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chaosifying vehicles sans spikey bitz


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so i've just got a new landraider and 2 storm talons (counts as blight drones) for christmas. I've built them to mechanicum levels but now i need to chaosify them a bit.

I'm not a big fan of the spikey bitz tbh, im fine with the ones on the front but trophy racks just dont work for me (especially when i want to put it in my foam case) also i think spikes on the storm talons just wouldnt look right.

My army is nurgle based so i figure i can have some nice pustules and tentacles and what not. the army is also rat themed with a lot of skaven kitbashing so i figure can have some bitz of fur, i was just wondering if you guys had any other ideas/photos to help inspire me

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Dremel with an engraving bit does wonders:









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That's a possibility - or look at guitar strings (broken or otherwise!) - as they make great cables/tubing.


Easiest thing to do is to browse threads here and in the WIP sections to get some inspiration - plenty of stuff out there!

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I've had the same situation. I don't really like too many spikes and trophy racks. For my Purge Rhino, I used the skulls-and-chain things from the Chaos Vehicle sprue and some leftover WHFB Chaos Warrior shields for decoration.


Personally I don't like tentacles and stuff on my vehicles because I think they're actually vehicles. That's just a matter of personal preference. I find Liquid Green Stuff handy to achieve warped, corroded surface effects that break up the clean Rhino surfaces. I also did what notsoevil did, drilling and poking many small holes all over the place (although I didn't push it as far).

Oh yeah, and Subtle Discords stuff is just brilliant. Make sure you consider his kits.

Cheers, JT

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