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13th Black Crusade Questions


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Hi, just wondering firstly if im correct that the plan for the Black Crusades is to go one planet at a time from Cadia to Terra?


If im correct does anyone have a list of the major planets between Cadia and Terra?



Cheers for any help anyone can offer.

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I'm not really sure that the plan is to "planet hop" from the Eye to Terra one planet at a time...


Doesn't Abby now want to rip open realspace so that the Eye will slowly "bleed" towards Terra consuming the stuff that lies in between?

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I'm not really sure that the plan is to "planet hop" from the Eye to Terra one planet at a time...


Doesn't Abby now want to rip open realspace so that the Eye will slowly "bleed" towards Terra consuming the stuff that lies in between?



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I don't think that he wants to stop at every planet. But I imagine he would have to stop at some planets for logistical reasons. I mean you just don't go straight for Germany. I think the chosen of the four gods abba is smart enough to realize that I you take out terra most imperial planets will just surrender.


And then the eye of terra thing. I think that would take a lot of time. But him being in some kinda time grey area (being in the warp and all) it wouldn't be so long for him. But it would still work provided necrons or nids kill everything first.

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Since his plan is to break open Cadia and then stretch the Eye of Terror to Terra, while probably won't stop at every planet, I imagine he would probably sacrifice any planet he came across so it could become another stepping stone for the Crimson Path along with any important strategical targets.
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What's pretty funny with his new plan is that he doesn't need Cadia at all, and that, according to the codex, it seems like he could overrun it with ease. The Planet Killer removing Cadia from the face of the universe would be so awesome.

And some previous fluff makes actually more sense now, as stuff like Eye of Night and Hand of Darkness could be artefacts making the Crimson Path doable.

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What's pretty funny with his new plan is that he doesn't need Cadia at all, and that, according to the codex, it seems like he could overrun it with ease. The Planet Killer removing Cadia from the face of the universe would be so awesome.

And some previous fluff makes actually more sense now, as stuff like Eye of Night and Hand of Darkness could be artefacts making the Crimson Path doable.


That's actually something I always wondered: Do planets have any kind of defense against Exterminatus-type weapons?

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What's pretty funny with his new plan is that he doesn't need Cadia at all, and that, according to the codex, it seems like he could overrun it with ease. The Planet Killer removing Cadia from the face of the universe would be so awesome.

And some previous fluff makes actually more sense now, as stuff like Eye of Night and Hand of Darkness could be artefacts making the Crimson Path doable.


That's actually something I always wondered: Do planets have any kind of defense against Exterminatus-type weapons?

Probably kill the ships before they can do it.

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Daemon Worlds can't get an Exterminatus on their head. Because of their very nature, the Exterminatus is likely to fail and/or create something even worst.


Oh, and I checked, and the Hand of Darkness and the Eye of Night might have been used to control the Blackstone Fortresses.

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Ok thanks guys, anybody have a list or map of the major planets between Cadia and Terra as the reason i ask is that me and some old friends are all working on a painting competition were the theme is the light hearted jokey part of 40k, my idea is a squad and tank of Emperor's Children and i want to write on the door there tour dates for the 13th Black Crusdade tour.


Cheers guys.

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Most of what I know that is pre-4th Edition I have either found from copies of older material or Lexicanum(sorry but I put more faith in the Lexicanum than the Wiki because the current mods will actually remove any material that does not have a source cited, regardless of whether or not it's valid where the Wiki takes everything on word of faith alone). But IIRC, the Black Legion getting their hands on either the Hand of Darkness or the Eye of Night was in one of Ciaphas Cain novels I think. Or something was in there about him doing something about the Black Legion trying to get something. Then there is the BFG background for the Gothic War in which more than a bit is covered about the Blackstone Fortresses and then there was the Eye of Terror Campaign, which has technically been retconned but does reveal some about "past"(in the timeline) fluff. Like apparently Abaddon has the resources to build more than one Planetkiller.


Never heard about Daemon Worlds not being able to have Exterminatus performed though.

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Never heard about Daemon Worlds not being able to have Exterminatus performed though.

I would imagine they are rather like the dark sphere in fifth element, evil just makes them stronger...

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Never heard about Daemon Worlds not being able to have Exterminatus performed though.

I would imagine they are rather like the dark sphere in fifth element, evil just makes them stronger...


According to Lexicanum : The Traitor's Hand (Novel) - Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium (Omnibus) by Sandy Mitchell: Chapter Eight, pg. 595, fn. 1

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Hmm, I just might have to find that. While I put more stock in Lexicanum than wiki, as long as a source is provided and isn't discounted by anyone with a registered account, there is still room for discrepancy. Not saying its wrong, I just want to make sure.


Although that would make a sort of twisted logical sense.

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Macharia was one the way I think . then it got blown up , then GW pushed back the time line so it is technicly there .

I doubt there are any habitable planets in star systems before cadia .Cadia or to be more precise the system is the gate . Everything else is either far far away or not protected by pylons , which more or less means dead or mutated[and if that happens near your border you carpet bomb such a place].

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Atlas Infernal mentions a planet or two that the Eye has swallowed around cadia. It also mentions the 969th Cadian which fell to nurgle. Ill look it up when I get away from my phone and back to my desktop. Though I would almost ignore it. It's a rob sanders book. his books can be somewhat entertaining but I don't like his writing style much. Or some of the liberties he takes.
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Never heard about Daemon Worlds not being able to have Exterminatus performed though.


Well they have become part of the Warp and apparently warp-related thingies are indestructable most of the time. (Appart from that one daemon in Eisenhorn)

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Hmm that is true, but usually daemon worlds act as an anchor. They are somewhere material that the warp is able to come out and play. And IIRC, the burial world in Eisenhorn got blown up too. And was pretty normal. Other than having a temple built for Titans.


Also, M'Kar suffered a true death. The daemon that possessed the guy from Siege of Vraks apparently disappeared since the guy is a daemon prince, and there are a few others.

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  • 1 month later...

I have done similar research. The best I can find is Wiki has a 40k section, if you look there you can search out each of the major Segmentums and they have star charts. Hope that helped.

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What's pretty funny with his new plan is that he doesn't need Cadia at all, and that, according to the codex, it seems like he could overrun it with ease. The Planet Killer removing Cadia from the face of the universe would be so awesome.

And some previous fluff makes actually more sense now, as stuff like Eye of Night and Hand of Darkness could be artefacts making the Crimson Path doable.

That's actually something I always wondered: Do planets have any kind of defense against Exterminatus-type weapons?


Probably kill the ships before they can do it.


Yep. There's a BFG scenario centred around this concept iirc.

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