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Poor Black legion

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Hello guys

Im a avid black legion player, i love the idea of being the best legion, the one that really has a chance of harming the imperiums.

however im hitting a major road block, my legion is the only one with so much as a novella to there name.

we have two major cameos.

1. in soul hunters where our leader is made out to be an arrogant :P.

2. in dark creed where one of our sorcerers is killed for offer help

can any one give me a story, or something to help me reach my fluff quota.


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Black Legion short story? Heck, the main story in the chaos fluff is about them! :P



...but i definitely see a lack of MiB(marines in black) books from BL, perhaps it's because they are too 'bland', being the ultramarines of chaos and all...

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Black Legion short story? Heck, the main story in the chaos fluff is about them! :P



...but i definitely see a lack of MiB(marines in black) books from BL, perhaps it's because they are too 'bland', being the ultramarines of chaos and all...


I see them as having even more personality than the Smurfs, yet the smurfs still get an omnibus.

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It's been some time, but I know there's a novella on a Black Legion guy who, century after century, hunts for the gene-descendants of an IF guy he killed during the Battle of Terra.

Don't know where you can find it, but it was decent.

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How old are those novels?


A bajillion years. (Or something.)


Really old by BL standards. I think they're POD or ebooks now, but my copies are printouts from .pdfs, sent by BL when I whined about research a while ago.

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I'm pretty pleased about having you taking care of the Warmaster Series. I've always been curious about the legions war(s) in the Eye and Abaddon's rise to power.

The Black Legion and Abaddon sure deserve some BL love.

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There's a short story in Victories of the Space Marines I believe (It's in one of the "Verb" of the Space Marines books, not the newest one "Trecheries of the Space Marines" though)


About a champion who vowed to the gods that he would kill the descendents (geneseed wise) of his Crusade era Imperial Fist buddy, and him getting tired of it all and trying to let the current one kill him.


He sees a squadmate go full on Spawn, and sees that they (the gods) won't let him die-it's either Spawndom or Daemonhood. It's kinda sad.


Edit: Already said by others.

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Actually, I'd say it's neither. They're just not letting him die until he has killed I think like 10,000 descendants of a former brother in the Imperial Fists and has built a shrine out of them. It's part of the fine print.
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There's also "Execution Hour" and "Shadow Point", which cover the Gothic War.


Those novels are things of rare beauty.

The first one in particular is pure gold.


Great, now I have to find a way to get them. :rolleyes:


EDIT: Found it.. 90€. No. Just no.

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As others have said Execution Hour is a great read.


To be honest, I wasn't thrilled about Abaddon's portrayal in Soul Hunter the first time I read it. I thought he came across as petty and arrogant. But when I reread that encounter I actually really liked the portrayal. Abaddon, who had brought his Legion back from the brink of death, who had earned the patronage of the Great Beast, and now led the biggest Legion since the days of the Great Crusade was being questioned by a remnant of a Night Lord company. I would probably have come across as arrogant too.


My Black Legion fluff is built around drive. The Legion is fueled by hate and revenge, but its all about getting to the end goal. Burning Terra and that hollow Corpse God to the ground. My personal company has kind of a fallen paladin fluff that I feel fits in well with the Black Legion's overall story. Until we get some fluff I would encourage you to make your own. Frankly aside from some overall combat strategy and some general squad names (Justaerin Terminators, Abaddon's chosen are called the Widow Makers etc...) we don't really know that much.


For your Company (or warband, echelon, maniple, cohort):


Do the Warrior Lodges still exist?

What are the squads called, how do they choose their leaders?

Do they follow Abaddon?

What is their goal?

While generally following the Spear tip tactics of the old days, how do they do it? Massed Justaerin assault, hand to hand, artillery, nasty short ranged fire fights?


Frankly, making your own fluffcan help fill the void left until the Black Library gets around to giving us some love...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah, it's Abaddon. His most famous quote calls his father a fool for having the galaxy for the taking and letting it slip from his grasp. He's the chosen champion of Chaos and, as DrDoom noted, he is the one who raised the shattered remnants of his legion from the brink of destruction to become the strongest one out there. He's going to be a bit impressed with himself.
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