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Comparing Chaos Lord stats


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For some unknown to me reason I've tripped on GW website and seen the WFB Chaos Lord Stats:



4 8 3 5 5 3 7 5 9


And for some unknown to me reason I feel like screwed in 40k universe. Why does a WFB lord seem like a propper Chaos follower? Have the 10k years old Chaos marines forgot how to fight? The Gods do not favour them as they don't ride warhorses? They're not Vikings (this would actually explain why SW are so good in current dex)?

I'm pretty aware that WFB plays different that 40k but why does 40k Chaos HQ choices seem blank to their WFB counterparts (even more considering the 70% of 40k armies are MEQ)?

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Because what is "Chaos Lord" for 40k actually only "Hero" for FB. Lords in FB can tear daemon prince apart, but naked lord costs 235 points, while Hero is about 100.


And that's what I've been telling for quite a long time: I am ready to pay 200 more points just to see real Chaos Lord, who really fought for Emperor's Palace 10 000 years ago. Right now I have to create my fluff so that my lord really stays on his barge, and sends his lieutenants (count as Chaos Lord) to do the job.


PS: here is the hero: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...Id=prod1160055a

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True to that. I would be happy to do that too. Meeeh now I'm thinking about completeing my 40k CSM to look nice on the shelf and getting WFB Chaos Warriors raiding party...

Still the Aspiring Chaos Sorc from WFB would kick 40k Sorc srsly

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Because WFB has crazier stats for their Lord/Hero choices than 40k does for its HQ. That's not just limited to WoC, if you look at the other races. Characters are full-on monsters comparatively, because they regularly have to be able to deal with squads of 20 or more guys, rather than 10 or so.
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That's closer because it's not infantry model, stats are already included.


Because WFB has crazier stats for their Lord/Hero choices than 40k does for its HQ. That's not just limited to WoC, if you look at the other races. Characters are full-on monsters comparatively, because they regularly have to be able to deal with squads of 20 or more guys, rather than 10 or so.

Well, Warriors of Chaos are in strongest 3. Very few races can stand against true Chaos Lord, only Vampires, Beastmen with Doombull, and maybe Dwarfs.


True to that. I would be happy to do that too. Meeeh now I'm thinking about completeing my 40k CSM to look nice on the shelf and getting WFB Chaos Warriors raiding party...

Try ForgeWorld Horus Heresy! Primarchs are basically similar to Lords in FB. And rules feel like really balanced and fluffy, unlike official codexes.

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Fantasy HQs have more tiers than 40k hqs do these days, and also fantasy HQs progress in more stats than 40k HQs. They live on a planet soaked in magic, and as they become more famous and successful that magic reacts, making them physically stronger and tougher. Or something like that.


I do find the 40k chaos hero stats disappointing, though. Particularly since they are also saddled with the 'must challenge' rule, which isn't as much of a penalty for chaos fantasy chaos characters with their ott stats and the generably more favorable fantasy challenge rules (at least there's overkill, and combats typically take longer). Must challenge in 40k? When chaos characters aren't any more badass in melee than any other marine characters? And being in a challenge is almost entirely disadvantageous to begin with, especially when you're always giving your opponent the choice of match up? Oh, well.


Anyway, yeah, I would have preferred pricier but scarier chaos lords.

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They have Space Marine character stats, as it should be. Why would they be any better than a Chapter Master? What do you think a Space Marine has left to learn after four hundred years of constant warfare? Marks, VotLW, etc. give an edge head to head.


It's pointless comparing characters from a completely different game system. An Empire Captain would be a match for a Space Marine hero on that basis, never mind a Chaos Lord.

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They have Space Marine character stats, as it should be. Why would they be any better than a Chapter Master? What do you think a Space Marine has left to learn after four hundred years of constant warfare? Marks, VotLW, etc. give an edge head to head.


10k veterans. Best warriors around (otherwise, they would've been killed by another guy in the warband), favoured by the gods (which is huge).

Those are simple reasons why Chaos lords>chapter masters.

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After 10,000 years in the eye of terror? I'd expect them to be bigger, stronger, faster than regular marine HQs, infused with the daemonic essence of the warp. I'd expect the lesser HQs, the sorcerers, warpsmiths, and apostles to be more physically powerful as well. And I'd expect the daemonic artifacts torn from the dead claws of fallen godlings or forged in the heart of madness itself or spawned from the mad visions of heretic tech savants who know neither reason nor restraint to be at least a match for the handful technological rediscoveries that the imperium has happened across in that time, and with very few exceptions neither is the case.


I don't know. It's minor. Mostly, if they were going to saddle us with CoC, I would have liked our heroes to be a little bit scarier duelists than they are by default. Right now, it's like... meh? Maybe they have hatred, if they pay extra points for it? Eh. Whatever. So be it.

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