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Faildex? Really?


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Care to explain how +3/+5 random roll armed melee units outclass +2/+5 all power weapon [so possible mix of ap3.ap2 and high str ap4 weapons] , when both units have the same speed , can use the same infiltration , sit in the same slot , but with terminators having the options to also do something durning the shoting phase ?

Because Possessed have fleet, fearless and can buy a Rhino. Fleet is huge. Possessed arent that bad anymore. Still too expensive, I would say around 3 points too expensive per model, but fine apart from that. Yes they have a random roll in assault, but all of them make you simply hit harder in assault unless you face 2+ save models and roll Ap3.

This was part of my point. But since I said this:

Actually if the points cost for what I'm seeing on Betrayal's lists, I'm kind of happy that didn't happen. With the current stats and that point cost, Possessed might finally see some love from players, no grenades be damned.

To this:

I don't like that you have to take Abaddon to make Chosen troops. *Beats dead horse* Should have had chosen and Terminators in one unit choice, with options and customization meaning you could make cult termies or chosen, Termies with plasma guns (not combi weapons) etc.

I wasn't saying they were better, just that if the only way we could Terminators was by buying and then upgrading Chosen, our choices would either be Chosen or Possessed. Most people would probably just go with the Chosen. Although, I imagine there would be someone who would take that opputunity to run an Abaddon-Deathwing army.

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I had been playing with my Chaos Daemons and Dark Eldar since just before the new codex came out, but this past weekend I hauled out the CSM models and played in a team tournament (with an Ork player) at my FLGS using the new codex. It was my first time ever playing without either Termintaors or Obliterators, no Land Raider or Predator, and taking both a Chaos Lord and a Daemon prince of Tzeentch with Level 3 sorcery/ psyker.


I had an absolute blast. Plague Marines and especially bikers with MoN were fantastic, even when facing an IG mostly-artillery list that was just slamming the crap out of everyone. The Chaos Lord with the Black mace was meh, but that was my fault - should have given that to the Daemon Prince, but that would have just intensified my one complaint about him, that being that he chewed through everything I threw him at way too quickly.


We didn't win, but we had the most fun that we've had since we started playing together as a team. I'm looking forward to playing with different builds that I wouldn't have tried with the old codex, and I'm overall happy with the changes. Then again, I'm not a competitive player. I love the models, I like fielding an army that looks decent on the table, and I like games that are reasonably close whether or not I win.

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I would rather have a unit with utility , then a unit that can kill meq and is at the mercy of 2 random rolls[powers and charge range , even if they are made with a re-roll].

Oh yeah me too, but they are really just different units. Terminators arent viable at all as an assault unit, possessed kind of are because of fleet and fearless.



am probably over using deep strike and huron , which may be warping my perspective.+ playing nids made me accept that some assault units move 6" per turn .


Still I see terminators this way . they are a stand alone unit , they cant be ignored[too much plasma and if left untouched they will at some point reach an objective. with infiltration sooner] , they do ok in melee , they cant be tarpited unless someone realy puts something like 3 units of zombis in to them or a whole IG blob [out of which one would be hard to pull off and the other one would be stupid] . possessed or any other elite unit [chosen for example can be made choppy and killy for not a lot of points . 2 melta 1 ax 1 LC and they are good to go] force me to take rhinos . now I hate rhinos , maybe am playing too much against necron and IG/SW=SW/IG and GK , but giving up first blood hurts . runing a rhino for possessed doesnt also end the costs coming with the unit. If I take rhinos for them I have to take rhinos for other units too , else they will lose their rhino very fast. And I hate when picking a model forces me in to a build , this makes playing against such an army predicible[well to a point you can have in a game with random factors] . terminators are fire and forget , they work alone dont need more points investments and arent hopeless against stuff. I hate having a unit [specialy one for 300pts] that does nothing sometimes and I dont mean luck based random stuff, I mean stuff like and you cant charge flyers or those DA units just made a bubble of overwatch on BS and they die if they charge. Do I think terminators are golden units of the csm dex and should be run in most builds ? of course not . But I tried possessed they are like zerkers in khorn builds only not scoring , with a bit better resiliance to plasma zerkers.


1. Irrelevant.

2. Wrong.

3. Pointless.

true , but in the end it doesnt matter imo .

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The real reason I'm disappointed with this Codex is that it's so bland. I really wanted lots and lots of options, so I could build my army how I wanted it; I wouldn't even care if all of the options were absolutely :D ! I just wanted to be able to reflect how different every Chaos warband was from the other.

Oh, and more in-depth fluff.

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I used to love Chaos Terminators, but now without fearless, -1 leadership (both can be helped by babysitting with a chaos lord)... I can imagine being swept after losing a round of combat and, shortly after, packing up min figures.

They were not fearless in the old codex either...


[Edit]: Damn spelling!

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