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Wishlisting for next Codex

Deschenus Maximus

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My list is as follows:


Option to add in Artificer Armor for Captain’s. Along with Auxiliary Grenade launchers

bike options for honor guards.

Sang Guards with hand flamer options. plus higher WS.

terminator Sgt’s with the option for combi-weapons.

Seth with option for artificer armor

Vanguard Vets with options for AGL

Caetus Assault ram plastic model

lucius assault pods

Some type of character that would give a chapter wide perk benefit like Vulkan, or Lysander like vanilla dex has. Seems our leaders are not so inspiring to help out there fellow brethren.

Tank mounted pintle heavy flamers on LR


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I dread to think what units they will shoehorn into the BA to make a new codex worth while.


Sanguinary Guard and the Stormraven were thankfully good additions.


I would say a return to the increased initiative on the charge somehow. Be it via Priests or whatever. It is essential.


Cheaper transports because being Fast isn't THAT great in Warhammer InfantryK


Much wider list of options for the Captain. Glaive, Artificer, Relic Blade etc etc


Tacticals being able to take one special/heavy weapon for any size squad.


Cheaper Chaplains/Reclusiarchs. Make them compete with Librarians.

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Following the current trend of the latest two codices, I don't think 'number of wargear options' will be a problem. I would simply like to see a few points changes to bring the codex in line with some of the newer ones and some sort of change to make BA actually want to get into CC. As it is we are a CC focus chapter that isn't that great at combat.
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Well most of the things I want have already been listed here... But here goes: teehee.gif

*Better options for our captains and other hq's, both fluffwise and table top wise (why cant captains take glaives encarmine or AA? what gives yucky.gif )

*more balanced characters. Dante needs something that sets him off from other chapter masters. Hes the oldest and one of the most respected ones but he can only make squads not scatter and curse an enemy ermm.gif nothing that translates the fluff well to the tabletop anyway.... And why the heck is his poweraxe so lame? Its just master crafted wallbash.gif

*some better pricing on certain units. Normal DC are 20 pts, DC with jumppacks are 35 pts... why 15 pts for jumppacks? Makes no sense....

*better fluff. Some of these things are..... Just no.... (example: Oh look, necrons! We were just fighting against them and then they got flanked and had to kill their flankers instead of backstabbing us. We totally respect them now huh.png)

*a return of the VAS in some way. Seriously us having normal VV's like any other chapter is lame.... Likewise the SG are nice and all but theyre not a VAS either. Decent of angels is nice but it doesent make our VV's a VAS... it just makes them a VV that scatters less cry.gif

*unique HQ. Bring back the SHP.

Most of it is me wanting to have my chapter back though... The last codex did so many things wrong, mostly lorewise. The SM codex getting alot of things we previously only had is part of it as well. Feels like were just red ultramarines with 1 or 2 special rules duct-taped on...

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TBH our VV are WAY better than Regular C:SM VV. We have DoA on the jump packs which means they are 89% guaranteed on turn 2, with a 1/6 chance of rolling Red Thirst and the ability to get buffed by a Priest if within range anyway.


I hardly used VV in 5th and I use them often now.

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@John: I agree. BA used to be the best out of the non-GK chapters in combat because we would strike before them, therefor reducing the amount of hits we took back in combat. The FC nerf was a giant hit to our combat potential.

I dunno about that. It also made us a fairly lasting flavor of the month, because everyone was doing razorspam or bouncy BA.
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Tbh arriving sooner on the table and having a 1/6 chance of beeing better is not better in my book dry.png if theyre better they are better. A chance of beeing better is a god awfull design imho.

These are veterans for cying out loud. If they lived long enough to be one (which for a marine is several hundred years) and ALL this while fending off the red thirst then they should some sway of control over it imho. Either give it to them or give them a bigger chance of getting it....

Just having the EXACT SAME VV's as everyone else (with the exception of our 2 unique rolls and (ONLY) the sargeant beeing allowed a blade encarmine) does not make them special imho. Our VV's arrive slightly faster and might or might not strike hard when they do. They lost all the appeal that they had... IMHO offcourse. Feel free to disagree msn-wink.gif

Compared to the VAS of ye olde. VV's are nothing special...

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I think someone asked this


The Sang. High priest from 3rd was a 0-1 HQ unit priced at 75 points

ws5 bs4 s4 t4 w2 i5 a3 ld9 sv3+

rules: IC, could take honor guard

Sanguinius' chosen: BA w/i 6" reroll "to hit" the turn the charge


Could take all those upgrades... So basically anything.


Anyway, pretty much all of this has been said but:


SG should be on par with DW Knights. I say WS5, 5+ invuln, a special rule allowing ap2 once??!? Something like that. Maybe ~230 points for this


Dante should not lose I: Both new codexes have weapons that can strike at initiative and still ap2, so he should too. Also, some strategic benefit please...


Mephy should have the same. He should either a) basically be a monsterous creature (as in s6 ap2 strikes at i) or B) a w4 s5 t6 IC (or something similar)


Tac. aren't great as of now, more options/point decrease/CC weapons would make them better.


RAS: overpriced a bit, but still very solid.


Red thirst: make it useful, please... I rarely use it (i forget alot), and when I do it doesnt do anything really.


Blood Chalice: I need that i back... also, +1s is good but on its own not great.


High Priest as HQ please


Priests in general should be more survivable or cheaper. Or make chalice better. Idk...


Decrease vehicles points: fast isnt that good tbh


A couple other pricing issues


More issues on Captains: Make them good please... just, please...


Also for reclusiarch


Am I missing something? Many things? Probably. Whatever. Its a while off anyway

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Sanguinary Guard with a 5++ would be awesome actually. They hit hard enough as it is so that's not really an issue.


And they should change Dante's Errata to give him the Axe with striking at initiative and AP2. He's not THAT good tbh. He wouldn't be ridiculous with that. It's not like he has a 3++ save or Eternal Warrior. As he stands, he's just never going to be taken ahead of Mephiston or The Sanguinor.

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Some things based off some people's comments and off the top of my head:


-Sanguinary Guard are elite warriors and therefore deserve the WS 5 but the 5++ is too much.

-Some better fluff. More expansion on succesor chapters, especially the Lamenters!

-I know we have DC and SG, but some more unique BA only units. Who cares about Sternguard and Vanguard.

-A better Seth, Tycho, and Dante and maybe even another succesor chapter's HQ.

-Increasing our initiative on the charge.

-Giving us HOW even if we used our jump packs.

-Reducing some of the point costs.

-Some great looking artwork!


I am sure their is a lot more haha.

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