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Dark Angels Rumors and Chaos Faildex...


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Not mr. Ward, it Jeremy Vetock

Oh darn, but the rumors were so insistent that Ward was doing it. Wait, a rumor was wrong?

Indeed, I think the new rumour is that he is making daemons...

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If I can't get a chance at the power fountain with my preferred codex, at least I can count on a super broken allied detachment to win ezmodo.


Full lists of cheap FMC please. But even if I don't get what I want, I can certainly count on Matt Ward to completely miss something that breaks the :) out of the game and takes anyone who actually plays the game about 10 minutes to pick out. Let's be honest with ourselves, we only hate his work when it's not in our favor, and no one reads the fluff anyhow.

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If I can't get a chance at the power fountain with my preferred codex, at least I can count on a super broken allied detachment to win ezmodo.


Full lists of cheap FMC please. But even if I don't get what I want, I can certainly count on Matt Ward to completely miss something that breaks the :D out of the game and takes anyone who actually plays the game about 10 minutes to pick out. Let's be honest with ourselves, we only hate his work when it's not in our favor, and no one reads the fluff anyhow.

Yeah, don't know why but I expect BL to provide the fluff while GW just lays the groundwork. Hey, that's an idea. GW can continue producing their models and just lay the groundwork while FW does the rules and the specialty models and BL does the fluff. Or is that filled with too much rational thought?

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Not mr. Ward, it Jeremy Vetock

Oh darn, but the rumors were so insistent that Ward was doing it. Wait, a rumor was wrong?

Indeed, I think the new rumour is that he is making daemons...

and NEW NEW rumor also mention Vetock as author of CD 40k/FB

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I don't believe one guy wrote two codices at once. Neither do I believe that another codex hits within 2 months of the last one. My bet is Daemons just get a model wave in feb, without rules. But if they get new rules, I guess Ward writes them and they will be so OP that they will retroactively validate C:CSM by virtue of being their only battle brothers alone.
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If I can't get a chance at the power fountain with my preferred codex, at least I can count on a super broken allied detachment to win ezmodo.


Like Space Wolves and Imperial Guard did? Oh wait... That wasn't Ward. :P

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If I can't get a chance at the power fountain with my preferred codex, at least I can count on a super broken allied detachment to win ezmodo.


Full lists of cheap FMC please. But even if I don't get what I want, I can certainly count on Matt Ward to completely miss something that breaks the :P out of the game and takes anyone who actually plays the game about 10 minutes to pick out. Let's be honest with ourselves, we only hate his work when it's not in our favor, and no one reads the fluff anyhow.


Speaking for me, that's not the reason I think Ward's 'work' is retarded.

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From what I read it wasn't just a 0-1 options and AV 14 on Front/Side like I posted earlier. Regardless those are only two examples. Thanks for once again cherry picking parts of a paragraph.


@Ammonius - Yeah that's what I was thinking but then you have to deal with their new "jetfighters" if you use the baleflamer.


wait so you want to run more then 1 of the same sort ? Good luck , because unless the normal game for you is 2000+ you arent going to fit 3 of those without gimping your other long range support choices .

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Yes I definitely want to run multiples because I specifically wrote that in the post. Wow Jeske...

No, not wow Jeske. You are the one speaking about potentially overpowered stuff, which Jeske counters. Just because it's not exactly what you said does not mean he didn't reply to the thing you implied. (for the record, they already had an Av14 speeder, an Av14 speeder isn't necessarily broken, depends on points. Same for stealth bikes, this isn't overpowered in itself, it depends on how much it costs and what the synergy of those bikes is with their builds etc)


So silly how people call 'broken' and 'overpowered' each and every time, usually for completely the wrong stuff. Wait untill it is clear how much everything costs and how complete builds will look like, please, it makes you look... not-so-intelligent otherwise.

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No, once again he is taking what was said out of context. So wow to both of you.


I realize they had one AV 14 speeder but now they have the possibility to take multiples which combined with jink and fast will make them pretty hard to kill. Yeah they'll depend on the points but then again they're just a few of the rumors now coming out of the DA thread.

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Why are we even arguing this here? I thought the problems some of us had with our book were internal? Nothing the DA book does or doesn't do will change how raptors look next to bikes, or how berzerkers look next to chaos marines, or make thousand sons, warp talons, or possessed good. Nothing wrong in our book is fixed by a weak or restrictive dark angels book, and nothing right in our book is ruined by a strong or diverse dark angels book, so why do we care, except as far as it might function as another 'counts as' book for chaos players who want to jump ship?
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It matters because of the external balance with other codex books. If DA is weak then it confirms that 6th edition power levels are being reduced (as unlikely as it seems). Complaining about internal balance isn't going to do much because we're not going to get a new codex or update for a long time.
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No, once again he is taking what was said out of context. So wow to both of you.


I realize they had one AV 14 speeder but now they have the possibility to take multiples which combined with jink and fast will make them pretty hard to kill. Yeah they'll depend on the points but then again they're just a few of the rumors now coming out of the DA thread.

So why hint at potential overpoweredness already?



-Omg, a vehicle with 5+ invulnerable save, It will not Die and 8 S8 shots!!

*175 points and Bs3, gg.


-Omg, a combat walker who moves as a beast!!

*3 attacks base and in the heavy slot while no efficient long range AT is available outside of the heavy slot.


-Omg, cheap Marines in squads up to 20 with potential marks and buffs!!

*Leadership issues, no extra weapons above 10 man, costs points to give them 2 attacks base.


It is completely useless to speak about broken stuff without having the whole codex. I can give examples too about how people feared blob squads of henchman with stormbolters and dreadknights in the GK codex. (while the spammable squads of henchman + Psybacks were the problem, and not the Dreadknights but the Psyflemen)


So yeah, we don't take you out of context, we point out it's useless what you were doing. Stop it, now.

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