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DIY: Looking for ideas - Space Wolves Theme

Brazen Crusader

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Hello. Yesterday I made a post in Amicus Aedes with the intent of getting ideas towards creating my new army (Marines of course). I specified that I'd like them to have plenty of cool gear for urban fighting and that I would like to create a more humanitarian group/chapter/band. With these criteria, we determined that Blood Angels or Space Wolves would be a fantastic base set.


I've never really entertained the idea of playing Space Wolves before, but I really do like the Nordic look. This combined with two special weapons per squad makes me happy.

Now, I move on to what I find more difficult, building a background for my army. I've been reading a few articles on this site for ideas, but I'm still not beyond requiring help.


Here are the 'models' of background I could really picture;


1] - Lost Company:

An Officer become disillusioned with the methods of the Space Wolves and takes those that are loyal to him off-world. Perhaps the Officer is a Rune Priest drawn away by a vision.


2] - A Chapter Modelled after the Space Wolves:

A chapter was founded and is either very close to the wolves, echoing their culture (not sure if that is really possible based on the way the Wolves would see this chapter), OR living on a similarly dangerous world and developing their own similar culture.


I'm not really well-versed in Space-Wolves background, more than having read the 'Comprehensive History' posts and I really want to avoid the 'A wizard (inquisitor) did it.'

Thus, I ask for your aid!




You said about SW or BA and well SW are the better choice because in the BA Codex it says about soetimes when a BA force is stationed on planets bodies are found with out and blood (Black Rage or Red Thirst) and as your guys want to be kind to humans you dont want any of your troops going mad and killing them all.
You said about SW or BA and well SW are the better choice because in the BA Codex it says about soetimes when a BA force is stationed on planets bodies are found with out and blood (Black Rage or Red Thirst) and as your guys want to be kind to humans you dont want any of your troops going mad and killing them all.


Indeed. I am all but settled on using the Space Wolves. Of course, I don't need to actually be a Successor to either chapter to use their Codex, but I've grown rather fond of the runic and fur look of the Wolves. Not too big on the hairstyles, but helmets help.

Both of your scenarios work for a SW-codex chapter, though for a company to venture out due to a rune priest's visions would probably be somewhat common, so I'd recommend something befalling them after they've left rather than using the vision for a reason to strike out.


For the latter scenario, I can't remember the chapter name (Night Wolves, Night Hounds, etc? ) but someone here in the Liber did an excellent non-SW chapter using the codex. I also think Emperor’s Immortals? did a good job too.

For the latter scenario, I can't remember the chapter name (Night Wolves, Night Hounds, etc? ) but someone here in the Liber did an excellent non-SW chapter using the codex.

This one, perhaps?



2] - A Chapter Modelled after the Space Wolves:

A chapter was founded and is either very close to the wolves, echoing their culture (not sure if that is really possible based on the way the Wolves would see this chapter), OR living on a similarly dangerous world and developing their own similar culture.


This gets my vote if you decide to make your own chapter rather than a company of the 'Wolves.

Bound to be more than bitterly one cold, unforgiving world in the Imperium, and you can tie in elements of other cultures as well as the Nordic stuff if you so desire.


An actual successor chapter of the Space Wolves is kind of a no-go*, since the wolves' only recorded successor basically sort of imploded on itself.

So, creating a successor from another chapter and giving them a Fenris-like world to shape them would probably be the easiest option, and a lot of fun into the bargain. ;)





*When I say a no-go in this case, I actually mean it's possible, but it would be a lot of hassle to make it believable.

2] - A Chapter Modelled after the Space Wolves:

A chapter was founded and is either very close to the wolves, echoing their culture (not sure if that is really possible based on the way the Wolves would see this chapter), OR living on a similarly dangerous world and developing their own similar culture.


This gets my vote if you decide to make your own chapter rather than a company of the 'Wolves.

Bound to be more than bitterly one cold, unforgiving world in the Imperium, and you can tie in elements of other cultures as well as the Nordic stuff if you so desire.


An actual successor chapter of the Space Wolves is kind of a no-go*, since the wolves' only recorded successor basically sort of imploded on itself.

So, creating a successor from another chapter and giving them a Fenris-like world to shape them would probably be the easiest option, and a lot of fun into the bargain. :tu:





*When I say a no-go in this case, I actually mean it's possible, but it would be a lot of hassle to make it believable.


In the case of creating a similar chapter, I had the idea that perhaps the chapter makes it's home on (and draws it's recruits from) a world perhaps once visited by the Space Wolves or Wolf Brothers) in times past. While the chapter was not all too much like the Wolves to begin with, as each Chapter Master was replaced over the centuries the lore and beliefs of the land are more cemented in, carried up through the ranks as the recruits (eventually) become the officers.




EDIT: Consider this thread sidelined. I'm looking at the Vanilla Codex at the moment, with intent to perhaps producing a biker list.


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