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syren spam lists . DP mace 3lvl psyker , lord bike +bikers , 5man NM msu with syren . csm with 2 plasm . nm to csm ratio 2:1 , oblits in hvy slots 2 drakes . 2k list.


Thanx Jeske. NM champion is naked with siren only, or claw or power sword? And all footslogging, without rhinos?

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My 1500 list is below. It could use some fine tweaking (it's taking me a while to work out the right troop ratio/ overspending on Noise Marines) but it's a good starting point. It's a foot list with lots of dakka and MeQ killing template fun. The bikes are a bit of a deathstar-light though usually turbo boost up a flank turn one to take some heat off the Noise Marines who have to get into position.



Lord on Bike, MoS, Burning Brand of Skalathrax, Lightning Claw, Melta Bombs, 4+ invul.

Sorceror, MoS, Level 1 (unsure on this - it's points that could probably be spent better but giving it a try for now)



10 Noise Marines, Sonic Blasters, Blastmaster, IoE, Lightning Claw for the AC

10 Noise Marines, Sonic Blasters, Blastmaster, IoE, Lightning Claw for the AC

10 Cultists w/ Autoguns and Flamer (still working out the best fit for this, might drop the Autoguns)


Fast Attack

5 Bikers, 2 Melta Guns, IoE, VotlW, Lightning Claw for the AC

Heldrake w/ Baleflamer


Heavy Support

5 Havocs w/ 4 Autocannons

1 Oblit w/ MoN

1 Oblit w/ MoN


I understand if you'd prefer to drop the MoN from the Oblits for fluff reasons, it's too tasty for me to get rid of though. Also there is a good arguement for running the Oblits in a squad rather than seperately.

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syren spam lists . DP mace 3lvl psyker , lord bike +bikers , 5man NM msu with syren . csm with 2 plasm . nm to csm ratio 2:1 , oblits in hvy slots 2 drakes . 2k list.


Are sirens THAT good? :o


In a heavy infantry/ MEq meta they are brutal though they do change how you run Noise Marines. You probably won't be taking any other Sonic Weapons, instead it's MSU Noise Marine units in Rhinos. Of course, you're in trouble if you run into Mech Guard without sufficient ways to pop the Chimeras but then it is very very tricky to come up with a good all comers list in 6th!

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syren spam lists . DP mace 3lvl psyker , lord bike +bikers , 5man NM msu with syren . csm with 2 plasm . nm to csm ratio 2:1 , oblits in hvy slots 2 drakes . 2k list.


Are sirens THAT good? :D


depands what you class as good, but syren builds are better then trying to run salvo sonic blasters.


champions are power weapon[sword] armed , unless I play 1850 then champs naked .

Of course, you're in trouble if you run into Mech Guard without sufficient ways to pop the Chimeras but then it is very very tricky to come up with a good all comers list in 6th!

if you run in to that with a sonic based army your dead too. not much of a difference .


the build plays as if there was no 6th ed , as if flyers didnt exist.

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champions are power weapon[sword] armed , unless I play 1850 then champs naked .


Power Swords why not Lightning Claws? Same S and AP, same number of attacks, same cost but with shred!

Power Swords and bolt pistol gives +1 Attack.


Lightning Claw is a Specialist Weapon. You only get +1 attack if paired with another Specialist Weapon. So trade off between shred and +1 attack.


For Slaanesh marked CSM's (which can have BP&CCW) I would go for Power Sword.

For Noise Marines (which start with boltgun & BP) I would go for Combi-Bolter and Lightning Claw.

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champions are power weapon[sword] armed , unless I play 1850 then champs naked .


Power Swords why not Lightning Claws? Same S and AP, same number of attacks, same cost but with shred!

Power Swords and bolt pistol gives +1 Attack.



Yes I know. But I was talking about NM Champs who can't have a Bolt Pistol AND a Power Sword. The only way for them to have a Power Sword and a pistol of any kind is buying a Plasma Pistol for them (which is just... no).

So why not give them Lightning Claws instead? They are better and COST THE SAME.


Power Swords why not Lightning Claws? Same S and AP, same number of attacks, same cost but with shred!

I dont have the points to run LC.


But I thought you said that you gave your NM champs Power Swords? They have the same cost now...

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Ok, I'm back with stupid questions...


Is there a way to make Noise Marines work as "stand and shoot" army, in MEQ-heavy environment? Just to know is there any sense in gluing lots of sonic blasters and blastmasters...


I thought that while they're still ignoring cover - I could use cultists as operation human shield, so enemy will have to charge them first, and I'll have 1 more full shooting round... And maybe use terminators to deny enemy his objectives?

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Ok, I'm back with stupid questions...


Is there a way to make Noise Marines work as "stand and shoot" army, in MEQ-heavy environment? Just to know is there any sense in gluing lots of sonic blasters and blastmasters...


I thought that while they're still ignoring cover - I could use cultists as operation human shield, so enemy will have to charge them first, and I'll have 1 more full shooting round... And maybe use terminators to deny enemy his objectives?


I have seen 30 of them with rhinos as moving cover do really well.

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