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Your experience with Chaos Boons

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From everything we have new in our codex I hate that table most of all. That's the single most definitive point that makes me think about this codex as "pile of poorly written rules", for following reasons:


- DP can be transformed into DP, only losing all his wargear.

- DP can be transformed into a spawn.

- 10 points with huge chance to get results absolutely useless for champions and characters bunkered in squads?

- I do not have spawn or DP models, so for me 21-22 and 65-66 means losing my lord right away.

- killing cultist champion doesn't seem like a worthy thing to get promotion from The Dark Gods.

- sounds quite stupid that my Lord is VotLW and fought for 10 000 years, and he is still pathetic worm with S4 T4 and W3, and suddenly he becomes a DP with single victory?


My personal experience with this chaos boon table ended up throwing fleet for all my squad champions and unworthy mutations for all my independent characters, so I will never pay 10pts for it again.


But it looks like I'm the only one who's complaining so hard about it. Maybe I'm just exaggerating? What is your experience with boons table?

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I thought GM makes you reroll at spawn or DP transformation?


My complain is losing a lord or sorc to spawndom, and losing wargears to daemonhood.


Also, as you also mentioned, 10 point cost. Too steep considering that D6 11-16 is nothing and there are few useless traits.


I never give GM to any of my characters.

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I have had the Daemon Prince come up once (My Lord rolled it up after he killed a Space Marine Term Sgt.) and had a Sgt. turn into a spawn after he killed another squad leader. Neither of which impacted the game too much, the Lord was basically right at the guys front lines and was within range of everything to charge the turn after, so wasnt a hugely bad thing.


I have however rolled up the D3+1 extra with Gift of Mutation twice now and both times ended up with a few handy abilities. One of those times I ended up with four killer abilities and my Lord dominated the game (killed Calgar in single combat). Got Eternal Warrior, +1 W, reroll AR Svs and Fleet, he was equipped on a bike with the Black Mace.


I find it fun and sometimes helpful, sometimes not. Rolling in the middle of the game has never really impacted it all too much IMO so it is just a fun little chart that does stuff. It isnt like you pay extra points as our generic HQs are dirt cheap. Other issues far far outweight this minor thing I think.


Mutilators, Warp Talons, Possessed, Dark Apostle. . .

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Daemon Princes don't have the Champions of Chaos rule. So they don't have to challenge, and they don't roll on the Boons table unless you buy Gift from the armory.


I like Gift on ICs and I don't mind the rolls in combat. I've had more spawn than DPs, but I generally find the table flavorful & fluffy, so I like it.


*and Ninja'd by Vesper*

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My experience with the boon table is:

Taking Gift of Mutation for Aspiring Champions and Lords, and having a "good" result come up once or twice.


I had a Warpsmith get the "Bloated" result after defeating a Plague Marine champion, which healed his lost wound and seemed fluffy. My opponent and I laughed.


...and not much else. I have had several challenges that lasted 3 turns or more, and never get resolved before the game ends, and I have had a lot of units get wiped out without the Aspiring Champion ever gettling a kill.


As a result, I no longer take Gift of Mutation, and no longer worry much about the "Champion of Chaos" rules. If a precision shot manages to trigger a Boon roll, then great, but I am no longer trying to "leverage" the table.

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DPs don't have the Champion of Chaos special rule. So they can't roll on the boon table (unless they take gift of mutation, which is trasformation-free).


True, -2 arguments from my side.


Dosen't GoM say you re-roll dark apotheosis? You can't re-roll a re-roll so if you roll 65-66 twice you're boned, right? ++EDIT: GoM says just not to apply apotheosis or spawn. Tzeentch boon spell only says re-roll apotheosis though, so you could gimp your DP with DP result using boon.++


I haven't had much luck with the table. I roll an unfortunately high number of 'no result', or eternal warrior for 1 w characters. Table has cost me the game a couple of times with transformation pulling a character out of combat in front of opponents guns and letting him pocket an easy KP he would not otherwise have been able to get.

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Bit of a mixed bag for me, I'm not a big fan of it, but I've always done relatively well with it.


My favourite one being my that my Slaaneshi AC got turned into a Spawn, but my Nurgle Lord and Nurgle AC both got made into DP's (with various other shenanigans during the game leading to these points).


I guess that it's not the end product that I dislike (due to the luck I've had), but the idea of something so random potentially determining the game that I'm really not keen on.

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DPs don't have the Champion of Chaos special rule. So they can't roll on the boon table (unless they take gift of mutation, which is trasformation-free).


True, -2 arguments from my side.


Dosen't GoM say you re-roll dark apotheosis? You can't re-roll a re-roll so if you roll 65-66 twice you're boned, right?


That's arguable I guess, yet plausible.

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My Lord got a Witch-eater after killing one of IG sargeants, I was like "yeah, whatever", then he got Mind of Metal after killing another one, I laughed a little because of his nice coincidence, but at the next turn Primaris Psyker attempted to hit Lord's squad with a lightning, I passed DtW instant-killing him, which got me Slay the Warlord point.
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From everything we have new in our codex I hate that table most of all. That's the single most definitive point that makes me think about this codex as "pile of poorly written rules", for following reasons:


But it looks like I'm the only one who's complaining so hard about it. Maybe I'm just exaggerating? What is your experience with boons table?

Typhus becoming a spawn ;( happends 3 times

rolling 1-s with GM. worst 10 points spent ever

+1 BS or +1 WS for hth or shooting characters

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All that has happened so far is that my unit champions die like flies when they challenge other unit champs. But I suppose that's the price t hey pay when they put their big boy pants on.
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My Lord turned Spawn, same with Sorc in 2 games in a row. Aspiring Champs rarely survive to get the roll. The best I got was Become a DP to be blown to bits in the next round of shooting. How much worse might a special rule for your army be?

I have never used the Gift. It's wasted points too IMO.

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I had a plague marine champion with a 2+ and re-roll failed saves in one game. Sadly he got punched in the face by a dreadnaught so it didn't help him. I think this rather sums up the rule. Occasionally you will get something cool, but the possibility of getting what you want, when you want is very rare indeed.
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On separate occasions it was beneficial, one game I earned +1 wound, forcing my opponent for an entire round to drop all his shotguns into my raptor lord allowing my troops to get in close. Another game I earned feel no pain, and kept my champion in front of my troops, cursing at the pawns of the living corpse.
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95% of my rolls come out stupid, pointless, or laughable. Last game my aspiring sorcerer killed the DA chapter master with one wound with a force sword then got turned into spawn because the robe marine's chapter master is a tool & Tzeentch was no happy ;) In the same game my Warp talon champ (whom I gave 2 boons to) got +1W and +1T respectively, then went on to beat a tooled out Daemon Prince (no black mace) in CC over 4 game turns. Hands down the coolest thing that table has done for me, but I'd still rate it as rubbish and would rather not use the damn thing or gifts.
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Yes to get the benefits of this table, the Champion and his squad must be flexible in many domains (+1F on Rweapon does nothing to a CC champion...), which leads to high costs versatile units (because you also need CC efficiency).


However when the trick pulls off, it's good.

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biker slany lord being tested. roll 64 . max out 4 boons. get 35 , 63 , 24 and 33 . +2sv EW t6 and FnP . all pre battle I remove him from the biker unit and charge him alone in to a 50man comissar+IG blob . after 2 turns of challanges . he was t7 , all attacks ID , flashbane and +bs .

I challange the last sgt on turn 4 . win . of course spawn . killed by guardsman normal A.

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You all have good stories. I've had nothing worth mentioning. Forced challenges has ruined my day multiple times, but on the occasions that I've rolled for boons, I never get anything worth writing home about. The occasional +1 BS, or EW on 1 wound models. Several 'unworthy offerings'. No spawn, no prince. The one guy I saw who did roll prince couldn't place it w/in 3 inches but more than an inch from the enemy (a solitary nurgle bike / mace lord surrounded by an ork mob), so he just died.
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I've posted about this before. A lot of these boons can be plain useless, some a very circumstantial, while others are generally helpful for everyone. However some are bad, I don't care what anyone says, and even some of the good ones can be bad in the wrong situation. The real problem is that the lesser boons are most useful to more powerful characters who are more likely to win combats and survive long enough to use the boons. However, those characters are also the most likely to suffer from bad/good rolls and become a spawn or a prince... I seriously donb't want my really expensive and in my opinion sub-par aspiring sorcerer becoming a spawn... I have enough problems already. The real issue is if a 200-300pt model becomes a spawn, and often even a DP, because he has done well in combat.


Changing it so a character keep rules and equipment that he already had when he becomes a DP would be a simple if not the most balanced fix to this table. I might accept my Aspiring sorcerers being at risk in every combat win or lose if they could become gods... Funnily enough I think aspiring sorcerers are one of the best squad level characters for excepting challenges in the game, but they are just too pricey to throw them away for nothing.

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