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Chaos Terminator army


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Just wondering if a Chaos Terminator army is viable to play with.


Minimum number of troops (cultists offcourse, maybe with aegis line to have something for aa), and counting obliterators as Terminators as well.


You would have to be careful that your cultists aren't wiped out, what size units are you thinking? are you thinking of taking anything else besides terminators and oblits?

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Maxing out 2+ armour can be quite good but it propably is not the most optimal way to play the new dex.


But I want to warn you: From my experience I have to say that playing with or against pure terminator armies is not much fun for either side.

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But I want to warn you: From my experience I have to say that playing with or against pure terminator armies is not much fun for either side.

as a player who goes up against deathwing fairly regularly, truer words have never been spoken. it's manageable, and i roll a lot of plasma and heavy weapons, but it's just like "ugh, more av2 stuff with assault cannons/thunderhammers/whatever." especially deathwing cos they're like HI GUYS TURN ONE DEEPSTRIKE NO SCATTER, EAT IT.

i hate guard and their stupid overabundance of pie plates, but i do enjoy fighting them much more than all terminator armies. also, in my experience, the only time i roll 1's on armour saves is when i'm rolling terminators. i fail plenty of av3 saves on 2's, but 1's only show up when i need a 2+ and that makes me sad ;)


i would agree tho, that it's perfectly viable, at least on paper. lots of cultists to meet the troop requirement and keep points low, TDA kitted lords, up to 3 groups of 10 terminators with all sorts of scary stuff. i can see it being done, and being kinda brutal.

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I don't think that Chaos Terminator army would work because of:


-lack of Storm Shields,

-lack of built-in Fearlesness or ATSKNF

-lack of long range weapons

-lack of dedicated transports (Chaos Land Raiders don't exist)

-CSM Termies aren't scoring.

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I don't think that Chaos Terminator army would work because of:


-lack of built-in Fearlesness or ATSKNF

-lack of long range weapons

-CSM Termies aren't scoring.


-Icon of Vengeance nad or Lord attached, fearless not having negativ effets anymore in cc makes it equal to atsknf.

-42" is enough range actually, you dont need super long range.

-Not scoring, but they can deny.

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fearless not having negativ effets anymore in cc makes it equal to atsknf.

cant go to the ground . And can fearless units run from stuff they cant hurt [i actualy dont remember that]. icons can be sniped specialy in melee and you can have max 2 lord in a normal army .


being not scoring where there are terminator armies that can score is a big debuff.

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I don't think that Chaos Terminator army would work because of:


-lack of Storm Shields,


If you really want to you can get a 4++ with Tzeentch but while the lack of a 3++ is obviously annoying it is not a deal breaker for me.

Most of my terminators die to massed small arms fire anyway.


-lack of built-in Fearlesness or ATSKNF


Also true and we need to work around this. But we can still make it work.


-lack of long range weapons

-lack of dedicated transports (Chaos Land Raiders don't exist)


But we do get massed combi-weapons on our terminators which is good.


-CSM Termies aren't scoring.


This is the real pickle here but against most opponents 18+ terminators & 9 obliterators will afford you a tremendous amount of board control which should allow you to keep some of your scoring options alive.

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icons can be sniped specialy in melee and you can have max 2 lord in a normal army .

Since you can only run 3 squads and have 2 lords, only 1 unit needs to bother worrying about "Fearless".


You can't fall back due to "our weapons are useless" if you are fearless, but terminators should NEVER have this problem.


I'd imagine best case scenario, you end up tarpitted for most of the game with this kind of setup most especially since zombies and terminators both can't sweeping advance, so you'd have to either face the regroup or dedicate a unit to chasing the retreating squad which may or may not work as zombies can't run. Everything just seems so painfully slow to me that you'd really have to balance things out with some faster units.. at least a few. Also, I'm assuming it'd be pretty heavy on deepstrike, which is frustrating these days for us.

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-42" is enough range actually, you dont need super long range.


Sorry but what are you talking about? The only weapon that has 42" range (movement + 36") is Reaper AC and it sucks. Was that a typo and you meant 24"? While 24" isn't bad, I would still prefer to have some long range weapons, especially if my opponent is going to have a good ammount of them.


I've mentioned a lot of reasons why I think Chaos TDA army wouldn't work, but my nr 1 reason would be lack of scoring Termies. Lacking scoring units while your opponent doesn't can really handicap you. And the more you invest in troops the less points you have for Terminators.


But, if I had a gun pointed to my head and someone ordered me to make a Chaos Terminator list, I would do something like this:


Huron 160


10 Chaos Terminators, MoT, VotLW, Combiplasma, Power Axes 442

10 Chaos Terminators, MoT, VotLW, Combiplasma, Power Axes 442

10 Chaos Terminators, MoT, VotLW, Combiplasma, Power Axes 442


10 CSM, VotLW, 2x Plasmagun 180

10 CSM, VotLW, 2x Plasmagun 180


Total: 1846 points


Huron is a must, I really mean it. Don't even THINK about not having him. Having Infiltration in a foot army generally really helps, and especially here because it makes up for Terminators' lack of mobility. Plus, having even 10 Combiplasma Terminators knocking on your door is a pain in the !@#. Alternatively, dump 1 Terminator from each unit and add a unit of cultists. (and because 9 is Tzeentch's sacred number troloollololol) That's it, GLHF.

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Maybe infiltrate with Huron or Ahriman? Full squads of combi-plas infiltrating is something loyalist termies don't do.


I don't recommend deep striking them. I know a guy who runs Abby w/ max squad of slaaneshi FNP mace terminators, two Heavy flamers, no plas, and somehow does well with them, based mostly from what I can tell on godly deep strike and saving throw rolls.


I, on the other hand, can't deep strike within 12" of any speck of impassible terrain or within 13" of even a single enemy model without mishapping and losing the whole unit. My luck is such that lack of homers just kills the whole tactic.


Your luck would probably be somewhere in between if you tried to deep strike them. Infiltration, however, is much safer. Or Storm Eagle, maybe.



Huron 160


10 Chaos Terminators, MoT, VotLW, Combiplasma, Power Axes 442

10 Chaos Terminators, MoT, VotLW, Combiplasma, Power Axes 442

10 Chaos Terminators, MoT, VotLW, Combiplasma, Power Axes 442


10 CSM, VotLW, 2x Plasmagun 180

10 CSM, VotLW, 2x Plasmagun 180


Total: 1846 points


Yeah, something like that. Maybe drop some terminators, change Huron for Ahriman, mix up the power weapons some? Maybe exchange some terminators for some MoN Oblits?

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