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Even if the blast marker is placed over a model further back, the casualties still come from the front first (haven't got my rulebook on me, but I think that's under blast weapons).


Yes, you are correct. But the wolves in front died as well since they were hit by the blast as well. But I'll try to remember that the next time.

Well, you can only assign wounds to things in LoS, so it's perfectly possible to snipe stuff by moving around vehicles(empty rhinos and such) to create LoS avenues...sneaky tactics... :devil:


...and congratulations to your win! Don't let the naysayers get you down! A win is a win, and if you had a good time, well then the fun has been doubled! :woot:

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Congratulations on the win man, though I'm a little dismayed you did it with Nurgle, (That's just personal bias on my part) you did it without daemon engines and cultists or Power Armor Hordes and I salute your victory sir!
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Congratulations on the win man, though I'm a little dismayed you did it with Nurgle, (That's just personal bias on my part) you did it without daemon engines and cultists or Power Armor Hordes and I salute your victory sir!

And don't forget he did i without allies too.

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Congratulations on the win man, though I'm a little dismayed you did it with Nurgle, (That's just personal bias on my part) you did it without daemon engines and cultists or Power Armor Hordes and I salute your victory sir!

And don't forget he did i without allies too.


Quite so! Can't forget that either!

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Well, you can only assign wounds to things in LoS, so it's perfectly possible to snipe stuff by moving around vehicles(empty rhinos and such) to create LoS avenues...sneaky tactics...

to do that against a TWC mounted model which is higher then a vindictor you would have to block the LoS with 2 land raiders or a very high wall and a LR [and he would still be LoS!] sniping is easy with foot models because their LoS can be blocked with rhino class stuff.

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