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You know, the funny thing is, right now you're fighting consequences, not reasons. In FB you WANT your character to go into challenge and shred enemy character to pieces, because you can and you paid for it! And here you cannot really improve fighting skills of your character. In 3.5 you could gear up your Lord up to Mephiston's level.
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I concur, then.


A single thing, eh?


Chaos Terminators would be merged with Chosen, giving Chosen the option to take TDA.


That one little thing would make me forgive everything else I don't like about the new codex.


We miss 3.5 so much.


I never have actually played the 3.5 codex, but I did pick it up from ebay just to have a look at it, and was absolutely stunned by how much better it was than the 4th edition C:CSM . I wouldn't want to go back to it, I actually like the new codex a lot, but there are definitely some things inspiring about it.


Mostly I would like to play a Terminators-as-Troops list without having to resort to a loyalist codex. I think that's something that at least Abaddon should be able to pull off for us.

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Personally for me it'd be the ability to take dedicated chaos units. i.e. plague terminators, noise marine raptors, thousand son havocs, just to add that third degree of customisation to the army.
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I never have actually played the 3.5 codex, but I did pick it up from ebay just to have a look at it, and was absolutely stunned by how much better it was than the 4th edition C:CSM . I wouldn't want to go back to it, I actually like the new codex a lot, but there are definitely some things inspiring about it.

So, what stops you from playing it? I've tried, and it worked for me as always much better than 4th. now 6th ALMOST works with dozen of homerules, I still encourage you to try play with 3.5 ed, the only thing you have to do is decide which rules should be taken from codex and which from rulebook.


And it's not that something makes it better on the table, it is the feel of the Codex. I haven't won a single battle with 3.5, but I had way more fun losing with it than winning with 4th edition.


Mostly I would like to play a Terminators-as-Troops list without having to resort to a loyalist codex. I think that's something that at least Abaddon should be able to pull off for us.

Try Horus Heresy! It allows 4 Elite slots and most of Terminators are scoring! Plus some special commander features that allow you to take Legion elite... Any way, it worth its money for last penny! Try it!

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I don't know if Abby was ever fluffed as having a ton of terminators, or using all terminator forces. I'd rather see him grant a bonus to his own personal terminator retinue (heroic intervention? Grants them all his marks while joined to them?). He's got the most bad ass terminators, not the most of them.
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nope. dex is illegal . Otherwise you may as well be runing around the yard making wush wush boom sounds.


No Jeske... If they make house rules they can change what is legal and what is not. They may not be in a position to do so. Hell even at my local GW I'm allowed to run my 13th company list from the Eye of Terror codex.



I guess technically speaking the Eye of Terror codex hasn't been replaced by an updated set of rules.

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the eye of terror codex was made illegal by GW start of 5th/end of 4th .

If I wanted to house rule stuff I would rather ignore the 5th ed dex[played AL] and take sm drop pods . Maybe give csm asp champions to option to take terminator armor . t5 fnp +sv2/+5inv pm champion with a force ax with a combi plas and boon roll .



house rules are bad , because the moment I change stuff in the rules the other guys will too and you will end up with a gazylion of different games where one guy will say ok and the other guy will say no . It will also be ultra hard for new players to understand . Ah and shop owners will hate it , because it will mean people already with armies wont buy new stuff . And shop owners arent interested to give tables to people that dont buy . It would be as if you brought your own vodka to a club .

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Otherwise you may as well be runing around the yard making wush wush boom sounds.

Pretty close to my idea of "having fun".


house rules are bad , because the moment I change stuff in the rules the other guys will too and you will end up with a gazylion of different games where one guy will say ok and the other guy will say no . It will also be ultra hard for new players to understand . Ah and shop owners will hate it , because it will mean people already with armies wont buy new stuff . And shop owners arent interested to give tables to people that dont buy . It would be as if you brought your own vodka to a club .

Ok, what if we'll rename it from "house rules" to "rules I play with that guy", in that case will you allow -Max- play with 3.5 ed?

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the eye of terror codex was made illegal by GW start of 5th/end of 4th .

If I wanted to house rule stuff I would rather ignore the 5th ed dex[played AL] and take sm drop pods . Maybe give csm asp champions to option to take terminator armor . t5 fnp +sv2/+5inv pm champion with a force ax with a combi plas and boon roll .



house rules are bad , because the moment I change stuff in the rules the other guys will too and you will end up with a gazylion of different games where one guy will say ok and the other guy will say no . It will also be ultra hard for new players to understand . Ah and shop owners will hate it , because it will mean people already with armies wont buy new stuff . And shop owners arent interested to give tables to people that dont buy . It would be as if you brought your own vodka to a club .


Well, I've taken my own alcohol to a number of restaurants and the restaurants had no problem with it. Why? They don't serve alcohol (for religious reasons), but they don't mind other people drinking it. It is all about the group Jeske. While you do bring up a number of issues with house rules, that isn't a problem in a small group of beer and pretzels gamers. As far as I'm concerned shops can go stuff themselves, shops rules matter if you play there but otherwise they don't. Hell, I even know a gaming store that doesn't sell GW products but will allow you to play GW games there is you wish for no fee. I have 96 square ft of gaming surface if I want it. I don't need a shop if I want to play.


Well Jeske I read the 6th ed rule book and I didn't see anything stating that the Eye of Terror codex is illegal; although I guess I have to use it with the modern Space Wolf codex so a lot of stuff makes no sense.

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Pretty close to my idea of "having fun".

yeah . so is eating glass for some people.


Ok, what if we'll rename it from "house rules" to "rules I play with that guy", in that case will you allow -Max- play with 3.5 ed?

name doesnt matter. to play in 6th ed , you need a 6th ed legal codex. it maybe from the 4th ed , but it has to be legal .neither the 3.5 , nor the gav dex are legal . because GW tells you to use the most recant printing of a dex and that happens to be the kelly dex.



They don't serve alcohol (for religious reasons)



Hell, I even know a gaming store that doesn't sell GW products but will allow you to play GW games there is you wish for no fee.

anecdotal evidance . try to a GW shop with a warmahordes model counts as , check what happens . Ah and to make it better bring it to one of those "every new guy brings 500pts and we play a huge apo game".

It is all about the group Jeske.

no rules=chaos . ergo RAW is played . otherwise you would spend hours with every new opponent going through all the versions of rules they play or not play. +again shop owners would hate it . they already have a mild dislike of 1+edition players and for tournaments it is a non problem . For new guys , well I remember those topics everywhere storm ravens for everyone . how did it go for people in the 5th in the end ? I dont want someone to spend his cash on stuff he wont ever use [or sucks , but that is more or less the same thing] or will use against this one opponent who lets him do it . It is a waste of cash and waste of cash means higher risk of him droping off from table top gaming .



Well Jeske I read the 6th ed rule book and I didn't see anything stating that the Eye of Terror codex is illegal; although I guess I have to use it with the modern Space Wolf codex so a lot of stuff makes no sense.

eye , craftworlds were all made illegal in teh 4th . one time made illegal they dont have to do it every edition . If your way of thinking was right codex Angels of death would be still legal too , because it was never mentioned as illegal in 4/5/6 , neither did it have a reprint.

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Also, people can decline challenges and all that jazz right? Why would someone waste a DP or some other close combat giant on your regular champ when he can probably do more damage not in the challenge, and just lock your champ up with a random dudesmen?

Or am I just way off on that one?

because if you decline a challenge you sit combat out and don't do anything with that model. so by not accepting you basically duck back into the horde of dudesmen and cower. while this can be advantageous for survival purposes, (i'm looking at you, Champion of Chaos) it doesn't help you in any other way. however, if you have multiple characters, you could have, say, YOUR aspiring champion accept, and leave your DP to pound the rest of the group to dust.

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I always planned to have a whack at updating the 3.5 codex with 5th edition rules, but never got around to it. The 6th edition set-up with USRs and the like would make a "conversion" easier, I think, but truthfully it's not something I'm much interested in anymore. The current codex is far and away better than the last, and I enjoy playing the current game with it. I might try the 3.5 codex once or twice, because I do have friends who don't mind the occasional "exhibition game", but I would rather stay current with the game and community overall, honestly. The group I play with doesn't complain about my use of the "40k Approved"-stamped Imperial Armour units, and that's enough for me.


As far as the Horus Heresy, I'm interested in the fluff and models to come out of it, but I feel that it would be a one or other scenario between HH and 40k when it came to focusing on collecting and playing, and 40k is a much more accessible game.

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Also, people can decline challenges and all that jazz right? Why would someone waste a DP or some other close combat giant on your regular champ when he can probably do more damage not in the challenge, and just lock your champ up with a random dudesmen?

Or am I just way off on that one?

because if you decline a challenge you sit combat out and don't do anything with that model. so by not accepting you basically duck back into the horde of dudesmen and cower. while this can be advantageous for survival purposes, (i'm looking at you, Champion of Chaos) it doesn't help you in any other way. however, if you have multiple characters, you could have, say, YOUR aspiring champion accept, and leave your DP to pound the rest of the group to dust.


Having Vet of the Long War allow the character to ignore (and still fight in CC) all challenges from non-HQ models. Having a 10,000 year old demi-god of war drop everything because Sgt McCannonFodder of the local PDF called him out is silly.

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Having Vet of the Long War allow the character to ignore (and still fight in CC) all challenges from non-HQ models. Having a 10,000 year old demi-god of war drop everything because Sgt McCannonFodder of the local PDF called him out is silly.


Hm, quite interesting idea. What about that: if called for a challenge by model with lower WS characteristics, count overkill up to +5 towards number of unsaved wounds when determining assault result. Yes, I know, I've stolen that from FB, but still it works great in FB.

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A single thing, eh?


Chaos Terminators would be merged with Chosen, giving Chosen the option to take TDA.


That one little thing would make me forgive everything else I don't like about the new codex.


to expand on this, give chosen the option of taking 4+ armour (in the style or function of scout armour) this would unlock the (priced) options of infiltrate, stealth etc.

-Being able to mix armour types in the squad of chosen between power, termi and "scout" but only being able to use armour specific rules if the entire unit is armoured the same (no teleporting power armour etc.)

-Cult option more expensive but more specialist than just marking a troop. ie Plague Marine Chosen over MoN Chosen.


-Anyone else find it infuriating that your warlord who has most likely built a certain specialty in a type of warfare is completly random when it comes to your traits? (this is 40k wide though) should just be costed.

-Warp talons should be anti flyer assault specialists and equipped as such.

- 0-1 choice (with restrictions) from Codex- Space Marines to represent the fact that we do steal or salvage equipment... LRCrusader.

-Bring back Lieutenents and give Lords and Lieuts. the option of being a dark apostle or war(p)smith

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