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Fallen Avenger

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hello there traitors, i had a lovely victory against a mixed force of chaos last week, i had a look at some his models (raptors,Khârn, Defiler), i killed the defiler in round 2, the raptors were 75% killed by my vindis and 25% by there own havocs! (i missed out on the KP) Khârn killed 1 tac squad and 3 dw termies before my chaplain smited him that was final fight.


even though i managed to crush them i really liked them so much so that i am considering starting a small force but wouldnt know where to start. ive got sites where ill be buying the collection(giftsforgeeks, rocket games) just dont know anything of chaos so any help would be appreciated.

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Well what kind of force could you see yourself playing as? I would recommend borrowing a friend's codex or (if the store lets you) look through one there and decide what kind you'd like to play. We do long range shooting with havocs, oblits and preds but they're our only real long range. We're probably strongest within 12 inches where we can double tap with bolters/plasma or you're then in range for melta. We have some CC capability mostly in our lords, DP and bikers. Zerkers would be good but for the transportation handicap. Anyway, let us know what kind of army you'd like to play/collect and we'll be able to help you more.
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Haha well not especially. ^_^ Khârn is good against psychic powers if that helps. Alright could you maybe answer some of these questions?


What do you think about cultists?


Would you rather only be able to assault (like Khorne Berzerkers) or would you rather be able to use special weapons (plasma, melta, flamers) and be almost as good in close combat?


Are you wanting to go Khorne only?


Generally speaking our best units are a daemon axe Khorne Lord on a bike or juggernaught, helldrakes, bikes, havocs, obliterators, predators, normal chaos marines and sorcerors. Not saying anything else is unusable but those are considered "the best". Now you can work certain things in to a list like maulerfiends and defilers if you want a Khorne only army.

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Cultists - they seem like standard guard models, im not really a fan of that stat line so i wont use them.


on deciding assault or mixed, what are khornate troops/armies like in assault against MEQ and Terminators ?


I dont really like the look of nurgle models (nothing against decay just not what i want on a model), Slaneesh - excess dosent appeal to me and i know nothing about there noise weapons and i hate pink and purple. Tzeentch - army of choice for that god is thousand sons and god they aint cheap!


now why Khorne? well he likes combat his models like it too so they love and excell at combat (i have a massive DA force so not worried about non shooty armies). Khârn the betrayers model looks class! Juggernauts! oh and uber deamons available.


making a decision without looking at a codex is kind of going in blind ill admit, thats why im looking for all your advice, so if you see i say i dont like so and so dosent mean im 100% not going to go that route just means i need to be convinced.

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Usually if a khornate MEQ or TEQ squad gets the charge then they can overwhelm the other unit with weight of attacks but the trouble is getting the charge.


Even if you don't like the models or fluff for the other gods, you can always use counts as purposes. Some people use noise marine units as snipers with special xenos weaponry. Or plague marine as ghost-like units. The possiblities are endless.


I love Juggernaughts too. I'm going to be building a juggernaught lord with the daemon axe pretty soon too. The trouble is finding a balance. You'll need something to take out transports and tanks. In that regard if you want an assault oriented army, maybe something like this.


Lord - MoK, jugger, axe of blind fury, sigil of corruption, gift of mutation


Fast attack-Spawn - x5, MoK


Helldrake - Baleflamer


Troops - CSM x10, MoK, Banner, x2 plasma/melta/flamer, champion with gift of mutation, LCs or power sword


or Zerks x8-10, banner, champ with gift, LCs or power sword


HS - 2-3 maulerfiends (they're really fast AV 12 walkers with melta CC weapons)


or x2 havocs with autocannons/MLs


or x2-3 obliterators


or x2-3 predators, auto/las or tri las


Gives you some options, what do you think? Might want to add some rhinos in there but they'd be tricky to maneuver in order for you to get the charge. Also if you wanted you could switch the juggernaught and spawn out for a chaos lord on a bike with a biker retinue. Since you're a DA player though you might find the Jugger more appealing. Any thoughts?

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first things first how many in a max squad can i get bezerkers?, what value do the raptors have (both variants) and the heldrake?, can this army take thunder hammers at all? what can obliterators do i know they have all sorts of weapons thats all.
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Great, welcome to the fold ^_^ There's little more satisfying in this game than to pull off that perfect charge with Berzerkers, solidly punching through whole squads at a time or mincing large chunks of huge Ork hordes.


A good place to start would be to grab a Chaos Lord of some sort, a couple of boxes of Berzerkers, a box of CSM (it comes with lots of extra weapons for your Berzerker Champions, too), and something else for support like a Heldrake, a Mauler/Forgefiend, or some Obliterators. Rhinos are ok as mobile walls, but less useful as actual transports (except in the first turn...maybe). Other options will open up as you continue to collect, and there are lots of possibilities with our choices of allies: IG and Daemons in particular provide some very useful support.


first things first how many in a max squad can i get bezerkers?, what value do the raptors have (both variants) and the heldrake?, can this army take thunder hammers at all? what can obliterators do i know they have all sorts of weapons thats all.

Berzerkers can get up to 20 men in a squad.


Raptors are great for cheap, fast-moving units, but Bikers are generally better. Raptors have two important advantages, though: they can jump up to different levels in a ruin (making them great at weeding out enemies hiding up high) and they can come in larger squads. Warp Talons are pretty much universally regarded as a waste of points; they are great in optimal situations, but their lack of grenades and high points cost makes them less useful IMHO. It's a pity; they're such awesome models.


Heldrakes are arguably one of the best units in the codex. They're even better than Raptors at weeding out entrenched enemies, and can pretty reliably waste entire squads of Marines with their baleflamers. I'd recommend getting at least one; they're just that good. Even if your opponent spaces out his troops, you can still use your mobility to Vector Strike or flame a target in such a way as to remove important models in the target. The Hades Autocannon is reasonable against other Flyers and medium vehicles, but being only BS3 makes it a risky investment. Its other rules are also handy: Daemonforge allows you to reroll failed To Wound rolls for one phase (with a slight risk of hurting yourself), which makes taking out important targets that much easier, and It Will Not Die (combined with the Daemon rule) make it pretty tough to knock out of the sky. I've only lost mine once, to a very lucky lascannon snap shot...


The only model in the whole army that can take a thunder hammer is the Helbrute, and even then only because the metal Chaos Dreadnought model sometimes came with one.


Obliterators have access to a whole bunch of different weapons, though they can't use the same weapon twice in consecutive game turns. They're essentially two-wound Terminators, otherwise. Not that great with the Mark of Khorne, but Nurgle Oblits are pretty amazing.

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