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Shading white

War Angel

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I bought a few of the new paints from citidel yesterday, and I'm wondering if I can use "drakebhof nightshade" to add some shadow to my white. Any one know or try this yet?


If not I also bought the layer color "ulthuan gray" and "white scar". If I need to, I'm thinking that I can possibly water down the gray to make a shadow, and then highlight that with the white. Any thoughts?


Thanks for the help

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White is slightly unusual in that you can shade it in several ways:


- with greys for a neutral shade

- with browns for a warmer shade

- with blues for a colder shade


These Veteran models are a great example: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...Id=prod1600058a


You can see the warmer look of the fabric, shaded with browns, compared to the colder tones of the helmets, shaded with blues.


Using the Drakenhof Nightshade wash sparingly in the recesses and shaded areas should work, but take it slowly as mistakes show up more on white than any other colour.


If the Drakenhof turns out too blue for you, try mixing it with Nuln Oil (about 50:50 should do it).

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