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So, being a low quality player it pleases me to announce that I won a game against SW today (my second win ever). And a decicive victory it was: 7-3

I got first blood, Kill the warlord, Line Breaker, held one objective and did something more to get that last victory point. Maybe I whiped a unit or two. And it was also the first game using the 6th edition rules.


The scenario was "Big guns..." and the deployment was Vanguard Strike.


My opponent set up first and had three objectives on his side. He also got first turn. My plan was to babysit one of mine and have a unit or two close enough to the second one, and move up to grab a third objective.


He had:


1 named charater "Wolf McWolfsson" riding a wolf. And some Fenris Wolves surounding him.

2 Wolf lords on wolves. One with some Fenris Wolves and the other attached to some other wolf riding dudes.

2 Razorbacks with 6 Bolter Marines each

4 Thunder wolves.

1 scout squad.


I had:

1 Nurgle Sorcerer. 1 nurgle power, 2 biomancy.

1 Plague Marine squad, 2 Plasma Guns

2 CSM squads with MoN + Icon of Vengence, 2 Plasma Guns

1 CSM squad with MoN, 2 Plasma guns

1 Havoc squad with 3 ML

2 Vindicators.


Round 1:


Not much in his Shooting phase. 1 Las Canon shot that misses.

He moves up for assaults on my CSM squads

I hit his Wolf McWolfsson straight in the face with Vindicator 1. He dies. And then I blast most of his wolves with bolter fire. Leaving two.

Havocs on third floor ruin blows the Las Canon off one Razorback 1 that camps on the objective.


Round 2:

Not much shooting on his side. Razorback 2 misses Vindicator 1.

CC kills one wolf, the other runs away.

Vindicator 1 moves up.

He assaults with his second Wolf charater. My Snap shots kill some wolves. And I tar pit him for two rounds Killing the Wolf Lord. Of course my champ bites the dust.

I start moving my Marines up.


Round 3:

His reserves show up. Thunderwolf cav and scouts.

Vindicator 2 blows one T. Wolf up.

I rush one squad back to an objective. Shoot some at the Thunderwolves. Miss most of it.

Havocs glance his second Razorback.


Round 4:

Thunderwolves Assault. Get tarpitted for the rest of the game. (Gets counter charged my a second CSm unit. Both champs die.) One T. Wolf dies.

His scouts assault vindicator 2. Blows it up with melta bombs. Gets shot up pretty bad my Havocs in turn.

He moves a marine squad up close to my Vindicator that has advanced. Shoots melta. No damage. His Razorback gets a glancing hit. Down to one HP.

Vindicator 1 glances his Razorback. Down to 1 HP.

My Plague marines fire up on the Wolf marines, as my Sorcerer uses his Biomancy life leach powers. Kills all but one.


Round 5:


Thunderwolves still in the tar pit. Killing off one or two CSM. CSM kill a of T.Wolf.

Surviving Wolf marine assaults Vindicator 1 with Krak Grenade. No effect.

Two surviving scouts try to assault havocs on third floor. Fails. Havocs kill Wolf Marines. And try to reach an objective.

Plague Marines fire two Plasma guns at Razorback. Both gets hot. Blows up. Kills Plague Marines.

Vindicator 1 destroys Razorback, and camps on objective in his DZ.

CSM kills last Wolf marine.


Game ends.


My plan worked so-so. He outflanked on for him the tactically correct side. Making me fight for the second objective in my DZ. My second objective was being fought over from turn 3 with his T. Wolves. But I managed to grab one of his with my Vindicator, which felt good. I had some close calls with my vindicators getting assaulted. Maybe they need to be bubble wrapped by cheap cultists in the future.


MoN was a huge benefit in CC. Without that his T. wolves would have whiped my squads. Very effective Mark. And giving them Icon of vengence was also great. Not having to worry about them running away or taking Ld tests.


We forgot using some rules (My Veterans of the long war) some of his special skills. And he forgot to unload his second Marine squad to camp his objective. But other than that i think our first game with 6th ed rules went pretty well.

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He had:


1 named charater "Wolf McWolfsson" riding a wolf. And some Fenris Wolves surounding him.

2 Wolf lords on wolves. One with some Fenris Wolves and the other attached to some other wolf riding dudes.

2 Razorbacks with 6 Bolter Marines each

4 Thunder wolves.

1 scout squad.

Be sure to thank your opponent for handing you a Easy Win on a silver platter. Congratz.

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He had:


1 named charater "Wolf McWolfsson" riding a wolf. And some Fenris Wolves surounding him.

2 Wolf lords on wolves. One with some Fenris Wolves and the other attached to some other wolf riding dudes.

2 Razorbacks with 6 Bolter Marines each

4 Thunder wolves.

1 scout squad.

Be sure to thank your opponent for handing you a Easy Win on a silver platter. Congratz.


Yes, i'll be sure to mention it to him.

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interesting SW army .



how did you kill canis in a unit of wolfs ?


Droped a large S10, Ap 2 blast on his head.


yeah , but vindicators arent barrage weapons , how did you snipe him ?


He was visible over the Fenris Wolves. So I placed the blast marker in top of him, according to the rules on pg. 33 in the small DV rulebook, rolled the artillery dice, got a hit and that was all she wrote. My opponent didn't protest, nor did the rules geek who's house we played in.

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Grats on your victory against SW.


Interesting to hear that MoN CSM performed well. Did you consider using Plague marines instead?


Thank you. But apparently it was an "easy win"...


I used one squad of Plague Marines, but they never really got to prove themselves. Perhaps they would have performed better against the Thunder wolf cavalry, being able to wound on 4+ instead of 5+. But then I would have hit last every round (except for his thunder hammer guy), and possibly lost more guys. Maybe I'll use more next time. Or just try out another mark.


I don't know.


It is ok I understand now . his opponent had a canis behind the wolfs and not in the unit .


No, they were in one unit. The blast also killed a bunch of wolves. three or so.

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Then The Lord should have had a Look out sir! save methinks. Haven't played more than a game of 40k in about a year and a half.


Even if he had been outside of a unit to me it looks like he should have had a 5+ cover save from the intervening Wolves because in so far as I can tell only Barrage weapons count the firing from the centre of the blast marker hole. But that isn't important now.

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Then The Lord should have had a Look out sir! save methinks. Haven't played more than a game of 40k in about a year and a half.


Even if he had been outside of a unit to me it looks like he should have had a 5+ cover save from the intervening Wolves becausei so far as I can tell only Barrage weapons count the forong from the ventre of the blast marker hole. But that isn't important now.


He should have gotten one. Rules Pg. 16 says a dude in the same unit within 6" can take the hit. I don't really remember what saves he rolled on that hit. We don't play very often. Maybe once every 4 months or so, so we tend to do some mistakes.

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It is ok I understand now . his opponent had a canis behind the wolfs and not in the unit .


No, they were in one unit. The blast also killed a bunch of wolves. three or so.

If, in fact, Canis was attached to the unit of Fen.Wolves - then you couldn't have 'sniped' him. A Demolisher Cannon isn't a 'Barrage'-type weapon so the hits are allocated per the rules on pg.15 (nearest model to farthest model from firer). Unless Canis was one of the closest models to the Vindicator, you broke the rules by removing him as a casualty. Add to that not using the Look Out, Sir! rule, well...

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It is ok I understand now . his opponent had a canis behind the wolfs and not in the unit .


No, they were in one unit. The blast also killed a bunch of wolves. three or so.

If, in fact, Canis was attached to the unit of Fen.Wolves - then you couldn't have 'sniped' him. A Demolisher Cannon isn't a 'Barrage'-type weapon so the hits are allocated per the rules on pg.15 (nearest model to farthest model from firer). Unless Canis was one of the closest models to the Vindicator, you broke the rules by removing him as a casualty. Add to that not using the Look Out, Sir! rule, well...


Pg. 33(DV Rule book) says "Instead just pick one enemy model visible to the firer and place the relevant blast marker with the hole entirely over the base of the target model..."

And since Canis is about twice as high as the wolves all three agreed he was visible from the Vindicator. No one protested. Not my opponent or the third guy.


Yes, we forgot the "Look out Sir!". I did, my opponent who mini it was and the third guy forgot. It happens. So what are you trying to say? That it was an easy win? That I didn't deserve to win?

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We don't play very often. Maybe once every 4 months or so, so we tend to do some mistakes.


Tell me about it! I have played 6ish games of 40k in the last five or six years. Whole editions pass me by! Never even played in 4th I think. It's well easy to forget the rules. It's not like there is one or two of them to remember is it? There is a reason my last game of 1k points took 4 hours to play even though I had researched the rules heavily since 6th came out :rolleyes:!

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In my last game we chose to ignore Night Fighting because we reasoned it would be another layer of complexity we didn't need, we forgot Precision Shots and Precision Strikes, issued no Challenges and never rolled for Morale due to shooting. And those are just the mistakes I know about! But the Dark Angels got creamed 7-1 that's all that matters.
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Snejk, did you even bother trying to have fun? :rolleyes:





Fun? You mean you can actually have fun playing? I had no idea. I was under the assumption you need to follow every rule to the letter, not forget anything, ever, or be second guessed by them old timers if you happen to win... ;)


In my last game we chose to ignore Night Fighting because we reasoned it would be another layer of complexity we didn't need, we forgot Precision Shots and Precision Strikes, issued no Challenges and never rolled for Morale due to shooting. And those are just the mistakes I know about! But the Dark Angels got creamed 7-1 that's all that matters.


How dare you not follow all the rules??? ;)

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you wrote a report .In which you sniped an HQ which buffs wolfs , I asked how you did it , because it made no sense to run a lone canis and am always interested in new ways to play .


That it was an easy win? That I didn't deserve to win?

yes to the first and not important to the second question.




still runing a wolf buffing hq outside of a wolf unit seems kind of odd.

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Pg. 33(DV Rule book) says "Instead just pick one enemy model visible to the firer and place the relevant blast marker with the hole entirely over the base of the target model..."

And since Canis is about twice as high as the wolves all three agreed he was visible from the Vindicator. No one protested. Not my opponent or the third guy.

Even if the blast marker is placed over a model further back, the casualties still come from the front first (haven't got my rulebook on me, but I think that's under blast weapons).


The important thing was that you enjoyed yourselves and had a good game :rolleyes:. We forgot Look out, Sir! for a few games, too, and played without Night Fighting as well while we got used to the changes.

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Even if the blast marker is placed over a model further back, the casualties still come from the front first (haven't got my rulebook on me, but I think that's under blast weapons).


Yes, you are correct. But the wolves in front died as well since they were hit by the blast as well. But I'll try to remember that the next time.

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