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plague hulks


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My recollection of Plaguehulks when they were released they were Chaos Deamons only so they would have to be allies. They were slightly tougher than Defilers in the previous edition, but now it seems to depend on if you want demonic allies. I personally think I might run Servants of Decay allies just to be weird/unique.
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yeah i don't know about the hull pts and yeah i knew they released it to run with chaos daemons. i do run with squads of plague marines, cuz i always run with a lord and a sorcerer in my army lists. i don't think there has been an update on the rules yet for them , but i figured i would ask. i can see them doing good against horde armies with lots of foot troops, but against a vehicle heavy army they wouldn't do so good against unless you got into close combat with them
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ah gotcha, so how did you run it , did you just use it as an infantry killing machine or did you hit light vehicles with the wpns also?, i was thinking of picking one up, i don't own an actual defiler or soulgrinder, so figured plague hulk be a better investment if i get around to picking one up
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Plague Hulks are basically over-priced Soul Grinders. I would just take a Nurglefied Soul Grinder than a Plague Hulk. This is unless you're doinga tally-list, as I believe the Plague Hulk counts as Nurgle.


Soul Grindet with Phlegm - 160 points. Plague Hulk - 205 points. There are better use of the points.


If you're looking to add stuff to your list, I would consider Blight Drones. A little squishy, but flyers with a str 8 pie plate and can.be taken in squads.


I would run allies with daemons. As part of the Daemon Codex, they can deepstrike. I think deepstriking a Plague Hulk close is vetter than slogging it across the board.

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haven't considered allies yet, deep striking plague hulk would be nice. was thinking of just running with a defiler for right now until i decide what else to do, kinda want more nurgle themed units though in my army. i wish they'd put marks back on vehicles like they used to have, would really help out alot if they did do that
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