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Wrath of Iron

Emperor's Furor

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Kind of themed but hoping it could do and take some damage.




Praetor - Cataphractii armour / Lightning Claws / (Pride of the Legion) - 155





Legion Cataphractii Squad (x10) - Reaper Autocannon / Plasma Blaster / Thunder Hammers (x4) / Pair of Lightning Claws (x4) / Chain fist (x2) - 475


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad ( x10) - Tank Hunters / Artificer armour / Thunder hammer / Melta-guns (x2) / Combi-melta - 270

Rhino - Combi-melta / Auxilary drive / Extra armour - 65


Legion Tactical Squad (x20) - Artificer armour / Power axe - 270






Contemptor Dreadnought - Kheres Assault Cannon / Extra armour - 200




Heavy Support


Legion Spartan Assault Tank - Auxilary drive / Flare shield / Armoured ceramite / Frag Assault Launchers - 360


Vindicator - Auxilary Drive - 130


Whirlwind - Hyperios air-defence missiles - 75




Total - 2000

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I'd like to see one more troop choice; but I can't see anything to fiddle with to get it.


I'd also like to see one more transport to mech everyone from a thematic POV... but spartans are not cheap transports!


Vindicator should keep fire off your contemptor for a turn or two. Good list!

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I think the weakness is having spartan, 10 terminators and praetor in one unit. What if your spartan got killed by 10 bikers with 10 meltabombs, sorrounding your spartan and destorying it before you've disembarked? The unit would be unable to deploy and count as destroyed. 10 bikers are 350pt that would kill half of your army in one move.


While cool, i think you would get more out of having centuring HQ such as a siegebreaker, master of signal or forge lord. All three "could" represent a warsmith leading the army. And reducing the terminators to 5-6 man, keep the spartan still. And then have breacher or tactical as troops, the terminators would still be scoring as elite choice. The spartan is a dedicated transport for terminators, so feel free to pick one more predator, vindicator or something heavy for your iron warriors!


Pride of the legion has a negative effect, if your two squads of veteran and terminators die, the enemy would be rewarded, hence a reason i don't think it's quite worth it compared to just having no rite of war. All you get is a scoring veterna squad in the only soft transport you've got and one less troop choice to take (i get that it can feel like a tax, but 15-20 man breacher or tacticals aren't that bad)

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I think it would be mega rare to come across a big bike squad. I'm not quite sure they could surround it as well and the melta bombs would only 1D6 and isn't it 6s to hit if the vehicle moved?


Edit: It's only if both get destroyed though, and if my Terminator squad is destroyed I'll lose the game either way :D

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Armoured ceramite only protects against ranged attacks. Chainfist and Meltabombs are melee and both have armourbane and hence roll 2D6. Other attacks still roll 2D6, such as ordance, though they pick highest and don't add them as melta and armourbane. Las Destroyer with S9 AP1 Ordance would also have a 50/50 to kill the spartan for each penerating hit it cause, but it would require either of the two dices to roll a 6, so kind of rare still :tu: The bikes would simply sorround it by their superior movement speed, jetbikes are even worse as they are faster and bigger model (more space blocked/less models required to block all disembarking place) and also have a meltabomb each ;)


But yes it is rare as casual, and you play for fun, but i can't see competetive armies without something meltabombish (jetbike, bike, attacbike, assault squad, command squad.. ) as the spartan is just invulnerable against everything else :) but it is indeeed one big squad, it is my main concern really :)

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