similarly, making them chew through a blob of 35 zombies will still take on average 5 rounds of fighting (4 if they charge)... and you might actually kill a few in the process.


Either way, DW Knights are a tough unit, but not the end-all of chaos.


DW knights are regularly ap3 against anything from C:CSM ("bane of the traitors"), sgt ap2.


And AP1 on Smite Mode.

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He said he did castle up and they just blew up all his rhinos and preceded to kill a fair bit of his army. Any ideas besides rhinos? Because they're not very difficult to take down with an assault cannon. I suggested LRs but they're expensive and not many people use them.


Zombies would be a great unit vs knights but then they're just one type of list. Maulerfiends are usually considered bad for a HS. Personally I like them and will probably use them.

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I read the DA codex and liked it. It hardly seems overpowered to me. Sure, they get nice and shiny units with awesome special rules, but those units also happen to be expensive. One Helldragon with a baleflamer should put some fright into ravenwing players, who also happen to use bikers who are not exactly dirt cheap like ours are (though sure, they get fancy rules). Their terminators seems dangerous, but its not as if they are free either, as they actually cost a nice chunk of points. Also, our HQs compare very favorably to theirs as far as I see. Troops-wise, we are fairly even. Some of the stuff that some people are mentioning as "very good" like that their tacticals can take a missile with flak doesn`t really impress me as any game breaking advantage. Sincerly doubt lists spamming tactical detachments with expensive flakk missille launchers will be very common.

That having been said, I think their codex is very nice and I look very much forward to playing against it !

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