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Tzeentch Psychic Powers

Noctus Cornix

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Mechanoid would be useless for my sorcerer because he has a 2+ save from terminator armor (not to mention his 3+ invariable save [sigil of corruption + MoT])


and i have to say gift of mutation is 10X better then boon of mutation (but then again i don't think the rubric can get mutated, maybe in rules but not fluff)

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Mechanoid is excellent on Aspiring Sorcerers though, since they can't take terminator armour. ;)


Fleshbane force weapons are always nice, too.


There's no doubt that Boon is worse than useless compared to Gift. I've killed as many of my own characters using Boon as the enemy has! Name one other signature ability that can kill your own troops in four different ways. Perils, S4 hit, Spawndom and Princedom. If you could cast it on non-characters, it wouldn't suck half so much.


By the same coin, I'd love to be able to cast it as a Malediction as well. :D

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A quick read through the new chaos codex and I resigned my poor Thousand Sons to a shelf, it seems like anything that did not get worse stayed the same which would not be too bad if all the other cult troops didn't get better or cheaper or both.


But Onto the subject at hand, I could easily be wrong about this but Boon is a blessing and unless a blessing says otherwise the effects of a blessing only last until the end of the next turn. I suppose boon could be read as granting a permanant effect due to rolling on the chart but it could also be ruled that as a blessing its effects end after the next turn. Which would be the final nail in the Tsons coffin.


Even if the effects last the rest of the game boon is still almost useless for Tsons squads. First you end up taking a psychic test with the chance to perils then you test toughness with a second chance to kill yourself then you roll on a chart out of 36 possible results 2 have to be re rolled and 12 more either kill you or have no mechanical effect on a Aspireing sorcerer. so 1/3 chance that even if you get the power off it still dose nothing and of the 22 results left that might help you most of them are minor close combat buffs.

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Though a blessing only lasts for the turn, the power tells you to roll on the boon table. The only place where it explains how to do that is under the champion of chaos rule, where it also states that the boon lasts the rest of the game...

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Actually, if Boon only lasts for a turn, that makes it more awesome.


You don't get a reroll on Spawn results, by the way - only on Dark Apotheosis.


If Boon only lasts for a turn, that means you can turn your 2/3 attack Sorcerer into a freaking D6 attack combat monster for a turn, then pop back to spellcasting/shooting things next time!


However, as the spell's effect is just "Roll on the table", not "gain a bonus from the table" - rolling is a one-off thing. You roll, it's resolved, there is no duration effect to wear off. Otherwise being killed by the S4 AP- hit would 'wear off' too.

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