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Rhino's for pre-heresy what do you think?


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Ok my Salamander army is in full swing but with Horus Heresy book being release a ton of people are asking to do a campaign.


Do you think these will work or are they too corny and old school?





These were the inspiration for the 'new' Forge World models of the RH1N0 and Predator so I would say that not only could you use them in a Heresy Era army, you can rake in the kudos of owning so many slices of 40k history :P.


Although the bases over the hatch opening's aren't entirely my cup of tea (I'd try using plasticard to knock up some hatches) I do see what you mean about them adding bulk, these Rhinos are a little petite compared to the updated ones. Again though, you could use some plasticard to add extra plating or thicken up the existing armour.


Either way I can't wait to see these decked out in Nocturne Green


Pig of Sparta


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