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Chaos Termintor lord load outs

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Hello fine people of Bolter and chainsword


Just starting an iron warriors force and its first outing will be with my brothers imperial guard at the forth coming battle brothers event at Warhammer world. I will be taking a helldrake a unit of marines in a rhino ( exact loadout to be confrimed) and a unit of deep striking/ foot slogging termintors. He will be covering the backfield with some guard and there big guns, whilst I go for a little counter attacking force.


But anyway.... the matter in hand. I am unsure of how to go with my terminator lord, he accompanys 5 termies who carry a mixture of power weps, a chainfist and 5 combiplasmas ( one of them isnt finished here and i am pondering the reaper auto if they are foot slogging). Points are a bit tight but I can make any of the following things fit.


Lord, Terminator armour, burning brand, lightingclaw


Lord, Terminator armour, chainfist, lightningclaw, mark of nurgle (bionics)


Lord, Terminator armour, Axe of khorne, Mark of khorne





Level 3, Terminator armour ( using biomancy or telepahy as a general buffing)



Thoughts please good people, as the speed I paint at I will only get one of these done !



Cheers in advance

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should run 6+ termis wiht 7-8 being the most optimal[which doesnt automaticly mean good by the way].


ax on a slow model is waste of points. same with the nurgle set up you posted.


If you want a lord in your termi unit it should either be something very cheap or something like a slany steed lord .

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Hail and welcome to the B+C! It's always nice to see new Chaos Marine players, especially the children of Perturabo!


You probably haven't got many responses because the subject of how to arm Chaos Terminators has been flogged in a couple of older posts. The search function (or a site-targeted search from your browser) should pull up the relevant threads.


Out of the options listed, I would be inclined to go with the Brand/LC set up. This assumes you won't be facing any serious TEQ, though. Hose enemies with the Brand, charge them with the Lightning Claw, put the guy with the chainfist in the back so your tank-puncher doesn't get shot.


You might want to head to the Army List sub-forum and post your whole list for a critique, along with your points limit. You're bound to more traffic for your thread in that fashion, and probably better ideas for your list specifically.


Another thing I recommend to new posters is to start their own thread in the WIP sub-forum. I find it's a good way to stay motivated, and also you tend to get comments and critiques from members from all parts of the forum.


Again, welcome to the B+C, and good luck with your game against the wretched human slaves of the Corpse God!

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Ah cheers, perhaps I should have said Terminator lord load outs in the topic title. I have had a quick look at the terminator thread and indeed it looked usefull. I will get some WIP shots up in a thread soon hopefully ! I have to say i am leaning towards the burning brand lord, or even keeping it cheap with a perhaps a lv2 termie sorcerer and using the points for another body ( so there are 7 of them in total)



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