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One rule


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One thing? Allow the Key the option of re-rolling reserves until it's properly activated. At least that way it can be helpful until you can drive it into the heart of "unfortunate" loyalist scum.
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Hee. Champions of Chaos fail:


Terminator squad remnants and a Cultist squad charge into Celestine. Chaos player realises his Terminator Champion got exorcised. Cultist champion is forced to Challenge, gets cut to pieces. Terminators and Cultists both break from Lost Combat and flee. Celestine cuts down Terminators.


THIS is why the Champions of Chaos "forced challenges" rule is stupid... and I'm saying that as a primarily Sisters player with a secondary, tiny Tzeentch army.

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I have a couple things that should be changed one is mainly our land raider it should be one of the most custom vehicles. we have basically you should be able to literally build it from the ground up starting at 150pts but have no weapons with a large transport capacity etc choosing what weapons, marks or equipment which affects its transport capacity depending on what load out it has. Either that or a Land Raider Obliterator as I love the idea and desperately want it to be made a reality hell I would buy 3 of them.


Another thing is daemon weapons bear with me but I think only one or two daemon weapon would be good before people get up in arms think on this Daemon weapons are highly unique weapons one of a kind with its own daemon that affects how that weapon looks and is used.


Have probably two types lesser and greater daemon blades to represent the more powerful ones wielded by mighty chaos lords and sorcerers compared to slightly less powerful ones that a champion would have.


Say it would be roughly 15 for the leaser and 30 for greater havewith a chart where it can select certain abilities for the weapon which make it more stronger eg flesh bane, better ap etc kinda like the grey knights daemon blade except you choose it's abilities instead of rolling for them not only would it be alot cooler but would add more individuality to it as each player would create their own which suits them. Also to add more variety you can choose if it is a ranged or close combat weapon as I loved the Kai gun then have it as a double edged sword so the more powerful ones are harder to control compared to the lesser ones basically like the current daemon weapon rule slightly changed.



These are some of my ideas as I have more though it would take up too much room and some have already been said deadclaw etc

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Yeah Land raiders should be able to have Twinlinked Hades cannons in sponsons and Twin Linked Baleflamer in front turret, or a full Reaper AC.


And Deamon Weapons, why din't we have a cool Dweapon chart like the GK's have for their Inquisitors?..., how come the GK's deamon weapons are cooler then ours?...


Also a Front Armor of 13 on the Maulerfiend could have helped..., or at least a better CC & I..., and be able to take them 1-3 per HS slot...


I also wish-while its not directly related to the codex-, that FW puts their deamon engines in sync with the new Deamon engines rules; 5++ save, IWND, Deamonforge, Fear.


Or at least if you give Deamonic possesion to a vehicle, he gets 5++ save.


Also better rules for Termies, Chaos termies are the lamest of all the Termies..., you have to buy them stuff, to be a little bit not-to-bad, unlike all the other termies who allready have a whiole bunch of special rules, ad then you can buy them stuff...


i think i will check if you can use HH termi squads in 40k games...

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One thing is that I wanted a drop pod option for chaos marines. Not that I think it would improve thier effectiveness, but because I feel that it would even out the options for deployment of the rules. I don't like all of these fancy models that are dedicated to just one faction. I think GW is limiting not just how many models they will sell, but are limiting people on how they play a game. By giving more armies more options gives the game a deaper dynamic and i think they missed the oppritunity on this release by not allowing something as simple as a drop pod.
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that may sound like sarcasm, but limiting a given faction to specific traits and models will instill envy when the next faction's codex comes out and thus encourage bandwagoning, which provides for most of GW's income. The allies system was practically invented to get people hooked and make transition easier. those are financial decisions, not game design. GW doesn't care about the game.
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Allies may have been a monetary rather than game design decision, but then why no allies for nids? Pushing fliers may have been a monetary decision, but the pushing of it seems to come from half assed rules, so are you really thinking it was the result of careful plotting and planning that just looks like a lack of effort? If they carefully craft the rules to push new models, then why are fiends, warpsmiths, apostles, mutilators, and warp talons all so lackluster? Why are the fancy new raptors kit so blatantly overshadowed by the lousy old bikes kit that nobody likes and that many will turn to secondary or alternative sources for? Why are the best core troops plague marines again, and not the new cultists? Why did possessed suck so much last time around?


It's not that GW designers don't care about the game, and units aren't being made deliberately weak or overpowered to try and sell or not sell particular models. No, they care about the game. They're just not particularly good, and especially not at all consistent, when it comes to writing rules for it.


Lack of effort, lack of focus, or lack of skill. Not deliberate manipulation based on financial decisions.

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I just don't think the money people are making design decisions apart from which models are approved to get new kits and which armies are approved to get new codeces. They aren't making "make this model strong or this model weak" decisions, there's no evidence for that, and plenty evidence against it. Likewise, they aren't making "make this army suck compared to that army" decisions because, again, no evidence for, plenty against, and it would be an obviously self defeating and money losing policy. So enough with the irrational conspiracy theories.


We don't have holes in our codex because they're trying to force us to buy allies, they don't care whether we're buying CSM or Daemon or Guard units as long as we're buying. We have holes in our codex because we had the same holes in our codex last time and they just didn't get filled (apart from the lack of FA choices worth fielding).

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Can I change a couple of things? sweat.gif

Fix the wording on how Noise Marine Aspiring Champions pick equipment. At the moment they can't take a Sonic Blaster and the way they swap out their weapons is really fussy. I've got all mine modelled with Lightning Claws and Bolters because unless you take a Plasma Pistol you're not going to get the +1 attack from any of the special melee weapons anyway.

Make Thousand Suns less terrible. Same goes for Khorne Berserkers. And Forgefiends. And Defillers.

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Allies may have been a monetary rather than game design decision, but then why no allies for nids?


Because they're Tyranids. There's no reason whatsoever why anyone would ever want to ally themselves with a very dangerous, animalistic race of aliens which views everyone as prey. If GW allowed allies for Nids, that would make less sence than any piece of @#%^ they've ever written in their fluff.


The only Tyranid ally who makes sense is the Genestealer Cult, but they would require at least a WD list.

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Allies may have been a monetary rather than game design decision, but then why no allies for nids?


Because they're Tyranids. There's no reason whatsoever why anyone would ever want to ally themselves with a very dangerous, animalistic race of aliens which views everyone as prey. If GW allowed allies for Nids, that would make less sence than any piece of @#%^ they've ever written in their fluff.


The only Tyranid ally who makes sense is the Genestealer Cult, but they would require at least a WD list.


IG as genestealer cult forces or to represent humans with brain parasite thingies that control them.

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Anyway Allies rules lost interest in my eyes, when GW faqed the way CSM and Deamons interact with each other, they are Battle Brothers, but gets no better then if they where Allies of Circumstances...


Another thing; The way Dark Apotheosis works is just silly, if Abby or Khârn or even Arhiman becomes a DP, they become weaker then their mortal incarnations?...


Abby is allready better then a DP, Khârn is more dangerous, and Arhiman would loose all his powers..., way to go GW...


Named Characters and Independant Characters should conserve their rules&equipment when they transform into a DP.

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Easiest/best change to DA: let characters who don't want to change (maybe they're already stronger than a prince, maybe there's no where to put the model, etc) refuse it, or at least resist it with a successful leadership test. Abby refusing daemonic ascension is already canon, after all.


Next best change to DA (in addition to above): the prince keeps any category of item or upgrade the original model had that the prince could have taken itself; including chaos rewards (apart from steeds), chaos artifacts (note that several special character items are classed as artifacts), and psychic powers. Maybe prior boon rolls (they can take gift of mutation after all).


Final change to DA (in addition to both of the above): if the model was previously engaged in close combat, the new prince may be deployed such that it remains engaged in close combat with the same unit or units.



With all three of those changes, a Daemonic Ascension roll for your warlord might still actually be considered a positive result, rather then a surprise 'gotcha' trap.

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Can I change a couple of things? sweat.gif

Fix the wording on how Noise Marine Aspiring Champions pick equipment. At the moment they can't take a Sonic Blaster and the way they swap out their weapons is really fussy. I've got all mine modelled with Lightning Claws and Bolters because unless you take a Plasma Pistol you're not going to get the +1 attack from any of the special melee weapons anyway.

Make Thousand Suns less terrible. Same goes for Khorne Berserkers. And Forgefiends. And Defillers.

Yay, one of the things I wanted got FAQed!

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Things that they could rationally add to an FAQ


TS Change SnP to Relentless


Warpsmith, Dark Apostle - option to take bike/Jump pack, maybe also TDN armour (though you can mimic this on the Warpsmith)


Zerks, Flamer or Melta option


CoC rule: Leave as is (seriously, it's not getting faq'd so learn to live with it)


Dimensional Key: Functions as Teleport homer homer until first wound in CC then rules as stipulated.

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I don't think most things are getting fixed, and as much as I'd like to see flamers and meltas (heck, even heavy flamers & multimeltas) on berzerker squads, I don't see that happening any time soon. Of course, I didn't see the blastmaster change coming, either...


The best hope for fixes to the remaining problematic cult units are the rumors of upcoming plastic releases for them sometime in the next year or two. GW is apparently now willing to re-write the rules for a unit to coincide with a model release, even without a new codex. Hopefully, they'll get enough buzz about dissatisfaction with cult units, and take the opportunity to fix zerks and especially thousand sons when and if those rumored new models surface, lest they earn the same lukewarm reception as the 4e possessed models.

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TBH I'm happier with the codex now. I've just accepted that cult chosen/terminators isn't going to happen. I was picking holes. The only thing I think they really need to fix is TS and the key now. I don't know really what they'd do to fix zerc's, give them rampage? without a heavy re-write of their section they are going to stay the same.

I would hope for a TS SnP fix to relentless, that seems more likely (if anything). I've heard dissenters on the zerc front about the need to change them but nothing the like for TS or the key.


I guess they could give Chainaxes rending instead of AP:4... that's the only thing I could think of that would be a relatively simple fix.

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There's several things that still strike me as either bad or non-functional or lacking essential options, or just obsoleted by other better options. Key, Lucious, Apostle, Possessed, Berzerkers, Raptors, warp talons, Land Raider, helbrute's lack of access to vehicle armory, dark ascension being a punishment for HQs, mark of tzeentch on units without existing ward saves, general lack of transport options and teleport homers / other means of ensuring deep strike accuracy. Those are things I'd still like to see 'fixed'. There's also a number of, though not 'bad' or 'broken', still rather meh, boring, mediocre, or just overpriced options such as mutilators, warpsmiths, flakklaunchers, fiends & defilers, that could benefit from some spicing up, as well as a couple overpowered/underpriced options that could warrant being reigned in a bit (heldrake and bike, mostly - the bikes especially, since their underpricedness is the main problem with raptors). It would also be nice to see some non-flying anti-flier options, especially if heldrakes got reigned in at all.


I don't really expect to see any of that addressed before the next chaos codex, if then, some five to ten years from now, but thne again I didn't expect the blastermaster change at all. And even apart from that precedent, if indeed it becomes a precedent, there was some hope. The helbrute and cult marines are rumored for new plastic models sometime in the next year or two, and that could provide an opportunity for developers to reconsider their rules somewhat, especially if they actually plan on selling any new thousand sons kits after having that expensive plastic mold made. And though there's no actual rumors to speak of, FW cancelling their Dreadclaw has me hopeful that GW might be making their own, which might see an expansion to our dedicated transport options that would decidedly change the options available to us.



I'm reminded of the 3.0 chaos codex, which I found very bland and sorely disappointing on its release, but it grew on me after the introduction of cultists, daemon prince options, and cult terminators in the pages of white dwarf. Perhaps our somewhat disappointing (to some) 6e book may similarly blossom into something more.

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