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Sternguard Kit Bashing

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For most of mine, I actually just took regular Space Marines from the Tacticals box and game them some extra decor. I was making them with combi-plas, though, which helped. For some, I did things like a combat knife or a frag grenade in one hand and his bolter in the other, using a hand from a pistol arm for the boltgun arm.

It's not all that difficult. So far I've only made one "proper" Sternguard model conversion (can't provide a pic right now, the model's not at home with me), but basically...


For the weapon if you want the "boxy ammo box" look of the official kit, scratch-build something or clip one from an unused storm bolter - such as of the vehicle accessory sprue type, you can get one box from each storm bolter half. And then just swap the regular clip of a bolter to that storm bolter one. Combi-weapons are a bit more work. Commander box of course comes with a combi-melta and combi-plasma, but it's a pricey kit and the weapon bits are pricey to buy from a bits site. I got one from the megaforce, so those will get put to good use soon enough. You can also of course convert your own combi-weapons - googling turns out some decent tutorials.


For the body regular marine models do just fine. Just add some purity seals and other such decorations to make the model look more like a veteran. Some more special shoulder pads are also a good idea, found in kits like the Command Squad or the Commander.

They're the 1st company, just not in TDA. Give them them the crux shoulderpads that come in the command squad box. Alternately, the Deathwatch pads in that same box are good. There's also small crux medallions, I think in the Assault TDA box that you could use. I'm currently kitbashing mine, and everyone will have a crux somewhere. I'm also doing the box-magazine-for-special-ammo mentioned upthread. That, with some more ornate painting, should let other people know that they're Sternguard.
Also, heavy flamers are a pretty popular choice for Sternguard, I find that the dreadnaught's underslung heavy flamer is actually really easy to convert, I have a WIP Black Templar who I'm nicknaming 'The Flame' who is wielding that particular bit :D



The Sternguard showcase thread was invaluable for inspiration when I was making mine.


Storm bolter magazines attached to bolters with scopes works pretty well for their basic weapons. Loads of accessories: pouches, grenades, combat knives etc., I used the bullet part from the Ork sprue to represent Vengeance rounds.


Let your imagination guide you and enjoy, the unit was one of my favourite modelling projects.

madscuzzy's got some great personality-filled Sternguard conversions I've been a fan of for some time: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...=148051&hl=


I'll second the Ork ammo idea and add the scout & scout sniper accessories (pouches, linked ammo, rope etc) are all great. I just recently went to a few Bitz sellers & just bought everything with "Accessories" in the name.


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