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tank shock


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On PG 85 main rule book. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. In the example fire dragons passed moral check so the stand aside or die but can death or glory tank? It failed so tank continues on to tank shock eldar guardians they fail moral check so they can run and live? Is this the correct way it works? Sorry never tried it before would like to understand before I try it in game.
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If you don't stop the tank from moving from Death or Glory it keeps moving. If that move brings it into contact with another enemy unit you resolve the effects against that unit (morale test for infantry, hit for tanks).


So the example does indeed do it right.

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If the fire dragons pass a moral check a single model can elect a death or glory upon the tank. Failing said moral check causes the unit to run away, and they cannot declare a death or glory attack. The tank if it is still mobile continues to tank shock the unit behind if it has enough move to bring it into contact with the unit, it can move through as many units as it has movement to reach.
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Not if they run away.


Cast aside all those thoughts, we play by the rules of the game. At most the tank can only kill one model per unit when tank shocking. May not seem realistic, but units moving out of the way is, and it stops it from being broken.

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But I thought a tank could plow over units and kill some hordes


The unit unit that can do this is ork battlewagons, if you like the idea of mashing infantry with steel treads, then invest in a tria or ork battle wagons with deff rollas, this is what orks do best!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I thought that if the unit in question cannot place a model because of terrain or other limitations on space then the models that couldn't make it out of the way are destroyed? Any model that cannot be placed aside or so that it maintains coherency goes splat under the treads no? I once boxed in a MC with a wrecked tank, the board edge, another tank and then rammed it off the board with a vindie. It had nowhere to go so it had to death or glory... bye bye birdy...
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