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The Villians of Nostramo vs The Sorcerors of Prospero


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Yes, overall the easy thing to do is read my book. But I have found by reading many of these discussions is that, thankfully my brothers, you all look at these from logical and strategic stand points that do not always notice. I will be playing my Night Lords vs Thousand Sons on New Year's Day, at 2000 points. Yes, the player that I am competing against is new to the system, therefore I do not want to have him premeasure his anal circumference. Sorry for the FATAL joke. I still want to win. I just would like some ideas for what to watch for. I will likely be using both my aegis lines with my custom guns for my havocs. I have three 10man marine squads. Two gangs of cultists at 25 bodies with Stubbs and flames. I am a radical that feels that possessions are crutches for the weaklings to cry at. My atramentar are 10 deep. And I'm likely to utilize my raptors and raptor lord at the forefront. Any comments would be grateful. Ave Dominus Nox.
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... ok...

dont get cought in rapid fire range. anything that kills marines kills 1ksons too. if he takes sons his army is going to be small or his troops are going to be small or he will have small or one unit of1ksons and lots of cultists.


using raptors is not a good idea,

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I do not want to have him premeasure his anal circumference.




Hey man, what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business...


But, on topic: If you are playing against Thousand Sons your Power Armoured units will take a beating if they aren't in cover (and even then they will take significant losses. I would suggest larger squads (more than 10 men per squad) to offset casualties. The only plus side to having small units is that they won't look like a threat- if you can make your opponent aim at your Cultist models instead of your Chaos Space Marines then you have him at a disadvantage, as the Inferno Bolts (which are one of the reasons the Thousand Sons are so expensive) won't be earning their money back, so to speak.

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Jeske, why not use raptors? Either them or bikes. Close distance quickly before they can rapid fire.


OP remember that TS can NOT overwatch because of their slow and purposeful so try to take advantage of that. Terminators are another decent idea because they won't have much in the way of AP 2.

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everything else he has is slow or at least slower then raptors . this means that the chance for the 1ksons player to double or triple tap the raptor unit is very high and as he doesnt seem to run any form of long range support , the 1ksons will just kill the raptors and then go after the csm squads at 12" range . with possible oblits or hell drakes he will have a good chance to shift the NL from objectives.
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Depends on what he takes in HS slots. TS and potential cultists have no way to deal with amor. A Chaos Dreadnought, Hecto fiend, Helldrake should do the job.

Then, Terminators shouldn't have much trouble too.

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If I remember the other player is likely to use a hellblade and Ahriman. Would it be a good idea to try and get my shooting into positions to take out his Sorcerors or does that rule no longer exist for them. I'm at work right now so nowhere near my book.
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If I remember the other player is likely to use a hellblade and Ahriman. Would it be a good idea to try and get my shooting into positions to take out his Sorcerors or does that rule no longer exist for them. I'm at work right now so nowhere near my book.

The Sorcerer Commands rule? No, that rule no longer applies. The only thing the Aspiring Sorcerer does is provide a paltry CC defense and extra backup in the form of Psyker powers.

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Depends on what he takes in HS slots. TS and potential cultists have no way to deal with amor. A Chaos Dreadnought, Hecto fiend, Helldrake should do the job.

Then, Terminators shouldn't have much trouble too.

...or as I read it, "Hector, the fiend" and thought...what??? :woot:



...it's too late, time to hit the sack! :devil:

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Depends on what he takes in HS slots. TS and potential cultists have no way to deal with amor. A Chaos Dreadnought, Hecto fiend, Helldrake should do the job.

Then, Terminators shouldn't have much trouble too.

...or as I read it, "Hector, the fiend" and thought...what??? :D



...it's too late, time to hit the sack! :)


Son of Priam, brother of Pàris, husband of Andromache, protector of Troy.

The Iliad is great.

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I'd recomend sorcerers going against Thousand sons, deny the witch is pain most of the time, but combine that with our asp. Sorceres being nerfed to Lvl 1 means that for the most part we are stuck with lore of Tzeentch, and that lvl 2 psykers with there 4+ Deny the witch saves are annoying. Do not underestimate Tsons in combat, sure we can't kill much, but we can easily last/outlast other marines due to the invun save, so he may well try and entangle your terminators with a squad of Thousand sons, who will mbe harder then normal to shift unless your swinging mostly maces.
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