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Warp talons..... Or raptors


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Raptors are considered better then talons due to having grenades, being cheaper and access to special weapons.

Talons are considered sub par due to lack of grenades, costing more, no upgrades (so can't hurt vehicles with armour 11 or higher) and a hard to use special ability that rarely works (due to it's limited range).


Personally I like the idea of Talons, however you can outfit Raptors in a variety of ways to add to your army. Meltaguns, flamers and plasmaguns (yes plasmaguns on assault troops) are great, especially and you can equip the champion with a combi weapon of the same type, filling a gap in your force or helping you to spam a certain type of weapon.

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All in all it comes down to this:


CSM with Jump Packs or Possessed with Jump Packs. Warp Talons can probably excel in CC against anything with armor save 3 or worse, provided you can get them close enough. But that's the biggest issue and why no one likes them.

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Are you saying that the biggest issue is getting them close, or that they can only deal with 3+ saves?


I can't imagine that it's difficult to move them up. I mean, between: hugging cover, infiltrating behind cover and waiting, moving up behind Rhinos/ Land Raiders/ Maulerfiends, also opponents moving towards objectives nearer the center of the board and the jump packs they have they really shouldn't struggle to close the distance.


Also I have never seen being able to deal with 3+ saves so effectively ever being a problem. The only problem that the unit has is that it has an increased cost to the point that they are barely usable, just to take into account abilities which will rarely come into play. They should have ditched the blinding mechanic and just made them 5pts cheaper.

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Are you saying that the biggest issue is getting them close, or that they can only deal with 3+ saves?

To be honest, I don't know anymore. Like you suggested, keep them hugging cover and so on. AP3 should enough to handle the average PA Marine. That makes sense. But for some reason the biggest dislike I see towards Warp Talons is delivery and execution.

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I think their main problem, which goes for most expensive 3+ save models, is that vs normal fire, they are no more survivable then any other marine. Bolt guns will kill them just as easily as they will kill raptors (similar to how in the previous codex my Daemon prince was more vulnerable to lasguns then my plague marines were, even though he was T6... whut?).


Also the lack of assault grenades is a big focus for a lot of people. these 2 things (combined with their cost) means that they are not cost effective over raptors, and thus are useless (as everything boils down to math hammer and cost effectiveness :) ).


Personally I'm a big fan of using what you like and I personally shun the stuff that is considered overpowered/overly cost effective (hence why when I played chaos logan wing I only used 1 longfang squad if I even used one, didn't use psyrifle dreads for GK when I was running Draigowing*, Didn't use lash or oblit's in the previous codex blah blah).


Unless you are playing in very competitive tournaments, the difference between raptors and talons probably isn't that great and as long as you have fun playing that is the main thing :D


*Bought them before they became the internet phenomena and used DK's over psyrifle Dreads because it's my list and they look cool :devil:

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