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Horus Heresy Ksons Wishlist


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How do you see the Thousand Sons being presented in the Forgeworld Horus Heresy books (both Loyalist and Traitor lists?) I've had a chance to read through Betrayal fully now and I love it. It's forgeword's wonderful story, art and style paired with an army list that seems really well thought out and both internally and externally balanced. What would you like to see in the Thousand Sons supplement? I'd like to know and I'm half tempted to email the results to Forgeworld on the off-chance Alan Bligh reads it - given that Thousand Sons in the new chaos codex are, being polite, not great.


I imagine something like:


Legiones Astartes (Thousand Sons)


+ Units with this special rule may always attempt to regroup regardless of casualties.

+ Arcane Brotherhood: Thousand Sons infantry units may pay x to have the 'Brotherhood of Sorcery' special rule and may thus roll once on any of the psychic discipline in the main rulebook. Thousand Sons Praetors may purchase the 'Librarian' Consul trait and up to 3 mastery levels and may choose powers from a single BGB psychic discipline.


Special Units and Wargear


+ Tutelaries Any Thousand Son unit or character with psychic mastery may purchase a tutelary for 15 points which allows the unit to re-roll failed psychic tests.


Scarab Occult terminators - Get brotherhood of sorcerers but with mastery level 2 and force weapons

Hidden Ones - A reconnaisance squad with some sort of 'observation' special rule - maybe something like psychic markerlights.




WS 7 BS 6 S 6 T6 W6 I6 A5 Ld 10 Sv 2+ 475 points


Mastery Level 5

Book of Magnus - may choose powers from any BGB discipline

Some other stuff

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