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The Sanguinor Thread


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Why does everyone hate the Sanguinor? He's one of my favorite characters fluff wise, but I don't use him in games.
He's a bit of a fish-nor-fowl in my opinion. While I like him, he smells a bit like the Avatar or a Greater Daemon. Specifically, the way he buffs a Vet Sarge is very similar to the way a Greater Daemon would buff its Daemonhost in a 3.5- era Chaos army.


Which, I might add, was freaking awesome in tournaments. People didn't always catch on (or even ask) to why I'd swapped out one of the champions with a different figure before the game (which was legal and encouraged- I used a converted Emperor's Champion). And then he'd transform and all hell would break loose.


Anyway, I don't see any issues with the Sanguinor working like a small Greater Daemon. Of course, GW being GW we don't know the whole truth. It took Andy Chambers something like five years to finally admit that Ahra the Father of Scorpions had gone off to found the Incubi. For all we know, the Sanguinor could be an advanced robot, or what happened when someone cast the Invocation of Nehek on Sanguinius' dead remains, or maybe just a guy in a gold suit with a Relic Blade. I like the idea of the Emperor having his own personal Daemons, so that's the version I'm going with.


I'd also hope that people who plan on using him, are going to put the effort into converting a "daemonhost" to replace the vet sergeant he buffs with.

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Honestly, I had not thought about the idea of modeling the Sanguinor's buff, but I think I'm certainly going to do it now that you've suggested it.


Also, it just occurred to me that the buffed-up Sergeant could be particularly useful in 6th with the Challenge system. I'm not suggesting it would be a win-machine, of course, but it could give a surprise advantage....

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